God-level card system

Chapter 556 Excited Beasts

Chapter 556 Excited Beasts

"Boy, I think you are courting death!"

As soon as the blood wolf finished speaking, Yun Yi yelled back even louder, "You are looking for death! How dare you disrespect my idol, Shuangmu Shenjun, and bully my friends in front of me, how brave you are!"

Seeing Yun Yi grabbing white, the jaws of the people around were all shocked. The blood wolf's arrogance is well-known throughout the northern continent. Behind him is the entire blood wolf team, which has always walked sideways. I didn't expect to see it now To the person crazier than the blood wolf, who is still an unknown solo martial artist, this person is really crazy.

The blood wolf was also a little stunned, it was the first time he saw someone more arrogant than him, he was so angry that he almost burst out laughing.

The people around also thought it was absurd, but seeing Yun Yi's weird appearance, no one could laugh, and many people murmured in their hearts, maybe this weird-looking person is really some hidden master Otherwise, how dare you scold a strong man like Blood Wolf.

Huo Lan, who was pulled behind her, looked at Yun Yi worriedly. Even though she knew that Yun Yi had realized the power of the weird kung fu, she was afraid that he would not be able to deal with it. After all, the opponent was a strong man on the list.

The members of the Huofeng team who were standing not far away watching the situation were also a little worried about Yun Yi, but they were more grateful. They naturally knew that Yun Yi's actions were to set aside their Huofeng team, and they were afraid that their Huofeng team would face each other. Blood Wolves.

Everyone looked at the domineering Yun Yi with their own thoughts, but Yun Yi looked at the blood wolf calmly. From the time the blood wolf asked them to kneel and kowtow, he knew that there was no room for repayment of this matter, and he couldn't talk about it anyway. Let's make up, it's better to be a little more arrogant, so as not to get angry.

After staying for a while, the blood wolf's gaze towards Yun Yi was already filled with anger. He stared at the weird Yun Yi, his hair was blown up with anger. Since he became famous, he has always provoked others arrogantly. When was someone so provocative.

"Boy! You are the first one who dares to be so presumptuous in front of my blood wolf." As the blood wolf said, he slashed the knife heavily on the ground, directly cutting a groove half a person's height, "Report your Name, my blood wolf will not kill nameless people."

Although the blood wolf is arrogant, he still has some brains. Thinking that Yun Yi dared to argue with him like this when he knew his identity, he should be somewhat relying on him. No matter how strong an individual is, he is not afraid. Really something to think about.

Yun Yi smiled casually, and said two words lightly, "Chu Yi."

"Chu Yi?"

Everyone was a little stunned, discussed in a low voice, and found that no one had ever heard of such a well-known strong man in the northern boundary.

Yun Yi's real name was once offered a reward by the lone wolf for killing Po Yujian, and Yi Bai, his usual alias, is now No.1 on the reward list, bearing the name of Young Master Shuangmu, and it is the high price of ten Heavenly List Spirit Cards. Now, Yun Yi can only use the pseudonym Chu Yi.

The members of the Blood Wolf team look at each other and look at you, and they can't remember that there is a strong man named Chu Yi in the northern border. In fact, let alone the sky list, there is no information about him on any of the three lists.

After discovering this, everyone in the Blood Wolf team breathed a sigh of relief. If they weren't someone with a big background, then there was nothing to be afraid of.

"Hmph, I thought I was some great person, but I turned out to be a brainless idiot!" The blade-level powerhouse behind the blood wolf suddenly stepped forward, "Boy! How dare a nobody like you disrespect our leader! You don't know how to live or die, without our leader taking action, just one leader of our team is enough to kill you a hundred or eighty times!"

Generally, the leaders of the top ten northern teams are all warriors at the peak of the Emperor Realm, so they usually use the warriors at the peak of the Emperor Realm as their leaders.

Yun Yi was stronger than him, and snorted coldly, "Is there anything special about your leader? In my eyes, let alone him, I don't pay attention to your entire Blood Wolf team!"


"kill him!"

Hearing Yun Yi's words, the entire Blood Wolf team became excited. The team's honor is more important than the sky. They are the Blood Wolf team that ranks among the top ten teams. How dare an unknown person say that they don't take them seriously? It's already a huge insult.

An impulsive commander-level warrior in the blood wolf team was furious immediately, and shot towards Yun Yi with a flash of figure, and all the spiritual power in his body was concentrated in his palm, "Boy, I will show you the blood wolf team right now!" of……"

Before the commander-level warrior could finish speaking, a figure like a thunderbolt shot out of the crowd, and instantly arrived beside the commander-level warrior. bring it up.

The commander-level warrior only felt a dangerous fluctuation beside him, but before he realized what was going on, he felt his throat tighten, and he flew up into the sky involuntarily.

"What are you! How dare you attack our leader! Is our leader wrong? Your blood wolf team is nothing! How dare you yell in front of our Yunjing team!"

