God-level card system

Chapter 433 Ambushed

Chapter 433 Ambushed

With a sneer, Yun Yi slowly closed the window again, trying to trap him, let's see who gets caught first.

With a flash of his figure, Yun Yi disappeared silently, as fast as if he had never existed in this space.

But an extremely small invisible small hall in the void is heading towards the Red Tiger Hall at a fast speed.

On the Lingka Continent, no one dared to provoke him, and he didn't need to hide his whereabouts. When he arrived in the northern border, he wanted to sneak into the Red Tiger Palace, so he used the invisibility function of the Cloud Thorn Palace.

Invisibility shrinks infinitely, as long as he doesn't meet the strongest god master in the northern realm, he can sneak in quietly anywhere.

The speed of Yunjing Hall was very fast, and he arrived at the Red Tiger Hall in a short while.

On the surface, everything in the Red Tiger Palace was normal. In the middle of the night, warriors were either resting or meditating. The entire Red Tiger Palace was as quiet as if they had fallen asleep.

But Yun Yi drove the Yunjing Palace into the main entrance, felt around, and immediately felt the aura of dozens of saint emperors. It's like they don't exist.

"What a great handwriting! Are all the saint emperors of the entire state city here?" Yun Yi touched his chin with interest, "If all these saint emperors fall, I don't know if that tigress' heart will drop. Blood."

Yun Yi doesn't want to pay attention to these people now, he continues to fly inward, intending to find Lei Li, rescue him, and then toss this state city properly.

Prompting the Yunjing Palace, he searched all the places, all the corners where people can be detained, but Yun Yi did not find any information related to Lei Li, even if he searched for the information leaked by some waiters chatting, he still found nothing .

This made Yun Yi very annoyed, "Damn tigress!"

Yun Yi gritted his teeth resentfully, since it is impossible to save people silently, he can only be subdued.

Turning to a remote and dark corner, seeing a warrior at the Saint Emperor Realm acting alone, the corner of Yun Yi's lips curled up, "Acting alone, that's you!"

Speaking of which, Yun Yi silently came to the back of this warrior of the Saint Emperor realm, stepped on his foot, and slipped out instantly, the sharp dagger glowing purple pierced straight into the warrior's dantian.

The man only felt the wind blowing behind him, and before he could react, he felt his dantian cool down.

The blade of Yun Yi's dagger was as long as a forearm, and it was made sharp and thick, almost equivalent to a small machete, and he also specially engraved the card pattern of freezing cultivation base on it. The martial artist in the lower realm didn't even make a sound, so he lost his breath.

Yun Yi moved very quickly, as soon as the warrior was exhausted, he threw the man into the space ring, and returned to the Yunjing Hall in a hurry.

Almost as soon as his front foot stepped into the Yunjing Palace, two powerful perceptions on his back feet swept over, and when he found these two soul powers, Yun Yi couldn't help raising his eyebrows to perceive them carefully.

One soul power is the Lord of the Red Tiger State, and the other one is also a strong man in the Emperor Realm.

If it wasn't for this attack, he still wouldn't be able to attract him. I didn't expect Governor Honghu to find an emperor-level warrior to help out in the ambush. He really thinks highly of him.

In between breaths, Governor Honghu and Li Yang rushed out, stood where Yun Yi had just started, frowning, "Where are people!"

"Why did you suddenly disappear?"

If it weren't for the few drops of fresh blood on the ground, they all wondered if their perception was wrong.

Governor Honghu looked a little unhappy, "The defense is so tight, how did he get in!"

"Everyone, be careful!"

Almost as soon as Governor Honghu finished speaking, there was a sudden scream in the hall, but the scream stopped abruptly, as if it was cut off by someone.

"Damn it!" Honghuzhou City and Li Yang arrived at the accident site as quickly as lightning, but it was still the same as before, except for a few drops of blood, there was no trace of anyone's existence.

"How on earth did he come here!" Li Yang glanced around. From the outside, there were at least five Saint Emperor Realm peaks ambushing here. Even the Emperor Realm fighters could not enter quietly.

"Damn it! Let him run away again!" While being furious, Governor Honghu couldn't help but feel a chill on his back. The two people who just disappeared suddenly, one is a five-star Saint Emperor Realm, and the other is a seven-star Saint Emperor Realm. Under the heavy blockade, he was killed by someone without a sound, which is really frightening.

Li Yang also realized that Yun Yi was a bit difficult to deal with, "Did he practice some kind of hidden technique?"

"Impossible, his own strength is at the Saint Emperor level, even if he uses such a technique, he still cannot escape our soul lock."

"Bastard! How dare you play tricks under Li Yang's nose, search! Search every corner here, and find this guy for me!"

The warriors who heard the order did not hide anymore. They formed a team of three or five, and the palace was full of people looking for someone. The atmosphere was so tense that it was suffocating.

Compared with the tense atmosphere outside, Yun Yi was very relaxed. At this time, the Yunjing Temple, which was as small as a speck of dust, was three feet above Li Yang and the other, but because of the invisibility effect, they couldn't find it even if they wanted to die.

