God-level card system

Chapter 78 Save Me

Chapter 78 Save Me
The moment they heard the roar, everyone around screamed in horror.

Fang Taihao froze in place when he heard the voices of the people around him.

Yi Yun, the Lingyuanhua that suddenly appeared, the token that was lost after meeting Yi Yun, and Han Chong who swore to hunt down and kill him with the token. . . .

At this moment, he suddenly understood why Han Chong confused the two boxes of Lingyuan grass and Xingning grass in the spirit beast tide.

He also vaguely guessed why his token was lost, and why Han Chong took it out after the wave of spirit beasts.

Thinking of Han Chong's appearance as if he was about to tear himself into pieces, Fang Tianhao took a deep breath.

It turned out that it wasn't that Han Chong went crazy at that time, but that Fang Tianhao was overwhelmed by that Yi Yun.

It was Yi Yun who switched the Lingyuanhua and Xingningcao in the Qingmu Mercenary Group, but put Fang Tianhao's token in the Qingmu Mercenary Group's warehouse.

After the wave of spirit beasts, Han Chong saw the token he "unintentionally" dropped in the Qingmu warehouse, so it's no wonder he didn't go crazy!
And he, Fang Tianhao, not only became Yi Yun's scapegoat, but also solved Han Chong's great enemy for Yi Yun.

Fang Tianhao was not stupid at all, and with the opportunity at this time, he realized that it was normal for him to be overwhelmed by Yun Yi.

"Good calculation, really good calculation!"

At the moment when it was clear what had happened, Fang Tianhao murmured in a low voice.

At this time, his heart seemed to be pressed down by a huge rock, and he was so stuffy that he couldn't breathe.

At the same time, a monstrous anger quickly spread throughout his chest, sweeping his entire mind.

"Yi Yun, I, Fang Tianhao, swear not to kill you, and I, Fang Tianhao, swear not to be human!"

With red eyes, Fang Tianhao looked up to the sky and roared angrily.

As a genius who is second only to Bai Ruoqian in the Temple of Light, who has always boasted of both strength and wisdom, when did he receive such a blow?
He didn't want to admit it before, but deep down in his heart, he had acquiesced that Yun Yi's martial arts talent was superior to his.

But he didn't expect that what he lost to Yun Yi was not only his talent in martial arts, but also his brains!
At this time, not only did he understand that Yun Yi had a brain that couldn't match his, but he also personally experienced the feeling of being fooled by the other party's brain.

How does it feel to be plotted against by an ant in one's own eyes?
Now Fang Tianhao clearly felt the sour taste.

However, before Fang Tianhao could do anything, a huge black spider suddenly appeared in everyone's sight.

"A fifth-order spirit beast! It's a fifth-order spirit beast!"

The moment they saw the spirit beast, everyone in the Temple of Light took a deep breath.

"It's over, it's over!"

"Even Bright Blast can only deal with fourth-order spirit beasts that are comparable in strength to those in the Lingtian realm at most, and it has no possibility of dealing with fifth-order spirit beasts at all!"

"What should I do? What should I do now?"

The moment they saw the huge black spider, everyone in the Temple of Light was stunned. Before, they were still holding onto the luck that it was a fourth-order spirit beast.

But when they felt the aura around the spider, everyone's faces were filled with despair.

Fang Tianhao stood there in a daze, looking at the huge black spider with a length of nearly [-] meters opposite him, his eyes filled with deep despair.

"How dare a few third-tier small miscellaneous fish come to provoke me in the Lingyu of the Night Spider King, are you getting impatient?"

The crimson spider eyes the size of a normal human head fixed on Fang Tianhao and the others, and asked in a cold tone.

"No, that's not the case, respected Lord Spider King, we just didn't intend to intrude into your territory, and we didn't intend to offend you!"

Hearing the words of the Night Spider King, an old man in the Temple of Light swallowed hard and explained in a panic.

"No offense? You came to my territory with a scent of mandarin mandarin flowers, didn't you come to provoke me?"

Hearing this, the Night Spider King's tone became even colder.

"Master Spider King, please listen to my explanation..."

Seeing that the Night Spider King seemed likely to attack him and the others at any time, the old man in the Temple of Light wanted to cry anxiously.

"There is nothing to explain, just die!"

Hearing that the old man still wanted to follow him, a strong impatience flashed in the eyes of the dark night spider web.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for everyone in the Temple of Light to react, a huge ball of black spider silk suddenly spewed out from the mouth of the Night Spider King.

Originally, Fang Tianhao's mind was running fast, but before he could think of a solution to the problem in front of him, he saw the huge spider silk ball that suddenly flew out.

The moment Fang Tianhao saw the spider silk ball, he took out the only golden bead left in the space ring without thinking.

He crushed the golden bead without hesitation, then threw the bead viciously at the black spider web ball.


In the blink of an eye, the golden bead collided with the black spider web.

Along with a slight crackling sound, a huge impact suddenly erupted from the golden bead.

