God-level card system

Chapter 798 Snow Ling fruit is ripe!

Chapter 798 Snow Ling fruit is ripe!
Dou Hong replied respectfully, "Although the master of the palace can come up to the immortals, it is not safe for the immortals to have the one from the Double God Palace, so she spends most of her time in hell, and only sends me to wait to develop her power."

"Hell and the immortals are two completely different spaces, and the communication platform cannot be used, but we will go back as soon as possible to inform the lord of the palace, and we will not keep the lord Sibai waiting for a long time. The lord of the temple has built a teleportation array leading to the immortals. Now we can come back at any time, but the teleportation array landed in the territory of the gods, and it will take a long time to come here."

"Still in the realm of the gods?" Knowing that he could see someone, Yun Yi was very happy, but when he heard that he was going to the realm of the gods, he frowned again.

If he went directly to the land of the gods, he would definitely not be able to see his father, and he planned to go to the land of the gods at least until Wu Zun. It was too early to go now, and his cultivation was behind his wife.

"Your Excellency, don't you plan to go to God's Territory for the time being?" Seeing Yun Yi's hesitant expression, Dou Hong couldn't help guessing.

"Yes, I am only staying in the mid-moon snowfield. After I get the Xueling fruit, I will go to the Yanyin Alliance to participate in the [-]th birthday of the Yanyin alliance leader with Brother Wentang. After the birthday is over, I will go to the main city of the alliance to get it. With the power of silver-moon blessings, by the way, I can see my father whom I haven’t seen for many years, and I really don’t have time in the near future.”

After thinking about it, Dou Honglue suggested, "This is a trivial matter. You can report back to Hell as soon as possible. After the Master of the Hall Master knows your news, he will definitely come to you as soon as possible. You make an appointment and meet there at that time. This will not only speed up the time, but also avoid the risk of missing it.”

Yun Yi nodded, "It will take at least half a year to get here from the God's Land. If Ruoqian rushes here, but I have already arrived at the God's Land, she must be very depressed."

After pondering for a while, Yun Yi made up his mind, "Daiyi City, after three months, we will meet in Daiyi City. The high-level executives of Daiyi City are basically my old friends, and it would be appropriate to meet there."

"It turned out to be Lord Sibai's friend." Dou Hong saw the clue from Dai Yicheng's name, "No wonder the master of the hall came up to help Dai Yicheng in person, so there is this relationship, so of course it is the most appropriate. "

Seeing once again how much the Lord Palace Master values ​​this person in front of him, Dou Hong thinks more about Yun Yi, "I don't know when the Lord wants me to get up, why don't we take the Xue Lingguo for the Lord first?"

Knowing that Yun Yi's target is Xue Lingguo, Dou Hong and others automatically assigned Xue Lingguo to him. This is a serious husband of the Palace Master, and it may be more effective to please him than to please the Palace Master.

Knowing the news of the person who thinks about it day and night, he was so excited that Yun Yi almost forgot about the business. He only remembered when Dou Hong said, "I really need your help with this matter. We were worried that you would Back to Liang Wei, I don’t have to worry about it now, I am confident in taking Xue Lingguo, but it is a bit troublesome how to get out after getting the thing.”

"It's simple." Dou Hong immediately came up with a solution, "My lord, block Liang Wei first, and I'll take the Xueling fruit directly, and then quietly hand it over to Zhang Hui, the deputy minister, and then escape back to hell. Those people can still chase after me." Can I go to hell? Anyway, if you send a message to Lord Hall Master, you will go back to hell, so you can kill two birds with one stone."

Zhang Hui frowned, "That guy Liang Wei came to us in the afternoon and begged us to take the Xueling fruit for him. He must be determined to win the Lingguo. He keeps an eye on it. What if he finds out?"

"Liang Wei went to look for you." Yun Yi's eyes moved, and he suddenly thought about it.

"Yes, he came to us in the afternoon and talked to us for a long time. He even took out the Epic Spirit Card, but although the price he offered was heavy, we were anxious to come to see the Lord, but we didn't agree." Recalling what happened in the afternoon, Dou Hong directly overturned Liang Wei's plan completely.

"In this way, you will agree to Liang Wei's request when you go back, and blackmail a few more spirit cards and fairy crystals by the way. To prove your sincerity, Dou Hong can make an oath and send them to our door for slaughter. If you don't, I will be too sorry for him. "

"Ah?" The crowd in Mie Shen Temple didn't follow Yun Yi's train of thought.

Yun Yi smiled treacherously, and explained the specific plan to Dou Hong and others in a low voice.

One night passed quietly, and before one knew it, the east was already pale.

The sky was twilight, and the sun hadn't really risen yet, but the people in the whole town were all awake, and they all went to the secret place of the elements in high spirits.

In the Dongfang family's camp, everyone was also preparing to leave.

"Miss, it's okay to be here, the secret place of the element is extremely cold, your body must not be able to bear it, you stay here, we will definitely bring Xue Lingguo back!" Tan Han stood in front of the carriage and said goodbye to Ji Xue in a low voice , and then ordered a group of guards, "Protect Miss well, if anything happens, I will punish severely according to clan rules!"

"Don't worry, leader!" A group of guards responded loudly. These people are loyal guardian warriors of the Dongfang family. Unless they are all dead, they will definitely fight to the last moment.

Yun Yi wasn't too worried. He had already ordered the followers of Mie Shen Temple to guard secretly, except for Dou Hong and Zhang Hui. With so many realm kings around, even if the alchemy warriors came, they would not be able to hurt Dongfang Jixue.

