God-level card system

Chapter 761 Immortals, I, Yun Yi, are here!

Chapter 761 Immortals, I, Yun Yi, are here!
Grandpa... grandpa?
With just two words, Yun Yi was stunned. At this moment, he fully understood Yun Qingyuan's feelings when he was called grandpa. For a moment, his face was full of lasagna tears. He is only 27 years old this year. Ah, not only a lot of sons and daughters, but now even grandchildren have appeared!
Yun Han didn't receive the correct information from Yun Yi's gaze, and still hugged Yun Yi's arm, complaining coquettishly, "Grandpa, you don't know how much Father and the others are too much, no matter what I say, they don't Take me away, I have to wait for you in Yunjing City, I am tired of seeing the scenery for hundreds of years, I heard that the immortals have the most interesting things, you take me there!"

After getting used to it for a while, Yun Yi reluctantly accepted the title of girl. He sighed and nodded, "Don't worry, I'm going to the immortals soon, and I will definitely call you out to have fun when the time comes. Is it still in the northern boundary, is it in the Shuangmu domain or the killing sky domain, can you contact Your Excellency Killing Sky immediately?"

Hearing that his relatives, friends and contract beasts had either improved their strength or had offspring of their own, and were doing well, Yun Yi was also happy for them, but when he saw Wen Yuqing with his eyes closed, his mood dropped.

After all, Yun Han is a spirit beast that has lived for hundreds of years, not a real newborn child. Seeing Yun Yi's solemn expression, he also turned serious.

"Thinking that you still have to lift the curse for Lord Killer, the Cloud Thorn Palace is placed in the Northern Territory of Killer Sky. As long as you go out, you can see Lord Killer. The group of people you sent in before are also outside. They seem to be ruled Rejection, unable to cultivate in this world, so they all went out, should I invite them in?"

Yun Yi shook his head, "I'll go out first." Wen Yuqing's curse was serious, and Yun Yi didn't want to wait for a second. After learning the general news, he disappeared in place with a thought.

The Northern Territory, Killing Heaven Territory, Killing Heaven Temple.

Hundreds of people gathered in the vast hall, and all of them stared worriedly at the ice jade bed in the center of the hall.

Beside the ice jade bed, the clean-looking man in plain shirt frowned slightly, his soul power slowly probed the condition of the man on the bed, after a while, he sighed sadly.

Seeing that Lu Tian had completed the inspection, Yun Yi, who had circled around the periphery for countless times, rushed up, "How to solve Brother Yuqing's curse?"

Wen Xiao and others who were anxiously waiting nearby also quickly asked, "How is the leader?"

These days, the members of the Killing Corps who arrived first had already explained the situation in the cloud world. When they knew that Yun Yi had won the inheritance of the patriarch and rescued [-] black-armored warriors, Killing Sky was naturally very happy.

These days they were full of anticipation, the celebration banquet was ready, who knew that Yun Yi would bring such bad news when he came back!
Wen Yuqing's prestige in the Legion is very high after leading the Killing Legion for thousands of years. Now that Wen Yuqing is cursed, life and death are unpredictable. Everyone is depressed and anxiously waiting for the result.

"This curse should be used to deal with the young master who bears the power of the patriarch. It is called the soul body rot. It is a curse that hurts one hundred enemies and hurts oneself eight thousand. Hundreds of thousands of years have passed. Yun Qin Still as vicious as ever."

Yun Yi's heart sank when he heard the words "soul body devouring rot". Naturally, he couldn't erase the power of the soul body with the power of the source spirit. If he forced the input, it would accelerate the collapse of the soul body.

Seeing Wen Yuqing lying on the ice jade bed like a puppet, Yun Yi's heart was filled with endless grief, Linglong was enough, why should we add another Wen Yuqing!Could it be that he really can only watch his relatives and friends pass away one after another?

The faces of the surrounding people were also very ugly. They had come into contact with so many realm kings, so they naturally knew the importance of the soul body.

Wen Xiao looked at Lu Tian anxiously, "Is there really nothing you can do?"

"Yes, but it's really difficult." Kill Tian sighed, "The solution lies with the young master."

"What way!" Yun Yi looked at Lu Tian burningly, full of determination, "I can do whatever I need, or what energy I need!"

"I have protected the young master for so long, so I naturally know your determination and perseverance, but since I say it is difficult, it is not easy to do."