However, it was different from when Han Chong was directly sent flying by the huge impact force.

When the Night Spider King was hit by the huge impact force, he only took two steps back, but his huge body didn't suffer any damage.

"how is this possible?"

Looking at the Night Spider King who was not damaged at all by a bright blast, Fang Tianhao's eyes widened fiercely, and he said in disbelief.

In his imagination, the light blast that could kill Han Chong in the Lingtian Realm with one move, even if it couldn't kill the Night Spider King, would still cause some damage to his body.

But he never expected that the light explosion would only force the other party to take a few steps back, and there wasn't even a shallow crack on the giant spider's body.

"court death!"

Seeing that the ants in front of him dared to resist him, a cold chill flashed in the eyes of the Night Spider King.

The next moment, a mouthful of pitch-black venom suddenly spewed out of his mouth.

The people in the Temple of Light were two levels behind the Night Spider King. Under the attack of the Night Spider King, they didn't even have time to defend.

The venom immediately fell like rain on everyone in the Temple of Light.

"Ah! Ah!"

Immediately, a series of shrill screams came from the mouths of the people in the Temple of Light.

The night spider king's venom is extremely corrosive, even if it is only contaminated with a drop, the contaminated parts of the body will begin to rot quickly.

The fur of the light-feathered flying wolves beside them fell off in the blink of an eye, and then the bodies of the light-feathered flying wolves began to rot, and soon fell to the ground.

Perhaps because of his position, Fang Tianhao was the least contaminated with venom among the crowd, and he only had a drop of venom on his right arm.

"Yi Yun, what happened to Fang Tianhao today will definitely get back ten times and a hundred times from you in the future!"

Feeling the pain from his arm, Fang Tianhao cursed with a ferocious expression.

After scolding, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and the next moment, a dagger suddenly appeared in his hand.

Holding the dagger tightly with his left hand, he slashed hard at his right arm.


Suddenly, a painful cry came from Fang Tianhao's mouth.

And when he screamed, his entire right arm had been cut off by the dagger and fell to the ground.

"Yi Yun, because of your useless right arm, I will surely cut off your limbs in the future, making your life worse than death!"

When Fang Tianhao regained a sliver of consciousness from the severe pain, Fang Tianhao looked at the bloody rupture of his right arm, his eyes filled with deep hatred.

After shouting, Fang Tianhao looked around at the fallen people in the Temple of Light, and then his body softened and fell to the ground.

At the same time, the aura around him was completely restrained. If you don't look carefully, it's no different from a real death.

"A few ants disturb people's dreams early in the morning, this is your punishment."

The huge red spider eyes of the dark night spider web slowly swept over the fallen people in the Temple of Light, and snorted coldly.

After finishing speaking, she turned around and walked in the direction of her cave.

It didn't pay attention to these people from the Temple of Light. Even if he knew that some of these people were still alive, he didn't bother to continue shooting.

As it said, it just wanted to give these people some punishment, and life and death were their luck.

After confirming that the Night Spider King had left, Fang Tianhao slowly opened his eyes.

However, the severe pain in his arm made it difficult for him to sit up for a while.

"Yi Yun!"

Feeling the increasingly severe pain in his arm, the hatred in Fang Tianhao's eyes seemed to condense into substance.

Afterwards, he worked hard for a while, but instead of sitting up, he felt traces of black poisonous gas begin to flow into his whole body through the blood from the broken arm.

The moment he felt the black air in his blood, Fang Tianhao's eyes full of hatred suddenly appeared thick panic.

"Impossible, I have already broken my right arm, how could the poison spread from my arm to my body? Impossible, impossible..."

Feeling his body rapidly becoming weak and weak, Fang Tianhao's heart was suddenly filled with fear.

Fang Tianhao didn't know, because the venom penetrated into the blood immediately, even if he cut off his arm, he couldn't escape this catastrophe.

And when his arm was stained with venom, instead of treating the wound first, he first shouted a curse that he would cut off Yun Yi's limbs in the future.

It would be strange if he survived under these conditions.

At this moment, he seemed to see the distance between death and himself. As the venom spread to his whole body, he felt more and more clearly that death was getting closer and closer to his footsteps.

After an unknown amount of time, just as Fang Tianhao was about to lose consciousness completely, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

Fang Tianhao blinked hard, trying to make the figure in his sight clear.

But at this time, he was already deeply poisoned, and even concentrating his eyes became an extravagant wish.

After working hard for a long time, he still could only see a vague white figure.

"help me..."

Fang Tianhao opened his mouth and instinctively shouted for help.

"Save you? Why should I save you?"

Yun Yi stood in front of Fang Tianhao, a sneer slowly curled up on the corner of his mouth, and asked condescendingly.

At this time, Fang Tianhao's hearing was much more sensitive than his vision, and he heard Yun Yi's words clearly.

"you you..."

Fang Tianhao's unfocused eyes widened in horror, and he opened his mouth for a long time, but didn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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