Hearing Li Yang's claim, Yun Yi couldn't help raising his eyebrows, the surname is Li, it sounds familiar, and looking at Li Yang's green hair, Yun Yi guessed his identity more than half, it seems that Governor Honghu was not invited He is not a helper, but he came here for him.

However, with the Yunjing Hall present, Yun Yi was not afraid of him. He turned his head and fixed his eyes on the corpses of the two lifeless spirit beasts, and performed the blood refinement formula.

The original blood refined by Yuan Ling's mental method is different from the half-baked method of Governor Red Tiger. To make a simple analogy, a saint-level warrior can compress more than ten tons of gold ore to form a drop of spiritual marrow, but a saint-level warrior can't. Similarly, they can use five tons of gold to compress a drop of spiritual marrow. The reason for this huge difference is that warriors in the Saint Emperor realm have a higher purification ability than saints.

With the experience of the warrior's ruins, Yun Yi quickly refined the original blood of the two tigers.

The original blood carried all the memory and inherited memory of the spirit beast, so Yun Yi easily found the information about Lei Li, seeing this, Yun Yi couldn't help frowning.

The memories of both of them showed that Lei Li was no longer in the Red Tiger Hall. After he was captured in the Red Tiger Hall, he was kidnapped by a very terrifying strong man within a few days.

"An extremely terrifying strong man." Yun Yi was a little puzzled, they were all under the emperor's strong man, and the extremely terrifying strong man they said should be a god king, but they didn't know who it was and what they wanted to do by robbing Lei Li.

"It seems that we can only wait for the tigress to be refined and search from her memory."

Now that Lei Li is not here, Yun Yi has nothing to worry about. After being held back by the people of Honghu State for so long, he has long wanted to kill.

With a wave of his hand, dozens of the same sharp daggers appeared in front of Yun Yi. This is a habit he formed in the past. Even if there is something extremely powerful like a spirit card, he still likes to prepare some cold weapons. The dagger is endowed with two card patterns of freezing repair and ignoring all defenses of warriors below the emperor level, and the attack power is very powerful

Separated his soul power to control the two daggers, and quietly drove Yun Jingdian close to groups of warriors, Yun Yi's eyes were reddish, filled with biting killing intent.

After a few rounds of inspections to no avail, the tense minds of the warriors of the Red Tiger Palace gradually relaxed. After all, it is impossible for a person to maintain a high degree of concentration all the time.

But when everyone gradually began to relax, suddenly, there was a strange sound of sharp blades cutting through the air again from a corner of the wall.

The martial artist who was locked by that voice seemed to hear the sound of the end of life, and subconsciously wanted to escape, but before he could take a step, a sharp and cold dagger pierced into his dantian.

Boom!When everyone arrived, they only saw the corpse hit the ground, and the dull sound of the body hitting the ground made people's hearts sink.

"Presumptuous!" Seeing this, the first two warriors at the Holy Emperor's realm twisted their noses. The majestic warriors at the Holy Emperor's realm fought against others, and were killed by others repeatedly, but even the murderer I didn't even see the shadow of him, and I couldn't make people laugh out loud when I said it.

Without hesitation, the two warriors at the Saint Emperor level teamed up to release a spiritual attack, blasting directly at that area, and blasting the corpse into a blood mist.

"See if you haven't come out yet!" The two warriors at the Saint Emperor level all had hideous expressions on their faces, staring at that direction, not letting go of any clues.

But just as they searched that direction carefully, there was another shrill scream from a corner of the palace far away, "Ah!"

The person hiding in nothingness is like a ghost, constantly harvesting the fresh lives.

This is not an ordinary warrior, this is a master of the Saint Emperor Realm who is only one line away from the Emperor Realm!Every time he saw those subordinates who fell to the ground with a clang and hadn't even completely died when she arrived, Governor Honghu felt that he was going crazy!

After an unknown number of times, Governor Honghu broke out, "Yun Yi! You have the ability to come out! Let's fight face to face, sneaking around, you are still not a man!"

Governor Honghu had just finished yelling, and wild laughter rang out from every corner of the palace, "Hahaha! Am I a man, do you want to try? I am a warrior of the Saint Emperor realm, and you are a warrior of the Emperor realm. Tell me to come out and fight you face to face, Governor Honghu, you are the real man!"

Governor Honghu almost had her nose blocked. She gritted her teeth for a long time, not knowing how to reply.

Obviously she organized an ambush to kill Yun Yi, but now things are completely reversed, the other party stalks them like a dog, killing them one by one, this is not an ambush at all, it is completely ambushed!

It took a long time for Governor Honghu to swallow his mouthful of old blood, "Hmph, do you think I will have nothing to do with you if you don't come out!"

Speaking of which, the head of Honghu Prefecture yelled, "Gather them all to me, and don't act privately!"

Hearing this, a group of warriors who were worried and feared that their heads would be lost at any time came over like a tide, and the white light on their bodies gathered together, illuminating the surrounding area as bright as day.

(End of this chapter)

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