Seeing that Yun Yi was still staring at him, not giving up at all, Slaughter felt relieved and uncomfortable, and he smiled wryly, "This curse is directed at the soul body, and under normal circumstances, there is no way it can be lifted. methods, but if the young master has the power to manipulate other people's soul bodies, he can naturally protect Yun Liu's soul body and remove the curse."

Yun Yi frowned slightly, "Manipulating the soul body? That seems to be the ability only Shishen possesses." The information passed down by the patriarch and Ye You both mentioned this.

"Yes, it is very difficult. There is a second method, but it is not simpler than this. In addition to violently removing the curse, it can also destroy the source of the curse. This curse is based on the power of Yunqin's Martial Lord. As long as Yunqin After death, the soul and body will collapse, and the curse will naturally dissipate."

"Your Excellency Killing Sky, you want me to kill Yun Qin?" Yun Yi was a little stunned.

The people standing around looked at each other and looked at you with embarrassment. Either of these two methods is more difficult than reaching the sky. Although they have been shouting to defeat Yun Qin and revitalize the Yun family, they want to really do it. It's easier said than done, Wuzun Peak is not something they can move at all.

As for being promoted to Shishen, that is even more illusory. Every time Wu Zun rises to a star, it needs an unimaginably huge power. Challenge Gao Xing, but above Wu Zun, there is almost no secret method that can be achieved except for Chengkai Jue.

It is already so difficult for Wu Zun to improve his cultivation level, not to mention that it is a million times more difficult to advance to the beginning god than to cultivate all the way to the king of the world. From ancient times to the present, the ancient Chinese with powerful talents and known as being blessed by the sky are also very difficult. Only Shishen Yun Wenhong appeared. Although everyone knows that Yun Yi's talent is very evil, it is not certain that he will be promoted to Shishen.

After all, neither of these two methods is easy to implement.

"Actually, if this is the case alone, it is not hopeless. I believe that with the talent of the young master, it will be a matter of time to surpass the master, but the situation of Yunliu can't wait." Killing Tian smiled bitterly, "The young master quickly cut off the master earlier. It is a good thing that the connection between the medium and Yunliu has been broken, and his life will not be in danger for the time being, but the power of the curse is still stubborn, and it will completely corrode Yunliu's soul in a maximum of 200 years...by then..."

Killing the sky didn't finish his words, but the meaning was obvious.

"The rot of the soul body is aimed at the soul body. The longer the time drags on, the greater the damage to Yunliu's soul body. Therefore, in order to keep Yunliu's sanity alive, it is best for the young master to solve this curse within a hundred years."

"A hundred years?" Yun Yi murmured, it sounds like a hundred years is a long time, but in the world where the immortals have a long history, it is just a flick of a finger.

"Are you kidding me!" Wen Hongsheng was the first to explode, "How could the patriarch kill Yunqin or become Shishen within a hundred years!"

The rest of the Luqin Legion also looked desperate, Wen Xiao lamented and shook his head, "The spiritual power of the Zhuxian Continent is not as strong as that of the Cloud Realm, and it will definitely affect the speed of cultivation. The patriarch can't even reach Wu Zun now. How long does it take to get stuck, to become Shishen, this..."

It is no exaggeration to say that it is simply a fantasy.

The unattainable goal is like a heavy mountain oppressing everyone's hearts. Everyone sighs and shakes their heads. From ancient times to the present tens of thousands of years, how many geniuses have risen during this period, but even Wu Zun rarely sees them. Not to mention Shishen.

Back then, it took countless years for Yun Wenhong, the first genius of the ancient Chinese race, to accomplish it. It was an impossible task in a hundred years.

The atmosphere in the hall was gloomy, and almost everyone was in despair. At this moment, a clear and firm voice broke the lamentation of everyone.

"Sigh! Is the best warrior of my ancient Chinese race the one who just gave up!" Yun Yi stood proudly, his eyes filled with determination, "I, Yun Yi, started my cultivation path at the age of 15, and until now, I have been doing everything I can. It's only been 12 years, and I'm already the king of the pinnacle world, I don't believe it, in a full hundred years, I still can't cross the threshold of Wu Zun, and I can't beat Yunqin!"

His dark and deep eyes were shining brightly, he was like a javelin, standing straight above the hall, his whole body was full of firm sharpness!

