Chapter 702
Whoosh!Before Yun Yi could finish speaking, a black shadow appeared first.

Wen Yuqing's strength is higher than Yun Yi's, and he waited bitterly, so he naturally noticed it the first time Yun Yi came back.

Yun Yi was taken aback for a moment, and when he saw that the person in front of him was Wen Yuqing, who was about to announce the good news happily, who knew that a gust of palm blowing towards his face was so fast that it hit his face.

Feeling the speed of the peak realm king head-on, Yun Yi realized how terrifying it was. Before he could finish thinking about it, the slap came in front of him, and his heart skipped a beat, it's over!My face is probably going to be swollen for a few days now.

Just at the critical moment, Wen Yuqing reluctantly held back her hand and didn't really slap Yun Yi's face.

"Do you know that this is very dangerous!" Wen Yuqing almost roared out, the surging pressure and the soaring anger made Yun Yi tremble with fear.

Yun Yi was stunned by the yelling. He had never been restrained like this since he was a child. In his previous life, he had always struggled by himself. He learned it naturally when he hit the south wall. In this life, he is the only one who can discipline him. Most of the people who care about him.

Even Ye You in the spirit beast space sighed, "Brother Wen Yuqing is really competent, finally someone will take care of you, a lawless and incompetent demon king."

Every time Yeyou leaves the customs, she can always see that Yunyi is seriously injured, or has caused troubles that cannot be overcome. She can best understand Wen Yuqing's mood.

Inexplicably, although Wen Yuqing's face was terribly gloomy, Yun Yi felt that his heart was full of sourness.

Swallowing his saliva carefully, not daring to stroke the tiger's beard at this critical moment, Yun Yi whispered: "I... I was wrong..."

"When did you not say that! Is it useful!" Wen Yuqing stared angrily, angry but helpless, he also understood in his heart that at that time, it was actually the best way to lure an ancient Tai ape away, but let Yun Yi is in danger, his heart is like being roasted on fire by someone, as uncomfortable as it is.

"It can be said that I know you quite well. You are usually my fault. I will dare to do it next time. The promise is useless." Ye You's voice rang in Yun Yi's mind again.

"Eldest sister, can you stop talking sarcasticly? Find a way to get me through this." Yun Yi rolled his eyes helplessly. He was contracting with all the elder sisters and uncles. The master is still in trouble. Watch the joke there.

"Okay, so what if you're half-pissed off, why don't you just chase after me and clean up a mess for you, so don't take advantage of it and act like a good boy."

As Ye You said, after Wen Yuqing roared, he sighed again, "It's because I'm not strong enough. If I have the fighting power of Wu Zun, you don't need to take risks."

"Brother Yuqing, you are not angry!" Seeing that the crisis came and went quickly, Yun Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and asked tentatively.

It’s okay not to mention it, but when it comes to this, Wen Yuqing snorted angrily, “I really want to be angry about this kind of thing, I have nine more lives and you will be mad at me, I don’t want to die so aggrieved!”

Yun Yi's heart was moved, if Wen Yuqing knew his identity and protected him so much, he would understand, but now he doesn't know his identity, but he still treats him so well, he really loves him as a blood brother.

Now for Yun Yi, Wen Yuqing is not only Yun Wenhong's disciple, not only his elder brother, but also like Yun Ya, his sister and elder brother.

"Brother Mu Yi is back!"

"Are you okay, are you hurt?"

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back safely."

While the two were talking, a group of worried people also flew up. They didn't have Wen Yuqing's speed, so they arrived a little late, and they didn't notice Wen Yuqing's previous attack.

"No injury, very safe, that hairy monkey didn't even touch a hair of my hair." Feeling the love of all brothers and partners, Yun Yi felt warm again.

"Hairy monkey?" Hegui and the others stared, silently accepting Yun Yi's practice of calling the spirit of the peak realm king a hairy monkey, "Then where did you lead it?"

A group of people were also getting ready to fight while recuperating, and they planned to wait for Yun Yi to come back to deal with the evil spirit, but after watching for a long time, there was no sign of it.

Wen Yuqing was worried about Yun Yi wholeheartedly, and only remembered after being reminded by everyone, "That's right, where is the ancient Thai ape?"

No matter how fast Yun Yi's teleportation speed is, he still can't get rid of a ferocious spirit at the peak of the world king. As for killing the ancient Tai ape with great power, that's even more impossible.

"I met the team led by the envoys of the main city on the road. They are really kind people. Seeing that I was being forced into danger by the ancient Taiyuan, they immediately came to help." Yun Yi rubbed his nose and smiled extremely "kindly".

"What? Good man, they wish that everyone in their team would die, how could they help you?" Everyone's eyes widened, and they couldn't believe it at all. With the virtues of those people, it's pretty good if they don't make trouble.

Yun Yi was still a little "embarrassed", "I have already joined their team, and they are in the same camp, so they will naturally help me."

