Chapter 459
"Yi Bai, what is this? It's amazing, it's a miracle." Shui Linglong opened her eyes wide and asked in amazement.

Yun Yi shook his head, "It's not a great miracle, you just think that the space ring has been magnified hundreds of times, and then it can hold life." After explaining casually, he laughed, "The Palace of Clouds and Thorns When you can’t watch it in the future, come on, let’s divide things up first and then talk about it.”

Shui Linglong and the others were used to being shocked by Yun Yi's monstrousness. It is not surprising that a person who can even make a fifth-order spirit card at will will do anything.

Hearing what Yun Yi said, they immediately sat around cross-legged and distributed the spoils.

The ambushes outside Kowloon City were basically human fighters, only Zhao Yan was a transformed spirit beast, and he blew himself up at the last moment. Dan and a bunch of space rings.

Yun Yi flipped through these space rings and found that there were only some spirit marrow and low-level spirit cards. He curled his lips, leaving the ginseng and inner alchemy, and threw the rest to Shui Linglong.

"Yi Bai, you contributed the most in this battle, and you can get [-]% of the spirit." Shui Linglong handed Zhao Yan's ring to Yun Yi as she spoke.

Zhao Yan came to the Nine Dragons Auction and brought a total of [-] million spirit beasts, [-]% is not a small amount.

"No need." Yun Yi waved his hand, "You still don't know me? Spiritual marrow is not necessary for me, but the maintenance of such a large power as your Shui family needs the most spiritual marrow. Take it!"

Shui Linglong squeezed the space ring, but finally accepted it without saying anything.

She is the second young lady of the Shui family, the sister of the head of the family, and the spiritual essence she carries is only comparable to that of a governor of an ordinary state. From this, one can see how difficult the life of the Shui family is. For the soul, the perennial suppression of the Wang and Zhao families made it even worse.

Shui Linglong knew that Yun Yi was not the kind of hypocritical person, she didn't say anything that would upset him, she just swore in her heart that even if she gave her life for Yun Yi, she would be willing.

"Yi Bai, I'm quite surprised. Although this ginseng is good, it can only increase the strength of the spirit beast by a few stars. Your spirit beast's bloodline level is so high, and the strength of a few stars can be improved after just a few years of cultivation. Why? Will you set up a trap specially to get this thing out of Wang Qiulian's hands?"

"If it's just ginseng, it's true that it doesn't need to spend so much trouble, but if it is combined with another herb, it can improve the cultivation level of the spirit beast by one level. This is its preciousness."

While speaking, Yun Yi flipped his right hand, and a purple flower with seven petals folded like a summer lotus appeared in his hand.

As soon as this object came out, the three of Shui Linglong immediately exclaimed, "My God! Zijinlian!"

"You can put these two things together!"

You must know that Yanshen is only available at such grand events as the Nine Dragons Auction, and Zijinlian is a treasure that is difficult to get even at the Nine Dragons Auction.

Shui Linglong suddenly said, "No wonder, with Zijinlian, the value of ginseng is completely different." This is a spiritual treasure that can advance spirit beasts to a higher level.

Xiaojiu was equally excited as Shui Linglong and the others. As soon as Zijinlian came out, it slid forward along Yunyi's arm, trying to swallow two spirit treasures. Space ring, "Not at this time."

Xiaojiu waved her head and hovered around Yunyi's empty hands, and called out anxiously through sound transmission, "Dad, sister Yeyou is a thunder unicorn, and any heaven and earth spirit treasure is useless to her, you can eat it for me!"

Poked Xiao Jiuyuan's little head, "Of course I know that there is no treasure for her, but if you eat ginseng and purple lotus now, you will fall asleep immediately. We have such a big scene outside Kowloon City , the Shui family must be in trouble, you are asleep, who will help me fight?"

And Yun Yi also thought of another point. Logically speaking, after so many times of his advancement, Xiao Jiu should have grown up, but he has been stagnant in the maturity stage. Xiao Jiu is a realm king-level spirit beast, belonging to The world is different, adulthood will definitely attract thunder calamity, every time Yun Yi thinks of this, he is very worried.

Seeing Xiaojiu who was still aggrieved, Shui Linglong raised her hand and condensed it into a small crystal ice ball, "Little guy, please wait for a while. When I get back to the family, I will make you some barbecue. OK?"

Glancing at her master, she realized that she couldn't get any elixir now, so Xiao Jiu could only climb onto Shui Linglong's hands, twirling the ice puck, and playing with the ice puck aggrievedly.

"The situation of the Battle of Kowloon City will soon be reported to the Shui Family, your brother will definitely be happy for you." Yun Yi said cheerfully to Shui Linglong.

"My brother is naturally happy when my strength improves, but I'm afraid he's more worried.

The three original families of Nine Dragons stand together, and they cannot annex the other two, so what they pursue is a way of balance, but now that we have two different species, the strength of the Shui family has increased sharply, and there is an absolute threat to the two families of Wang and Zhao. Action, intercepting our return to the Shui family cannot be achieved, they will directly attack the Shui family! "

There used to be many powerful forces in Jiulongyuan, but they all rose rapidly and then disappeared quickly, like a flash in the pan. The reason for this situation is that the geographical location of Jiulongyuan is too important, and too much wealth flows through it. All the powerful people are staring at this piece of fat, but anyone who stands out will be quickly suppressed.

