God-level card system

Chapter 892 Dragon and Phoenix City!

Chapter 892 Dragon and Phoenix City!
All the low-level materials he collected all the way from Lingka Continent to Zhuxian fell on it.

After checking the space ring, he found that apart from some high-level spirit cards, precious materials and a large number of immortal crystals, there was nothing else in it. Yun Yi was also very surprised.

He originally planned to equip everyone with a set of battle armor, but now that he thinks about it, forget it.

Fortunately, he and his father have been making spirit cards in their free time all these years, and distributing them can also arm all the world kings and powerhouses above the battalion commander.

This made Yun Yi think of what everyone said before, that war is a way to sell the treasury, and he has seen it today.

Led by Lang Xi, the newly equipped Cangyue Legion trained hard for a few more rounds, which greatly improved their adaptability.

In order to make up for his lack of experience, Yun Yi deliberately detoured several famous dangerous places on the way, and summoned the army to fight against the beast horde.

After this kind of training plus actual combat, although the Cangyue Legion can't follow orders and prohibit orders, they will never panic again.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current Cang Yue Legion is equivalent to two ordinary regiments. If there is an encounter like Panfenggu last time, they will never have such heavy casualties.

Panlongwu Fenggang is the most dense and dangerous place in Tianlongling. It is located in the north of Tianlongling.

From the perspective of terrain, this area is divided into two parts, connected end to end. If viewed from a very far away, it looks like a dragon and phoenix entangled in circles.

In fact, the Tianlong lineage and the Wufeng lineage are indeed distributed according to the terrain. The Tianlong lineage is close to the nearby ice elemental secret land, and the Wufeng lineage is close to the nearby fire elemental secret land.

The two veins surround the central headquarters and have lived in harmony for thousands of years.

The day was sunny and the temperature was right, Panlongfengwugang was peaceful, peaceful and peaceful under the bright sunshine.

There are about 3000 warriors standing guard on the nearby hills, most of them leaning against the city wall in boredom, some even squatting at the bottom of the wall, yawning boredly and drowsy.

Guarding an area for thousands of years, this area has always been calm, without any external attacks, anyone will lose vigilance.

What is Tianlongling? It is one of the six old forces in the territory of the gods. Panlongwu Fenggang is also the most heavily guarded place in Tianlongling. Who dares to attack after eating the bear's heart.

In the depths of the forest ten miles away from Panlongwufenggang, a 10-man army is quietly marching rapidly.

The ancient trees in the mountain forest are towering, and the leaves are rustling by the breeze, which perfectly covers up the movement below.

When they were three miles away from Panlongwufenggang, the entire army suddenly stopped.

The person at the front stood upright, his plain green robe was blown up and rolled wildly. After seeing the situation in front of him clearly, he nodded to the few people behind him.

"Okay, let's stop here, if we go any further, even those people in Tianlong Ridge will be woken up even if they are sleeping soundly."

The man looked at the woman in the battle robe, "Chu Qing, according to the plan, you lead people to attack head-on, and we sneak into Tianlong Ridge to find the person who controls the double god formation. As long as we kill him, we will be considered victorious." .”

"no problem!"

After nodding her head affirmatively, Chu Qing looked at Yun Yi with some worry, "There is nothing wrong with me, but you guys must be careful in everything."

Obviously, she still has lingering fears about Yun Yi's loss of strength that day.

"Of course, none of us will joke about our own safety." Yun Yi nodded, then looked at the army behind him.

"Today! Step down Tianlong Ridge!"

Just seven simple words shocked everyone in the legion. Although they didn't dare to shout loudly for fear of being discovered by the enemy, their eyes were all bright.

Seeing that the morale had been aroused, Chu Qing immediately commanded, "Everyone is there! The target is the dragon and phoenix dance hilltop, the Tianlongling square monument, and the long-distance skills are ready!"

At this time, the training effect of the recent period will be revealed.

With almost an order, the three forward battalions of the legion quickly spread out and arranged in a fan shape to ensure that their respective skills can be used to the maximum extent.

Therefore, the warriors all have brilliant lights in their hands, and their spiritual power attacks are upward at 45 degrees, the target is locked, and they are ready to go.


Following Chu Qing's order, the three front battalions all shouted loudly, and shot out the skills in their hands.

The drums for the surprise attack on Tianlong Ridge are now beating!

The terrifying inheritance skills rushed out like the waves of the sea, and the grotesque colors exuded extremely dangerous and murderous intent.

Thirty thousand warriors used the contracted beasts to display their inheritance skills. How could the scene be described as vast.

Seeing that incomparably spectacular scene, all the senior executives couldn't help but sigh with emotion, as expected of a general, Yun Yi's far-sightedness can be seen from this move alone.

Yun Yi equips Cangyue Legion with contracted beasts capable of long-range attacks, which may not show up in one-on-one battles, but in large-scale legion battles, the effect is shockingly good.

