God-level card system

Chapter 898 Head to Head!

Chapter 898 Head to Head!
After being shocked, everyone was full of emotion. If Wufeng knew the current situation, she would probably vomit three liters of blood. If she didn't sacrifice the Dragon Sacred Beast Soul, Yun Yi and the others might loot and leave with some Lingbao Lingcard up.

But now, Yun Yi drove the beast soul, not only turned the Dragon Phoenix City upside down, but also took away the Dragon Sage, the treasure of the clan.

But it's not his fault, after all, she is not from the ancient Chinese race, and she can't put spies around Yun Yi, so she doesn't know that Yun Yi even has a pure-blooded high-level spirit beast like the five-clawed Heavenly Dragon King.

Let the others go to work, Yun Yi unfolded the map to check, and found that there was no legion around Tianlong Valley that could arrive in time, so he simply decided to let the Cangyue Legion recuperate overnight in Longfeng City.

After beating someone and then stationing troops in his lair, it is a model of slapping someone and slapping him again and again.

Knowing this from the survivors outside Longfeng City, Wufeng almost died of anger.

The places that should be demolished are also demolished, and the people who should be beheaded are also beheaded. The next step is to clean up the battlefield and collect spoils.

After capturing a few warriors who surrendered and leading the way, Yun Yi and his party quickly found the entrance to the treasure house under the Dragon Temple.

The Ten Thousand Years Treasure House in Tianlong Ridge is naturally guarded layer upon layer, with strict formations, but Yun Yi doesn't take these complicated formations seriously.

After returning from the Five Sacred Mountains, he didn't look at the mountains. After systematically learning the mysterious and profound Yuanling Formation, except for the Double God Formation, most of the formations were like children's play games in his eyes.

Breaking through dozens of formations along the way, everyone finally arrived at the Ten Thousand Years Treasure House in Tianlong Ridge.

As soon as they entered the treasure house, a group of people were overwhelmed by the overwhelming wealth inside. Dragons love treasures most, and the Dragon Temple has been passed down for tens of thousands of years. One can imagine how many rare treasures there are.

Jin Yuan, who was following Yun Yi, took a deep breath and threw himself directly into the pile of treasures, "There is no better place than this!"

Yun Yi twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly, the Dragon Clan's obsession with rare treasures is indeed well-deserved, even the ancestor of the Dragon could not resist the temptation of wealth.

Letting Jin Yuan sleep in a pile of golden sky mines, Yun Yi and his team began to search for the treasure house.

Each of them has an incomparably huge space ring, and collects all kinds of treasures into the space ring.

The elixir of life-saving and spiritual fruit, the wealth of fairy crystals in large quantities, the rare sky mines, and various energy crystals.

There were piles of spirit cards, essence soul benevolent fluids emitting various colors of light, and all kinds of metallurgical treasures, all of which dazzled the six of them.

Even Yunya can't help feeling that compared with Tianlongling, which has accumulated for hundreds of thousands of years, Daiyi City is really too poor.

The other treasures were collected by Yun Ya and the others, but Yun Yi and Yun Qingyuan did all the rare mineral deposits and card making materials by themselves.

Previously, Yun Yi planned to equip the entire legion with battle armor, but it was temporarily shelved due to insufficient resources. Now these mineral deposits in Tianlongling came at the right time.

The wealth accumulated in Tianlong Ridge was really too much. A group of six people worked day and night to collect the treasures for three full days before filling the treasury. All of them were exhausted.

But even though they were very tired, they felt refreshed like never before. After this plunder, their wealth in Yicheng had doubled several times.

"There are so many treasures in the treasure house of Tianlong City. I don't know what the two temples look like."

Qi Feng was lying on the bright floor with big characters, looking forward to the luxurious scene of the two temples and treasure houses.

"It's definitely harder to imagine than Tianlong Ridge."

"I don't know when I can go and see it."

The six rested separately, chatting without saying a word.

Of course, that's all they said, and no one would actually act.

The reason for the surprise attack on Tianlong Ridge this time was because it was caught by surprise. Next time, the two temples must be prepared.

Everyone rested unhurriedly for three days before setting off with the whole army, leaving behind the ruined Dragon Phoenix City and the empty Dragon Phoenix Temple.

Before leaving, Yun Yi also took away a batch of dragon and phoenix spirit beasts with good bloodlines.

The appeal of the five-clawed Heavenly Dragon King was extraordinary, and a large number of spirit beasts were willing to go with Yun Yi. He drew up an island for these spirit beasts to live in on the east ocean of Yunjing Space, and sent several contracted beasts to live there. Supervision.

