Chapter 52 Fighting

"The wave of spirit beasts is coming soon, and that kid hasn't shown up yet?"

Han Yuan sat on the bed, looked at his father Han Chong who was sitting by the bed, and asked with a cold face.

"I personally led someone to guard the gate of the city for a few days, and I haven't seen that kid until now. Moreover, that bitch Chu Qing is also waiting for him, saying that it is to repay the kid for treating him in the Yunlan Forest. She is kind to the Cangyue Mercenary Group." Han Chong frowned his two rough eyebrows and said.

"Grace? That kid helped the Cangyue Mercenary Group slander me, and it turned out to be a kindness to the Cangyue Mercenary Group! I lost more than 20 members of the Aoki Mercenary Group. Hehe, what a great kindness! "

Hearing Han Chong's words, Han Yuan gritted his teeth fiercely, and said with a grim expression.

Obviously, Han Yuan, who didn't know that the Cangyue Mercenary Group encountered a group of stone-eating rats before reaching the stone wall, directly interpreted Yun Yi's kindness to the Cangyue Mercenary Group as Yun Yi helping the Cangyue Mercenary Group. Own.

"Are you sure that kid's strength is not high? Zhao Lang brought more than 20 core members into the Misty Cloud Forest, but he hasn't come back yet! Could it be..."

Hearing Han Yuan talk about what happened in the Yunlan Forest, Han Chong's brows frowned suddenly. For some reason, he always had a bad premonition in his heart.

"How is it possible? That kid is only sixteen or seventeen years old. Even if he has good talent, his cultivation cannot reach the Xuantian Realm!"

Han Yuan shook his head when he heard the words, and said a little funny.

"I hope nothing happens."

Han Chong also felt that he was really worrying too much. Hearing what Han Yuan said, he sighed lightly and said.

"Father, you don't have to worry too much about this matter. Since the kid hasn't come to the Yunlan Holy City, he may have been buried in the mouth of the spirit beast in the Yunlan Forest. The reason why Captain Zhao hasn't come back yet is probably because Because the kid hasn't been found yet, Captain Zhao will be back the day after tomorrow at the latest!"

Seeing that Han Chong still didn't look much relaxed, Han Yuan continued to comfort him.

"Well, my father understands what you said." Han Chong smiled and nodded to Han Yuan.

Yun Yi sat on the bed in the hotel, listening to the sound and image from the phantom clone, the corners of his mouth involuntarily curved slightly.

return?He probably won't come back, but if you really want to see him, I don't mind sending you to hell to find him.

Just when Yun Yi thought that the two of them would not say anything else and was about to start practicing, he finally heard something valuable.

"Father, how do you plan to deal with the wave of spirit beasts in three days' time?"

Han Yuan thought for a while and asked Han Chong.

"Among the people who participated in the wave of spirit beasts this time, only the father, the lord of the Yunlan Holy City and Chai Fan, the head of the Blue Rain Mercenary Corps, are at the Lingtian realm. Apart from this, I have not heard of any other Lingtian So, when the time comes, our three main forces will kill the third- and fourth-tier spirit beasts at the front, and you and the mercenary team will take care of the missed first-tier and second-tier spirit beasts in the rear. Can."

Hearing this, Han Yuan frowned fiercely, "This time there are only three Lingtian realm fighters at the forefront to resist? Didn't the previous wave of spirit beasts have at least four?"

"There was another Yulong General from the Dynasty before, but because of the urgent battle between the Yuntian Dynasty and the Tianyu Dynasty, he couldn't come this time." Han Chong said helplessly.

"When there are four Lingtian-level fighters, our Qingmu mercenary group will suffer great damage. This time, there are only three Lingtian-level fighters. More than half of our mercenary group may be killed or injured. This should not be what father wants. Want to see it?"

Han Chong sighed softly when he heard the words, "I haven't thought about this, but what can I do? If their deaths can be exchanged for spirit beast crystal cores that exceed the value of their lives, it would be worth it!"

"Father, didn't he think of other ways, for example, to divert the disaster to the east?"

The corner of Han Yuan's mouth slowly curled into a cold arc, and a cold killing intent suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"A misfortune brought to the east?"

Han Chong was taken aback when he heard the words, and was a little confused for a while.

"I've already told my father that Yun Yi used the mandarin mandarin flower to shade us, so why can't we use the mandarin mandarin flower to lure those spirit beasts to the Cangyue mercenary group?" Han Yuan showed a strange look on his face. said with a smile.

When Han Chong heard this, his eyes lit up.

However, the next moment, Han Chong's face showed a hint of embarrassment, "Although Chu Tao, the head of the Cangyue Mercenary Group, did not come this time, his cultivation has already broken through the Lingtian Realm and reached the level of Transformation!" Tianjing, if we move the Cangyue mercenary group, I am afraid that Chu Tao will not let us go."

"Chu Tao is not here now. After the incident, we may not know that we did it. Moreover, with you and the other two Lingtian realm warriors standing in front, those who can attack the Cangyue mercenary group are all first-level and second-level warriors." It is impossible for a high-level spirit beast to hurt Chu Qing, even if Chu Tao knows that we did it, as long as Chu Qing is fine, he will not make things difficult for us."