The distance of three miles, as long as you don't make a special search, you won't notice it. In addition, the mountains and forests are deep and the ancient trees are lined up. Until the Cangyue Army sent out the spiritual power attack, no one noticed it.

Wave-like skills whizzed towards the sky above Panlongwufenggang. A yawning warrior who guarded the city suddenly saw a colorful light in the sky, and couldn't help being stunned.

After being dazed for a long time, he suddenly shivered, all drowsiness was swept away, and he quickly shouted at the top of his voice, "Enemy-strike!"


"What enemy attack?"

The drowsy city guard raised his eyes in bewilderment, his face full of doubts.

But when they saw the colorful light descending from the sky, everyone's brains seemed to be pierced by a steel needle, and they jumped up, staring at the brilliant light in surprise.

God, with such a huge amount of energy, how many people must attack at the same time!Is it possible that the other party has a legion?
However, before they could figure it out, the wave of spiritual attacks had already rushed down like a wolf.

Three kilometers is only a blink of an eye for warriors above the god rank. By the time the decadent defenders of Tianlongling discovered the skills of those spirit beasts, it was too late to fight back.

They could only prop up a spiritual barrier full of loopholes and protect the city as much as possible.



The attack of overwhelming spiritual power rushed down suddenly, and the rumbling explosion could be heard clearly three miles away.

[-] warriors' inheritance skills were blasted, and everything in the world was swept away. The warriors protecting the city, the plants, flowers and birds, and the towering city walls were not spared.

After the dazzling brilliance dissipated, everyone looked again, only to see a formation under the ruins of the city wall shining with a faint silver light.

The guard warriors who barely survived by relying on the city walls and formations were all stunned, their faces full of horror and shock, and they even forgot to go in and notify the high-level warriors.

They forgot their responsibilities, but Chu Qing didn't. She turned around and stepped onto the Yanyu Skybird, with black hair flying and red robe flying, "Kill!"



The warriors of the Cangyue Legion, who had been boiling with enthusiasm for a long time, immediately soared into the sky, shouting and killing loudly!
The dense crowd almost didn't scare the remnants of the defeated generals into the urine. The people who originally planned to defend against foreign enemies completely collapsed, scattered in all directions, and instinctively ran to the safety of the city.

Cang Yue's elite troops could not outrun the flustered deserters. In the blink of an eye, most of the fleeing soldiers were killed.

A small number of capable and calm people escaped, and Chu Qing didn't send anyone to chase after them. Anyway, when the siege started, some people blew themselves up and went back to send messages. It didn't matter if these people fled back.

And most importantly, their goal of charging this time has been achieved, they have rushed into the range of the double god formation.

Those formations concealed under the ruins are the double-god formations of Panlongwufenggang. It's okay to charge quickly and surprise. If the enemy gets the news and activates the formation in advance, it will be difficult to attack the city.

Now they have stood inside the double god formation, the outermost double god formation does not have the ability to transfer warriors, even if it is activated now, they are still invincible.

"Report to the commander! Most of the defenders of Panlongwufeng were beheaded, and less than [-] escaped. No one in our army fell, and seven people were slightly injured!"

A general excitedly reported that he had never been so excited before.

Because it was a long-range sneak attack, Panlongwu Fenggang defenders suffered heavy losses before a direct confrontation, so Cang Yue's damage this time was so small that it could be completely ignored.

People in Cangyue, anyone who hears this achievement will feel excited from the bottom of their hearts!
Lang Xi nodded in satisfaction, "That's right, the training these days has not been in vain." As he said that, he looked into the distance again, "Continue to march, and clean up the battlefield after taking down the entire Panlongwufenggang!"

As a commander who sees the overall situation, Lang Xi knows what to do when.

They only have one legion, and the number of them is small. The most important thing is to occupy a few more strongholds before the enemy reacts. Cleaning up the battlefield will naturally be postponed.

Yun Yi and his party rushed into the post as soon as the battle started, and now only Lang Xi, Chu Qing, and Bai Fei who are inseparable from Lang Xi are left behind in the Cang Yue Legion.

Lang Xi and Bai Fei are genuine Sunshine Warriors now, with the two of them in charge, the Cangyue Legion will definitely not be short of top fighters.

After seeing Lang Xi's commanding talent, Chu Qing had completely handed over the commanding power to him, and when he heard him say to move on, she immediately gave orders to the army without hesitation.

"Go forward! There are still nine checkpoints ahead. When Master Yun Yi wins the Double God Formation, we must reach his side!"



"Brothers, go!"

The shouts and responses were earth-shattering.

When the morale of the Cangyue Legion rushed to the next stronghold, Yun Yi, Yun Qingyuan, Yun Ya, Qi Feng and others had already crossed the top ten strongholds and arrived at the inner city of Panlongwu Fenggang.

The terrain of Panlongwufeng City is very peculiar, it is a huge valley spiraling downwards, the ten strongholds are only outer city defenses, and the bottom of the spiraling valley is the real headquarters of Tianlongling - Dragon Phoenix City!

(End of this chapter)

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