The ruthless voice was followed by the lightning-fast purple body, and the words were full of contempt for the blood wolf team.

"God! So fast!"

"A master! An absolute master!"

Almost couldn't see the specific appearance of the purple figure, and all the warriors who watched the excitement couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

The lightning-like figure only moved for a moment. Although the blood wolf sensed the fluctuation of spiritual power, he didn't expect the opponent's speed to be so fast. He didn't react until the purple figure caught the members of the blood wolf team high into the sky. , "Bastard! Stop it!" Then he rushed to the sky.

The blade level powerhouse beside the blood wolf also shouted loudly, and flew towards the sky at high speed.

The two blood wolves both displayed the extreme speed of the blade-level powerhouses, and shot towards the sky quickly, trying to save their team members, but at this moment, another extremely terrifying wave suddenly rose from the crowd below. The two blood wolves couldn't help but shuddered when they found that this energy was not weaker than theirs at all, and they all took precautions in horror.

When the purple figure appeared earlier, although the two were angry, they were not too flustered. After all, although the speed of that person was as strong as that of a blade-level powerhouse, the strength of his skills had not yet been achieved. On par!
The azure blue figure blatantly attacked, a long barbed whip in his hand split into two, and attacked the two of them respectively. How could the blood wolves dare to deal with it casually?

The strengths of the two blade level powerhouses are not easy to match. The two blood wolves thought that if they hit with all their strength, even if the opponent did not hurt, they would be killed, but who knew that the man sneered casually , there was no direct confrontation at all, but following the offensive of the two, they swung back lightly, and they didn't even make a move!

Obviously, his attack was just to stop the blood wolves and create opportunities for the people above.

Blocked by the blue figure, the two blood wolves naturally couldn't catch up with the speed of the purple figure, and could only watch helplessly as the purple figure hit the leader with a sudden blow.

Amidst several successive roars of panic and anger, there was a bang, and the body of the commander-level warrior exploded. In the rain of blood, the wood-colored Yuan Dan flew down in panic, trembling under the gaze of thousands of eyes. Weiwei hid in the team of blood wolves.

After destroying the commander-level warrior's body, the purple lightning-like figure returned quickly, landing beside Yun Yi almost at the same time as the azure blue figure.

Only now did everyone see the appearance of the two strong men clearly. The purple figure was a woman, dressed swiftly, with seductive eyebrows and eyes, and the blue figure was a handsome and somewhat feminine man. The two stood The position half a step behind Yun Yi is obviously Yun Yi's subordinate.


"That person mentioned their leader earlier, and also the Yunjing team, right?"

"It turns out that Your Excellency Chu Yi is not aimless, he is actually the leader of the team!"

Before they could finish being surprised, figures flashed in the crowd, and in the blink of an eye, nearly a hundred people gathered behind Yun Yi. The moment everyone gathered, they bowed to Yun Yi at the same time and saluted, "Meet the leader!"

Everyone was just surprised when they saw the two before, but now they suddenly saw hundreds of figures appearing, and in terms of pressure, they were all in the emperor realm, they almost didn't pop their eyes out.

"Heaven! They're all emperor-level powerhouses!"

"My God, there must be at least thirty warriors at the peak of the Emperor Realm!"

"The strength of this team is not below the top ten teams at all. How come it has never been heard of?"

There are a hundred emperors, of which nearly thirty are at the peak of the emperor realm, and there are two characters whose strength is comparable to that of the edge-level powerhouses. This lineup is so strong that it is breathless.

Looking at Yun Yi again, everyone's eyes were filled with respect. As the leader of the team, Yun Yi's strength can never be below the edge level, otherwise he would not be able to convince the crowd at all, and he did not have a strong appeal , otherwise it would not be possible to form such a large team.

Huo Lan and the others looked at Yun Yi in awe, but it was a little strange. Before, they all thought that Yun Yi was a strong man who practiced hard work, but now they suddenly discovered that he was the leader of a team. Why have you never heard of such a powerful team?

Yun Yi slightly nodded to the two people beside him, "Zimo, Jingmu, you did a good job."

It was Yun Yi's new contracted spirit beasts in the Yunjing space, the purple electric sable and the Jingming mouse emperor, who destroyed the commander-level warrior and blocked the two blood wolves earlier.

When confronting the blood wolf, Yun Yi summoned a large number of spirit beasts and let them hide quietly in the crowd. He is not stupid, how could he face the entire blood wolf team alone? There are people in the blood wolf team. There are spirit beasts, and it is not certain who will lose to whom in a fight.

All the spirit beasts have been staying in the Yunjing space for thousands of years. No matter how vast and infinite the Yunjing space is, it will be boring after a long time. So when Yun Yi said it, all the spirit beasts were gearing up for a fight, excited, only Xiao Jiu He and Jin Nuo'er actually went to retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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