Hearing the real reason, many people couldn't help but twitched their mouths. This is really "I have to help if I don't help." If they don't take action and let Yun Yi run rampant in the team, their team will definitely collapse. As a person who is ashamed to say that he belongs to "one camp", everyone can't help admiring Yun Yi.

The world kings of Hegui also reflected silently, confirming that they had been very polite to Yun Yi along the way, without any disrespect, and then put their hearts into their stomachs, their small bodies couldn't bear it. The ancient Thai ape clapped his hands.

Only Yun Yi frowned, "How's the situation over there? I think the envoy of the main city only has the strength of seven stars, so he won't be wiped out by the regiment, right?"

"That's not true, their vitality is still very strong." Yun Yi was a little surprised, why did Wen Yuqing care about the people in Lian Duyu City? As the head of the Killing Legion, shouldn't he expect the envoy of the main city to die uncomfortably? left?

"That's good, otherwise we won't be able to get any of the treasures ahead." Yun Yin nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why?" Yun Yi was very surprised.

Wen Binghe pointed to the back of the archway, "There are two palaces over there, one is the Palace of Wonderful Treasures, and the other is the Palace of Ten Thousand Beasts. Go and see, Mu Yi, and you will understand."

When Yun Yi raised his eyebrows, these two places sounded like they were places with good treasures.

Without hesitation, Yun Yi entered the gate of the archway surrounded by the crowd.

After stepping into the archway, it seemed as if he had crossed the gate of another world. The dark red color like a sea of ​​blood disappeared completely, and the pressure and soul power constraints all over the space were also lifted. The resident let out a long breath.

Above the sky, there is an incomparably huge silver orb, emitting a soft light like moonlight, illuminating the space under the dome in every detail.

Under the dome is a huge palace. The ground of the temple is covered with snow-white floor tiles, which looks transparent and bright. In the middle is a long corridor with a width of more than three feet. Looking all the way down, it looks like a soldier who loyally guards the corridor, quite magnificent.

At the entrance of the facing corridor, there are four characters inscribed with gold powder iron painting and silver hooks - doorless corridor.

Yun Yi raised his eyebrows, no way?Hell without gates mean?
Apart from this long corridor that can't be seen at a glance, there are only two other small doors in the main hall, and there are also inscriptions on the two doors, one is written "Qi Treasure Hall" and the other is written "Wan Beast Palace".

Yun Yi glanced casually into the Hall of Odd Treasures, and was instantly dazzled. In the spacious hall, there were one after another spirit cards, as well as all kinds of strange treasure cards. In the Bangling card, there are all kinds of lights flashing inside.

"That's... the light of the Supreme Spiritual Treasure Card!" Except for the damaged and self-obscuring rare treasures like the Dark Pattern Green Fairy Shield, other Supreme Spiritual Treasure Cards will emit precious light. Guang, Yun Yi only had one thought, developed it!It's really developed now!
"Yes, it is the supreme special spirit card, and not only there are rare treasure cards, but there are also various high-level spirit beasts in the Wanshou Palace opposite. They were all underage when they were captured by Master Yun Xiansheng, Yun Xian Master Sheng didn't want them to occupy the contract quota, so he locked them up casually, and now the cubs from back then have grown into nine-star realm king spirit beasts."

Yun Yin greedily looked left at Qibao Pavilion, right at Wanshou Palace, and finally sighed, "The treasure is right in front of us, but we can't get it!"

Wen Yuqing was exposed, and the members of the Killing Corps no longer deliberately concealed their identities, and now they can say whatever they want.

"Master Yun Xiansheng is really very cautious." Yun Yi also sighed. He naturally felt the barrier in front of him. There are three translucent barriers in total, one for Qibao Pavilion and one for Wanshou Palace. at the end of the doorless corridor.

Although the three barriers couldn't match the powerful attack power of the mountain guard formation, their defense speed was even higher. If they didn't cooperate with Yunwei and his party, they wouldn't be able to break through the barriers at all.

This kind of feeling that the treasure is right in front of you, but you can't get it, is really uncomfortable. The thought of cooperating with those envoys from the main city will make the people in the Kill Qin Legion extremely depressed.

Wen Yuqing pointed to the doorless corridor in the middle, "That should be the eye of the formation, and it must be guarded by Master Yun Xiansheng's natal contract beast Qinglong soul body."

Yun Yi's eyes lit up, Qinglong soul body!This can be said to be the biggest purpose of his trip, which is related to whether he can transform into a primordial body and become the real king of the realm.

"So, if the entire army of the envoys in the main city is wiped out..."

"No, they can't die!" Yun Yi said with a smile, "Their vitality is stronger than cockroaches. After the envoy of the main city was seriously injured, a peak realm king suddenly appeared in the team, attracting All the firepower of the ancient Taiyuan, so I can come back smoothly."

"Peak Realm King!" He Gui and the others were all shocked. Why did the Peak Realm Kings appear one after another during the exploration of the ruins? The main city envoy team also has a Peak Realm King. Certainly.

(End of this chapter)

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