Clenching his fists tightly, Yun Yi's voice was as solemn and distant as he heard in the patriarch's inheritance that day, "Never give up, never admit defeat! This is the belief of my clan, I will never be defeated by any difficulties, I hope everyone Don't give up hope either, only with firm belief can we defeat Yunqin!"

"Faith..." Shocked by the firmness in Yun Yi's words, everyone couldn't help being stunned, even Lu Tian was slightly taken aback, and then a gratified smile appeared on his face.

"Young master is right, you can only know if you can do anything if you do it, and you will have hope only if you don't give up. Don't worry, young master, we will always fight for you!" You Lutian opened his mouth, and everyone gradually came to their senses , all clenched their fists.

"Fight for the patriarch!"

"Even if we don't succeed, at least we tried!"

"Retire without fighting. If the leader finds out, he will definitely be very disappointed with us!"

"I am an ancient Chinese, never give up and never admit defeat!"

In the cheering shouts, the gloom in the hall was swept away, and everyone was full of hope and determination.

"It's a great fortune for the Chinese people to have a patriarch like this!" Lu Tian nodded secretly, looking at Yun Yi with admiration, who looked awe-inspiring and Zhuo Li like the god of war. His firm belief and unyielding steps affected almost everyone around him.

Seeing that all the clansmen had regained their spirits, Yun Yi nodded and stopped talking. As an excellent leader, it is not enough to shout slogans with enthusiasm, but also to have the brains to realize the slogans.

Turning his head to look at Killing Sky, Yun Yi began to carefully arrange the next thing, "Your Excellency Killing Sky, I will first retreat and study the part about the curse in the inheritance of the patriarch, and then I will lift the curse for you. The power of the source spirit is there, so it should be easy to untie it."

"Okay." Kill Tian nodded, and he didn't refuse hypocritically. No matter how easy-going and indifferent a person is, he doesn't want to be trapped in one place for tens of thousands of years.

"After lifting Your Excellency's curse, I plan to go to Zhuxian. Besides my father, there are my other relatives and friends there. In order to defeat Yunqin, we must combine all the forces that can be united."

While talking, Yun Yi suddenly thought of Yun Chiyu and Yun Bukong, "In addition, I need to trouble Your Excellency to contact Yun Fu and Yun Xuanying to see if we can let Chiba, who is affiliated with the Tribal Alliance The tribe and the Yinxue tribe have joined us, and now I can give the blessing of the source spirit, if they join us, they can select outstanding warriors to become source spirit warriors."

Originally, Yun Yi was not in such a hurry, and planned to wait until he became a Martial Lord, and then integrate the forces, but time waits for no one, a hundred years is really too short, Yun Qin has controlled the Zhuxian Continent for hundreds of thousands of years, and has a lot of cards, You have to do your best to beat him.

"Young master, don't worry, I have already made arrangements for these. His Excellency Yun Qingyuan is in the southern part of Zhuxian, Xue'er and Shang Ji are already lurking in the hidden family alliance, Yun Jiu and other contracted beasts have also established themselves in the spirit beast alliance. After arriving at the immortals, the young master will definitely be able to muster enormous power with a single call."

After talking about the arrangements, Killing Tian smiled and looked at Yun Yi, "After Yunjie and his party, the young master has become more secure in handling things, and I was worried that the young master's progress would be too fast, which would lead to a change in mood. Now it seems that I was worrying too much. "

"Impatience and aggressiveness will not only fail to save Big Brother Yuqing, but also put myself in danger. I'm not so stupid." Looking at Wen Yuqing sleeping on the ice jade bed with his eyes closed, Yun Yi's expression is firm, Wen Yuqing most wants What I saw was not his dominion over the Chinese people, but his safety and well-being. He must not let Big Brother Yuqing worry about him anymore.

"It's best for the young master to have this kind of heart, but I still want to remind the young master that although the spiritual power of the Zhuxian Continent is not comparable to that of the cloud world, it is a land guarded by soul masters, and the strong gather. The young master must be careful in everything."

"Yes." Yun Yi nodded solemnly, then leaned over slightly and placed a dark emerald forehead on Wen Yuqing's pillow, "Brother Yuqing, you must be tired after ruling the legion for thousands of years, take a good rest now , after you wake up, our family will be bright and bright, and then we will fulfill our agreement and see my world together."

After finishing speaking in a low voice, Yun Yi turned around without hesitation, and left the hall with firm steps.

Immortals, I, Yun Yi, are here!
(End of this chapter)

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