Chapter 588
With the soul power of the black phoenix, it is natural to immediately determine that the black flame is a martial master-level flame that is rare in a thousand years, and it is many times stronger than the previous blue flame.

Finding that Yun Yi actually used Wuzun-level flames as an attack method, Hei Fenghuang felt that his brain was not enough, "Wu Zun-level flames, deep blue cold water, how can these two naturally opposing elements appear on the same person!"

The blue phoenix was knocked into the air by the black phoenix before, and when it finally got up, it felt two extremely terrifying energies rushing towards it.

The nine-tailed phoenix has stronger energy, but the blue luan is more afraid of Yun Yi, because as soon as the thunder flames on Yun Yi's body come out, the fire element in its body will be completely suppressed, not to mention the powerful secret skills, even if it uses Even the most common spiritual skills can't do it.

Lei Yan, the supreme fire element, no matter what realm king or martial master-level flame, all have to bow their heads in front of Lei Yan.

Previously, the Qingluan used the Wuzun-level flame, and Ye You, who had evolved in the space of Yunyi's spirit beast, felt it, and woke up in advance. Yeyou's body had already evolved, so Yun Yi was able to perform the Armor Art.

Although the Battle of Nine Dragon Mountains was a great victory, Yeyou's soul body was somewhat affected. It may take some time before the evolution of the soul body is completed. After conveying the basic evolution situation to Yunyi, Yeyou's soul body returned In the spirit beast space, the main body was handed over to Yun Yi for use.

Yeyou was sober at this time, and to Yun Yi, it was like a life-saving existence. The Shapoyu Arrow attached to him absorbed energy to evolve. Except for the domineering Yeyou, it would be impossible to use any spirit beast to perform the Armor Art.

Moreover, what Yeyou brings is not only the increase in armor formation, but also Lei Yan, the natal flame of Thunder Unicorn, whose attribute suppression is much stronger than that of Deep Blue Cold Water. Now Yun Yi's comprehensive strength is already equivalent to that of the blade class. God.

Hei Fenghuang pushed the nine-tailed sky phoenix to hit the blue luan bird, and was horrified, "Did this guy take Dali pills! The overall combat power has suddenly increased so much!" Feeling that Yun Yi's combat power is not inferior to hers, Hei Feng The shock in Phoenix's heart was simply indescribable.

All this is said to be a thousand times, but in fact it is only an instant, the attacks of Yun Yi and Hei Fenghuang hit the blue luan in a blink of an eye.

The first one to blast up was the black phoenix, which was three minutes faster. The nine-tailed phoenix firmly grasped the green luan bird's wings with its two claws, and the earth element force fiercely attacked the blue luan bird's body surface defense.

Just when the two sides were at a stalemate, Yun Yi pointed his spear afterwards, and Lei Yan burned it with a bang, instantly destroying the defense of Qingluanniao.

boom!With a bang, under the joint attack of Yun Yi and Hei Fenghuang, Qingluan was directly sent flying.

It's fine if it hits the blue phoenix, but as soon as Lei Yan touches the blue phoenix, it immediately burns down along the feathers. In the blink of an eye, her gorgeous brocade feathers were burned into charcoal, and the phoenix turned into a roast chicken.

Based on the principle of taking advantage of your illness to kill you, Hei Fenghuang swooped forward and was about to kill the green luan bird, when he suddenly heard Yun Yi's eager stop behind him, "Don't kill it!"

The black phoenix turned his head strangely, "This is a Dzogchen-level divine king spirit beast. If we don't kill it now, when it recovers, we will be the ones who are unlucky."

"It's okay, I have a way to control it, can you give it to me first, I desperately need a live Divine King Realm Spirit Beast, don't worry, I will find another Divine King Realm Spirit Beast that is not inferior to the Blue Luan Bird, Kill it and take the pill to compensate you."

"Whether you want to pay or not, you can take it if you want to live. It's just an inner alchemy. It can't compare to the friendship between us." The power of the luan bird.

Seeing that Hei Fenghuang simply withdrew his hand, Yun Yi showed no displeasure in his expression, and felt a sense of relief in his heart. Hei Fenghuang was able to chase him half of the eastern forest for a god-lord inner alchemy before, but now he heard that he needed it, but he didn't. Don't hesitate to give up the inner alchemy that is about to be obtained, which shows the friendship.

"Thank you!" Yun Yi said gratefully, and he didn't lie. He really needs a spirit beast of the God Sovereign Realm now. In a hurry, he threw the leader of the giant wood demon into the spirit beast space. Looking back now, he almost I broke out in a cold sweat.

The leader of the giant wood demon was only blasted in the head, and he was not fatally injured. He recovered very quickly. All the spirit beasts with higher strength in the Yunjing space were called out by him. It will take 30 years in the 30 days outside, and wait for him to leave Huayun Island. If we deal with it again, I'm afraid that the entire Yunjing space will belong to the giant wood demon.

Now that the giant wood demon can't get it out, he can only find a slightly stronger god-level spirit beast, make a contract and throw it into the town, otherwise he can give Black Phoenix both of them, let alone one.

"Hahaha, thank you, my second brother Jinjing, one or two inner alchemy is not enough, don't worry at this moment, you can take it first if you need it." Hei Fenghuang glanced at Yun Yi up and down while speaking, "Speaking of it , you are so good-looking, more handsome than the two Shui Yuanchen combined, why are you pretending to be ugly on purpose, if you said you were so good-looking, I won't beat you up."

