God-level card system

Chapter 552 A Sudden Thought

Chapter 552 A Sudden Thought

Thinking of this, Huo Lan's face turned paler.

Tao Xin looked at Huo Lan's pale face, just when he was proud of himself, suddenly a very haughty voice came from behind Huo Lan, "It's only natural for me to cover my daughter, Huo Feng, Your Excellency, is training hard, just to let the younger generation live well A bit, he's worried he's having fun, none of your business!
There are still tens of thousands of people in the northern realm who cannot practice. So what if Huo Lan is a little weaker?If you really feel that his actions have affected your ability to gain faith, you quit the team and stand on your own. You are talented and strong, and it won’t take long for you to make a name for yourself. What are you doing in the Huofeng team?
It's not that I said that people like you who don't worry about the safety of the members, but instead ridicule the hind legs, are really tarnishing the reputation of the Fire Front team! "

This remark was quite blunt, and almost every word was thrown on Tao Xin's face. Hearing this remark, everyone looked at the person who spoke in surprise, and Tao Xin even looked at him viciously like a ghost. Discovering that the speaker turned out to be a monster with half of his face like a human and half of his face like a spirit beast, he couldn't help being furious.

Being ridiculed like this, how could Tao Xin, who had such a high self-esteem, be able to hold back, he immediately roared out, "You are so inhuman, you dare to scold me! Do you know who I am! Fire!" Tao Chuan, the third leader of the Feng Squad, the strongest of the Feng Ren ranks, is my father!"

Although Tao Xin was about to explode with anger, he was instinctively afraid of Yun Yi. After all, Yun Yi exuded the pressure of the peak of the Emperor Realm, and he couldn't sense the power level of his kung fu. If he did this, he might suffer a disadvantage. If it's him, he can only move out of his father's pressure.

Originally, Yun Yi didn't want to interfere with Huo Lan's affairs. After all, it was an internal problem of their team. It's not good for him to say more. Who knew that Tao Xin would use Huo Feng to attack Huo Lan. He was also loved by his father like a jewel. Yun Yi's offspring became popular all of a sudden, so naturally he had to make Tao Xin "understand the truth".

Yun Yi shook his head regretfully, "Just like you, if you don't find your own place when things happen, but use your father's name instead, that's really disgraceful to your father. Isn’t my son amazing? I’m still the heir of a god, the young master Shuangmu!”

Everyone was shocked by Yun Yi's daring to scold Tao Xin before, but now they suddenly laughed in their hearts when they heard this sentence. I am the heir of the gods, or the son of the recently famous Shuangmu gods, isn't this purely ignoring people?

After hearing Yun Yi's words, Huo Lan, who was so painful that she was about to suffocate, also came back to her senses, and she felt like a confidant to Yun Yi. Hearing what Yun Yi said, Tao Xin was stunned for a moment, and then his face immediately darkened.

Of course he immediately realized that Yun Yi was talking nonsense, and used this to mock him, so he scolded without thinking, "You don't even look at your ghostly appearance, you are worthy of the young master Shuangmu, I think You are at best a bastard without parents."

Tao Xin has always been used to being arrogant, no matter where he is, as long as he mentions his father's name, it will always be beneficial, so even if he feels that Yun Yi's strength is superior to his, he doesn't believe that Yun Yi dares to do anything to him, Very confident, but he didn't know that he had kicked on an iron plate that couldn't be harder.

As soon as he roared arrogantly, Tao Xin felt his body go cold and was locked by a powerful soul power. This soul power was extremely terrifying. Tao Xin was so suppressed that he didn't even dare to have the consciousness of resistance. I broke out in a cold sweat.

Yun Yi stared at Tao Xin coldly, his dark eyes were as dark as the top dark element, if Tao Xin scolded him, it didn't matter, but if he scolded his parents, saying he had no parents, he should die!

Not only did Tao Xin feel weak in his legs and feet, but even Wei Yue felt a terrifying murderous aura. The power of Wei Yue's kung fu was slightly higher than that of Yun Yi's, and it was obvious at a glance that Yun Yi's body was surging with the power of a Mondun-level kung fu. !He definitely has the strength to kill Tao Xin.

None of the people present, including Wei Yue, had a good impression of Tao Xin, but he was the son of the three leaders, and a member of their team, they couldn't just watch Yun Yi kill him, so when Yun Yi was about to strike A moment ago, Wei Yue stepped in front of Tao Xin, "Where is this friend from?"

After all, Wei Yue was a master of the Ming level, standing in front of Tao Xin, blocked most of the pressure for him, and Tao Xin let out a sharp breath, feeling as if he had walked through the gate of hell.

When Wei Yue and Yun Yi collided, their bodies shook and they took a step back. In terms of pressure alone, the two were basically evenly matched.

After being pushed back by Wei Yue, Yun Yi couldn't help raising his eyebrows. If he didn't use the arrow to break the feather and use the armor art, his current strength would be about the same level as Wei Yue's.