Yun Yi frowned, "Nowadays, powerhouses from all directions are gathered in Nine Dragons, if Wang and Zhao's two families recruit some masters, then your family will be in danger."

"Exactly, our Shui family, apart from me and my elder brother, now only have two emperors. If the two families of Wang and Zhao join forces, it will be very difficult for us to win." Thinking of the crisis that her family might face, Shui Linglong was very worried.

Hearing the discussion between Yunyi and Yunyi, Qingxiao and Qingyu also stepped forward, "Your Excellency Yibai, please urge Yunjing Palace to hurry up, if Wang and Zhao's family doesn't move, it will definitely be full of troubles." Come out, and destroy our Shui family as a whole."

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Yun Yi didn't delay, he quickly moved the Yunjing Hall, while comforting the three of them, "Don't be too anxious, Patriarch Shui Yuanchen ranks higher in the land list than Patriarchs of Wang and Zhao. , even if they want to send troops, they would have hesitated before, and they will not move so fast."

Yun Yi's expectation was right, the Wang and Zhao families were indeed hesitant about whether to attack the Shui family. According to normal circumstances, they would not send troops quickly, but because of the arrival of one person, Wang Ziheng from the Wang family and Zhao Tianming from the Zhao family quickly made a move. A decision was made to call on all the original families of Jiulong to unite and form an alliance.

Soldiers make water!

Nine Dragons, Divine Dragon City!
This is the most prosperous big city above Kowloon, excluding Kowloon City.

This place is where the three major forces of the Wang family, the Zhao family, and the Shui family meet, and the flow of people is also very large.

Going southwest from outside Shenlong City is the Wang family, the southeast is the Zhao family, and the north is the Shui family. Further north of the Shui family is the Jiulong mountain range, and the Qingxue area is on the Jiulong mountain range.

No matter which one of the three major forces can absolutely occupy Shenlong City, after a hundred years of fighting, Shenlong City has maintained a short period of peace. Warriors from the three forces, as well as some small local forces, all gather here, trade exchanges, News exchange, because it is in the center of the three major forces, to some extent, the news here is easier to inquire about than in Kowloon City.

However, contrary to the safety of Kowloon City, the entire Shenlong City is full of bloody fights. People here burn, kill and plunder all kinds of crimes, which is the concentration of the original chaos of Kowloon.

Just after nightfall, Huiling Restaurant is full of jubilation and hustle and bustle.

As the largest restaurant in Dragon City, Hui Ling Restaurant has a full [-] floors. You can see this gigantic super building from far outside Kowloon City.

A restaurant with such a large flow of people has naturally become a gathering place for news from all directions. The seventeenth floor of Huiling Restaurant only accepts those who are above the Saint Emperor Realm.

The top floor of Huiling Restaurant is full of people at this time, but because they are all warriors in the Saint Emperor realm, they hold their own identities, and their speech and behavior are not polite, at least not rude, so although there are many people, they are not noisy.

"So many strong men seem to be going in the direction of the Shui family." Beside the window, a woman with a gentle temperament looked at the wood-colored and white streamers passing by outside from time to time, with some surprise in her blue eyes.

The view from the top floor is excellent, and it is clear that many strong men are heading north at a high speed.

As soon as this woman took her seat, she attracted the attention of countless strong men. In the northern realm where the ratio of men to women was disparate, both female warriors and transformed spirit beasts were very popular.

The jasper dragon horns on the woman's forehead are obviously dragon spirit beasts. The dragon spirit beasts are either powerful in combat or have top healing abilities. No matter which one is, they are highly respected by the strong, so the spirit beasts around them have long been itchy. Hearing the woman's suspicious words, a broad-shouldered warrior immediately stepped forward to talk.

"That's right. The Wang and Zhao families have invited warriors to send troops to the Shui family. The warriors will naturally go to the Shui family. Even if they don't participate in the war, they still have to watch the excitement. This beautiful lady, do you want to go too?"

The man's courteous words hadn't finished yet, when a man in green robe suddenly appeared next to him, standing beside the woman with blue eyes, "We are indeed going to Shui's house."

"Ah?" The warrior was taken aback for a moment, and then he nodded his head a few times, "Is that so." After saying that, he planned to retreat. It would be a very embarrassing thing to tease a woman who has an owner.

It's boring, the man with the broad shoulders and the round waist is about to leave, who knows that the man in the green robe smiled calmly, "Your Excellency, we have just arrived in Jiulongyuan, and we heard that something important happened in the Shui family, so we want to go and see the excitement. But I really don’t know much about the situation, would you like to tell me?”

The warrior who was stopped took a closer look, and found that the speaker had a calm face, but his whole body had an aura of calmness and prestige, as if he had been in a superior position for a long time, and he seemed to be integrated into the nature of the world. When he looked at him, no one would have the idea of ​​rejection .

The martial artist scratched his head, a little honest, "Actually, this matter has been spread around."

(End of this chapter)

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