Yun Yi twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly, "I pretended to be ugly on purpose, just to guard against women like you who are obsessed with lust."

Hei Fenghuang was stunned by Yun Yi for a moment, touched his chin, and somehow felt that Yun Yi's words made sense, "It seems to be true, looking at you, even I want to snatch it back and become the master of the village, let alone Haiyu is a first-class person, although it is said that the strong are respected, but it seems too shameful for a man to be snatched back by a woman as a male favorite."

Speaking of Hei Fenghuang, he put one hand on his hip again, and asked curiously: "Then why are you back to your original appearance now?"

It was not easy for Yun Yi to tell Hei Fenghuang about killing Po Yujian, so he picked and said, "I used some kind of secret method to improve my strength, and this secret method was performed by my natal contracted beast, which is overbearing. , so my means of hiding my appearance will be ineffective.”

"So that's how it is." Hei Fenghuang nodded, looking at Yun Yi, who is as domineering as the God of War, suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart. Before, he was forced by her to such a point that he didn't use the secret method, but now in order to protect her But I used it without hesitation...

"By the way! Didn't you say you bought me with two Tianbang spirit cards? I thought about it, and the deal is quite a bargain, so I decided to sell myself to you."

"What?" Yun Yi felt that he probably heard it wrong, "You must have been burnt out by the flames of the blue luan bird, right?"Is this a new anecdote in the northern realm?
Seeing that Yun Yi questioned her sincerity, Hei Fenghuang immediately became angry.

"What burnt my brain, what I said is true, I have now been promoted to a god, and if I stay in the team, I will be a bully.

I don't like plotting territory to compete for strength, so after arranging the team, I will go to Zhuxian Continent in a short time. Anyway, this time is free, so I will follow you, lest you be caught by some woman and become a male favorite. After all, you look too evil. "

The corners of Yun Yi's mouth twitched when he heard this, he just made up a reason for his feelings, and Hei Fenghuang took it seriously.

Not wanting Hei Fenghuang to have such a strange impression, Yun Yi quickly explained, "I'm just joking, with my strength, who would dare to have other thoughts about me, and I also know a powerful god, with my relationship with him, Few people in the northern realm dare to disrespect me."

Hei Fenghuang made up his mind to guard Yun Yi. Seeing that Yun Yi refused, she felt that her dignity as the number one on the list had been challenged. She put her hands on her hips, "Stinky boy! What do you mean! Do you despise me! I told you You, I am also a powerful god now, do you want to make gestures with the god you know!"

"Isn't it? This is a forced buy and sell?" Yun Yi was left speechless by the sturdy appearance of the black phoenix.

Hei Fenghuang raised his head, and simply acted like a rascal, "That's right, you have an opinion when you buy it by force, and you still have an opinion when you sell it by force, you are a big man, why are you asking so much, I don't care, just make the decision like this Anyway, I'll follow you wherever you go! Don't pretend to be ugly on purpose, this look is so eye-catching."

The other party has become so fierce, Yun Yi naturally has no reason to refuse, besides, with a bodyguard of the god king, the safety factor of Huayun Island will be much higher, and such a good thing has not been found in the past.

Speaking of which, Yun Yi released the Formation of Armor Art. Although he had the bodyguard of Black Phoenix, he still had to return to his original appearance. After all, Sha Po Yu Jian was still absorbing energy, and there was no way to get it off.

But after undoing the Chengkai Jue, Yun Yi looked at his appearance, touched his face, and couldn't help being stunned.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Yun Yi's speechless expression, Hei Fenghuang couldn't help asking.

"It seems that it really can't change back." Yun Yi asked Po Yu in his mind while talking, and he heard Po Yu tremblingly saying that he was afraid of Ye You's coercion, and the soft armor did not dare to spread more.

Hearing this answer, Yun Yi didn't know for a moment whether to lament Xiao Youyou's domineering or Black Phoenix's crow's mouth, and it really couldn't change back!
"I thought it was a big deal. If you can't change it, you can't change it. You believe me, with me by your side, no one will dare to think anything wrong about you." Hei Fenghuang waved his hands carelessly, full of confidence said.

Yun Yi was already unable to explain that he didn't pretend to be ugly on purpose because he was afraid of being caught as a male favourite.

He raised his hand to look, and found that the blood-pupil gemstone had moved from his eyes to his hand, lined with copper-yellow soft armor, like a weird and powerful wrist guard.

"Forget it, if you can't change it back, you can't change it back." Yun Yi sighed helplessly, and then looked at the blood ruby ​​on his wrist, "In the future, you have to launch the blood pupil arrow first, which is really troublesome."

Feeling deeply, Yun Yi asked Hei Fenghuang again, "Do you have Xuexi Sky Mine on you?"

Special spirit cards such as hiding require the Hidden Spirit Sky Mine, but special spirit cards such as changing appearance require the Xuexi Sky Mine.

The appearance-changing spirit card itself is not difficult to make, but the Xuexi Sky Mine is hard to find, and Yun Yi has never heard of it since he came to the northern boundary.In fact, it is not impossible to use the previous disguise method, but after all, it is a thin piece of skin covering the face, and it is easy to break when encountering energy confrontations. Yun Yi intends to get a spirit card to change his appearance once and for all.

(End of this chapter)

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