A confident smile appeared on Han Yuan's face, and he smiled at Han Chong.

Hearing this, Han Chong took a deep breath, and after hesitating for a moment, he nodded to Han Yuan, "Okay, I will do as you said, but although the mandarin mandarin flower is not rare, it is not easy to get one. Have you figured out how to solve it?"

"Haha, father, don't worry about this matter, the day after tomorrow at the latest, I will give you the medicinal powder made from at least three mandarin mandarin flowers."

Hearing Han Chong's agreement, Han Yuan suddenly showed a confident smile on his face.

"Haha, okay, if this matter is done, the woman you want, my father will definitely get it for you!"

Seeing the confident look on Han Yuan's face, Han Chong smiled proudly.

"Thank you father, my son will do his best in this matter!"

Han Yuan's eyes lit up when he heard Han Chong's assurance, and he was full of fighting spirit.

Yun Yi sat on the bed, looked at the two people who separated after the discussion in his mind, and slowly raised his hand to touch his chin.

"Using the way of a person, is it still treating a person's body?"

As he spoke, the corners of Yun Yi's mouth slowly curled into a funny smile, and then he sighed softly and said, "I've already said, if I can fuck you for the first time, I can fuck you for the second time, let's see next." Who is the unlucky one!"

In a blink of an eye, it was the next day.

Early in the morning, Chu Qing took Yun Yi out for breakfast.

After finishing the meal, Yun Yi looked at Chu Qing who was looking at him curiously, twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "Well, Young Master Chu Qing, the meal is over, can we go back now? ?”

For some reason, being stared at by Chu Qing with this kind of gaze, he always had a bad feeling. . .

"Go back? I just finished eating, why are you in a hurry?"

When Chu Qing heard this, she glanced at Yun Yi speechlessly and said.

I don't know how many men here want to eat with her, but this one is good, he pulled him out by himself, not only did he not look at him, but he wanted to go back after eating.

Although she had no other ideas than Yun Yi, who was nearly ten years younger than herself, this was the first time a man disrespected her so much!

Speaking of which, Chu Qing looks really good, and she has a hot figure. Wearing a red dress on her body, she looks like a seductive fairy.

Speaking of which, Chu Qing may not be comparable to Bai Ruoqian and Luo Chen in terms of looks alone, but she exudes a fiery yet chic aura, which is definitely a fatal temptation for men.

Hearing Chu Qing's words, Yun Yi immediately asked with a bitter face, "Didn't you ask me out just to eat? What else can I do besides eat?"

"My sister is very curious about how you have changed from an acquired warrior with no spiritual power to a genius warrior at the peak of Xuantian Realm in such a short period of time! I asked you how you did it but you refused to tell me, that's all right, let's go fight Let's fight!"

Chu Qing's eyes were fixed on Yun Yi, and a bright light burst out from her eyes.

"Fight, fight?"

Looking at Chu Qing's curious eyes, Yun Yi was slightly startled, then twitched the corner of his mouth and asked.

"Yeah! Actually, I wanted to fight with you yesterday, but it must have been very hard for you on the road. I let you rest for a day just because I just got here."

Chu Qing nodded and said very caringly.

"Then should I thank you..."

Seeing Chu Qing acting like I've been holding back all day and it's not because of you, Yun Yi suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

"No, no, thank you for your kindness, just satisfy my curiosity." Chu Qing shook her head generously and said.

Yun Yi stared at Chu Qing's delicate face for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay!"

In fact, he also wanted to see how far his current strength had reached.

On the way back from the Misty Cloud Forest, in order to hurry, with the help of three phantom clones, he avoided all the spirit beasts above the third level, and he has not been able to compete with people with the strength of the sky congealing state until now.

If he remembered correctly, Chu Qing's cultivation had already reached four stars in the Sky Condensing Realm a few months ago.

Chu Qing's cultivation at this time is likely to have reached five stars or even six stars in the Sky Condensing Realm, and she is his perfect opponent.

Unprepared to hear that Yun Yi agreed to her request, Chu Qing was taken aback for a moment, and then said in disbelief, "Is it so easy to agree?"

"Didn't everyone say that I would risk my life to be with a gentleman? I'll risk my life to be with a beautiful woman today!" Yun Yi sighed lightly, pretending to be helpless.

"Haha, since you agree, let's go, there is just a large open space outside the city gate, enough for us to display it."

Chu Qing smiled casually at Yun Yi, then got up and pulled Yun Yi towards the outside of the city gate.

After a while, the two arrived at the gate of Yunlan City.

"Chief Chu Qing, aren't you here to wait for someone? Why are you here again today?"

Seeing Chu Qing who was about to walk out of the city gate in front of him, Han Chong said with a narrow smile on his face.

"Who told you that I'm here to wait for Yun Yi? I came here today because I have important things to do."

Chu Qing glanced at Han Chong lightly, because Yun Yi was in a good mood for agreeing to her competition, so she answered Han Chong.

(End of this chapter)

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