"Master Hei Ren, you...you must come back safely." Dongfang Jixue took a quick look at Yun Yi from the car window, and quickly shrank back.

"Hahaha, you guys are just piggybacking, I'm afraid there is only one person that Miss Ji Xue really wants to remind." Yun Yi and the others were [-]% sure of getting the Xue Lingguo, and the atmosphere was naturally relaxed.

"Brother Wentang, when did you gossip like this?" Yun Yi rolled Wentang's eyes. This guy clearly knew that he already had someone in his heart, and he said this just because he was afraid that the world would not be chaotic. If Ruoqian heard it, he would secretly Li has to say that he attracts bees and butterflies again.

"In the future, I don't dare to gossip anymore, so I naturally have to take this opportunity to say a few more words." The master of Mie Shen Temple is a person who has never lost a battle against the gods, so who dares to gossip in front of her.

But Wen Tang just laughed like this. Even knowing that Yun Yi has a breathless background, his attitude towards Yun Yi has not changed in the slightest, which is commendable.

"Okay, okay, I know you have a deep friendship with that person." Wentang patted Yun Yi's shoulder with a smile, and then turned to the topic, "Xuelinghua has a strong fragrance, and it must be about to bear fruit, let's go quickly .”

"En." Yun Yi nodded, and together with Qin Han, the three of them turned into three beams of light and flew towards the gap in the dark space at the end of the sky.

In the carriage, Dongfang Jixue, who was joking outside, lamented, and Bai Nen's little face was full of disappointment, "It turns out that Lord Hei Ren already has someone he likes, and it's no wonder why there is no one around a strong man like him. .”

Leaving the camp, not long after flying, the three of them arrived at the sky above the secret land of elements. The dark space crack was getting closer and closer, and the surrounding temperature was getting lower and lower. A few drops of dark blue liquid, that is the dark blue cold water escaping, if it gets a little bit, even the king of the realm will be frozen to death, and even the original body will be frozen into an ice sculpture.

The deep blue cold water is okay, after all, there are traces to follow. The unstable space gap is the most terrifying. Near the huge black abyss, small space gaps keep flashing. Just like eating bean sprouts, if someone accidentally bumps into it, there will be no bones left.

"Be careful!" During the flight, Yun Yi suddenly felt fluctuations in a nearby space, and immediately flew over, pulling Qin Han in front of him back, and at the same time raised his hand to release a burst of spiritual power.

There was only a loud bang, and a crack suddenly appeared in the space over there, and the howling space storm set off a huge suction force, directly swallowing the energy.

"Thank you, Your Excellency Black Blade, for saving your life." Qin Han was terrified when he escaped from the dead. If Yun Yi had been a little later, he might have been sucked into the space gap. There is no power to resist, in case of being involved, there is only one dead end.

"It's a small matter. Brother Wentang and I are both wind element fighters, and we have an advantage in speed." Yun Yi nodded, not paying attention to it. Not only him, Wentang is also sure of saving Tan Han, and we will fight together Partners should support each other.

The time to speak has already reached the place where snowflakes are in full bloom.

There are very few people who intend to compete for Xue Lingguo, but under the dual obstacles of the deep blue cold water and the gap in space, not many people can actually get here. Only by flying over, there are [-]% fewer people.

"Xue Linghua!" Tan Han pointed down, Yun Yi and Wen Tang looked there, and they saw a small flower, but the location where the flower grew made one's scalp tingle.

From a distance, there is only a line of space cracks, but it is already a pitch-black space abyss at a close distance. There are ten feet around the place, full of violent and devouring space storms. On the edge of the space storm, there is a blue to black In the middle of the pool, a small ice-white flower is exuding fragrance.

Only in places where the ice element is extremely rich will there be such wonders as Xuelinghua. It is natural that it has a great effect, but the difficulty of picking it is not ordinary. Whether it is a deep blue cold water pool or a space storm, it is enough for people. Drink a jug.

However, in the middle of wealth and danger, a treasure that can make the human body comprehend the laws of elements is enough to make these ice element fighters desperately.

"Liang Wei and the others are one step ahead of us." Wen Tang didn't just stare at Xue Linghua, but also took the time to glance at their opponent.

Yun Yi looked in the direction Wen Tang pointed, and Liang Wei and the other three were also staring at them. Behind them, there were Dou Hong and Zhang Hui in black cloaks. He bought two epic spirit cards and one hundred thousand immortal crystals.

After getting these things, Dou Hong sent them to Yun Yi as soon as possible, but Yun Yi had no shortage of these things for a long time, and let Dou Hong distribute them directly, just as the hard work of doing the task.

Seeing Yun Yi looking over, Liang Wei narrowed his eyes, and immediately showed a murderous sneer, and at the same time cut Yun Yi's neck.

He relied on Yunyi and the others to remember Xue Lingguo, and he would not fight him now, that's why he was so arrogant.

Xuelinghua has reached the critical moment of fruiting. In the center of the ice-white flower, a small blue-black fruit is frantically absorbing the surrounding ice and water elements. While slowly forming, the small Xuelingguo is still emitting With dark blue light, twinkling, like a heart beating.

A group of warriors were either floating in the air or standing on the snowy field, waiting patiently while guarding against the sneak attacks of the people around them. The time passed minute by minute in this torment.

When the Xueling fruit grows to the size of a fist, the surrounding petals also fall into the pool, and the unique fragrance of the Xue Ling fruit is released, and the Xue Ling fruit is ripe!

(End of this chapter)

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