Thinking about it this way, Yun Yi couldn't help but feel that he was too flamboyant three years ago. He even dared to provoke the gods. The four gods wanted to kill him. Just thinking about it made his scalp tingle. If Youdu couldn't be summoned, he would be beheaded.

But despite the facts, Yun Yi will never shrink back. If this small obstacle cannot be overcome, how will he face the top experts in Zhuxian Continent in the future.

When masters fight against each other, a lot of things can be learned from the competition of pressure. Wei Yue found that although the power of Yun Yi's kung fu is still at the Monton level, for some reason, the pressure is even on par with him.

After discovering this, Wei Yue really didn't want to fight Yun Yi. After all, Yun Yi's appearance was too strange. Who knew if he had practiced strange special skills.

Seeing that Yun Yi had no intention of answering his words at all, and still fixed his eyes on Tao Xin, Wei Yue felt dizzy for a while, and he cupped his hands at Yun Yi, "My lord, Tao Xin belongs to our team no matter what..."

"Do you think I'm afraid of your Huofeng team?" Before Wei Yue could finish speaking, Yun Yi interrupted him directly, "And I don't think Huofeng will stand up for this kid, if Huofeng knows Tao How did Xin bully his daughter behind his back, I guess he has the intention to kill him."

Huo Feng, like Su Yuyin's master Yang Yu, is notoriously hot-tempered. If someone bullies his daughter, let alone Wei Yue, even Tao Xin's father, Tao Chuan, can't protect him.

Tao Xin's heart was shocked by what he said, and his complexion changed drastically.

Yun Yi has long seen that Huo Lan has inherited a part of Huo Feng's temperament, she is as quick as a fire, has a straightforward temper, and doesn't even bother to borrow her father's strength, that's why Tao Xin dares to bully her all the time. Who was wrong, but for the sake of harmony between the two leaders, no one told Huo Feng.

The members of the Huo Feng team were scruples about this, but Yun Yi didn't care about it. Even if he taught Tao Xin a lesson today, Huo Feng would not stand up for him.

Yun Yi saw Tao Xin's heart pounding. If Huo Feng found out about his bullying Huo Lan, it would be difficult for him and his father to take over the team in the future.

Thinking of this, Tao Xin gritted his teeth and immediately screamed, "Uncle Wei! This bastard is sowing discord! He wants to split our team, he must be a spy sent by other teams! You kill him quickly, you kill him!" He has made great contributions to the team, and my uncle and father will definitely reward you heavily!"

Wei Yue rolled his eyes when he heard it, and sighed in his heart, how could the descendants of the blade-level powerhouse say such reckless words, cause such a big mess, and even dare to shout behind their backs, who gave it to you? Courage.

Although he was extremely reluctant to trouble Tao Xin, Wei Yue was somewhat unhappy with Yun Yi.

The Huofeng team is one of the top ten teams in the north, and even most of the top players want to give them face, but this person who is like a lone ranger, even bluntly said that he is not afraid of the Huofeng team. A little more dissatisfaction.

He was still clear about what Yun Yi said and what effect it would have. He could see Wei Yue's mind just by observing it casually.

To be honest, Yun Yi didn't want to fight Wei Yue either. After all, he was the commander of Huo Feng who had a high status in the battle. He provoked a team leader and even beat up the son of the team leader. It would be difficult for him to contact his father through Huo Feng. Huo Feng may not stand up for Tao Xin, but he will definitely find a place for his brother.

Squinting his eyes and staring at Wei Yue, Yun Yi suddenly had a thought in his mind, if he could get past Wei Yue...

Even Yun Yi himself didn't realize that when he thought about it, his whole body gradually became ethereal, like the wind that couldn't be caught on the prairie, Wei Yue, who was staring at Yun Yi on guard, immediately noticed his weakness Changed, I couldn't help being surprised in my heart, could it be that this weird guy really comprehended some special kung fu power?

In addition to some ordinary skills such as speed, defense, and attack, a very small number of warriors will also understand special skills. The fighting methods of these special skills are either very strange or extremely powerful. I don't want to fight against warriors who understand special skills.

Discovering that Yun Yi is most likely a person who has realized the power of special exercises, Wei Yue's whole body tensed up, and all his soul power was locked on Yun Yi. As long as Yun Yi made a move, he would be able to deal with it immediately.

But under the rapt gaze of Wei Yue and the others, a strange scene appeared, Yun Yi disappeared from where he was!There are no spatial fluctuations, no traces of kung fu power, just like water evaporates all of a sudden, it just disappears out of thin air!
Wei Yue was originally focused on Yun Yi with all his energy, but now Yun Yi suddenly disappeared, as if he had punched out suddenly, but it ended up hitting the air, it was strenuous and sad.

Everyone opened their mouths in amazement, staring at the place where Yun Yi disappeared. They didn't know how to describe their current mood. A living person disappeared just like that!What kind of monster is this!
Before everyone could react, at the same time that Yun Yi disappeared in place, a figure in green robe suddenly appeared in the space in front of Tao Xin, it was not Yun Yi or who it was.

(End of this chapter)

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