Although these transfigured spirit beasts have surrendered, they cannot be completely trusted. At least he will not consider arranging them until the end of this war.

After Yun Yi swaggered away with the Cang Yue Legion, Wu Feng sent the surviving confidants back to check, and the huge treasure house was indeed empty.

"Damn Yun Yi! You, the majestic patriarch of the ancient Hua clan, did such a thug!"

Under the rage, Wufeng's mournful roar could be heard throughout the barracks.

It has only been three days since the three of Yun Yi left Longfeng City, and the news here seems to have grown wings, spreading throughout the entire continent.

The message card that came from nowhere spread like snowflakes, and most of the scenes recorded in it were post-war ruins.

To actually transform the gorgeous and dazzling Panlongwu Fenggang into such an appearance, one can imagine how terrifying the strength of the person who made the shot.

After the Panlongwu Fenggang battle, the immortal forces once again saw the horror of Daiyi City, to be precise, the horror of Yunyi.

Although countless immortals are still optimistic about the three major coalition forces, they already have hidden worries deep in their hearts. Even the lair of one of the six major forces can do this. Who knows if Yun Yi will turn things around and defeat the three major coalition forces .

When the news that Yun Yi had looted the entire Dragon Temple spread, the three major coalition forces were all terrified.

In addition to Tianlongling, the two temples also realized that it would be very dangerous to leave the base camp empty, so they mobilized legions and strong men to defend to avoid further surprise attacks.

There were two less legions heading to Daiyi City.

This Panlongwu Fenggang battle, not only won a lot of spoils, but also weakened the strength of the opponent's two legions, the effect was better than that of Panfenggu.

However, after being attacked by the Cangyue Legion twice in a row, the three major coalition forces have also learned to be more vigilant, and they should be more vigilant, and the lone legion is also working together with other legions.

In this way, it is very difficult for them to come up with a surprise attack.

The most important thing is that after suffering such a big loss, Tianlongling also began to retaliate against Dai Yicheng crazily.

They crazily spread the messenger spirit cards within the territory of the gods, calling the Cangyue Legion's surprise attack "sneaky" and "villain's behavior", and they themselves were "just" and "poor" victims.

Although most people understand what is right and what is wrong, some people are still brainwashed by Tianlongling's shameless remarks. With the spread of the message card, Daiyi City lost a lot of power of faith.

Finally, when the commotion was almost over, Tianlongling announced arrogantly.

"Yun Yi, the patriarch of the ancient Chinese clan! Tianlong Ridge and you will have a decisive battle with Leiming Ridge. Do you dare to fight with dignity!"

Hearing this shameless remark, everyone in Daiyi City was furious immediately.

"These shameless villains are too good at turning right and wrong into black and white!"

"Damn, our surprise attack is a despicable sneak attack. Is it justice for the three major forces to besiege our new forces that have just been established less than 200 years ago?"

"Yun Yi only has Cang Yue as an army, but they have assembled three major armies at Lei Minggang, and they are ashamed to say that they will fight in a dignified manner!"


Almost everyone knew about the entire territory of the gods, and Yun Yi and the others who passed through the teleportation array all the way to Sichuan and Chongqing City naturally knew about it too.

Yunya held the messenger card she just bought, and cursed angrily, "Tianlongling is too shameless. Since ancient times, the immortals have always competed for power, winning the king and losing the bandit. If you lose this kind of fight, you will be a rogue!"

The Immortal Continent believed in the strong being respected, the victor was the king, and upheld morality. Logically speaking, if Tianlongling lost, it should be a game on the battlefield, but what is he doing now?Belittle the city of Daiyi!

The power of faith can improve the understanding of the rules and elements of the world, and can also speed up the cultivation, which is very important for every warrior.

The major forces generally spread their beliefs within their own sphere of influence and will not interfere with other forces. Otherwise, if I scold you today and hack me tomorrow, then the great forces still have no credibility at all.

"Regardless of whether we win or lose this battle, Tianlong Ridge has already been completely lost. Once the savings of hundreds of thousands of years are wiped out, anyone will go crazy."

Yun Yi didn't have much fluctuation. In the original world, it was common for public relations to fool the public's IQ. If you want to avoid being affected, you have to listen or believe it or spread it.

"Okay, anger is useless, the most important thing now is how to deal with it." Knocking on the table, Yun Yi awakened a group of people who were filled with righteous indignation, "Lei Minggang, go or not!"

"Of course not! The three major armies of Tianlongling gathered, how can we confront them head-on!" Chu Qing slapped the table hard, almost smashing the table into pieces.

"That's right! They are fully prepared this time, and there must be countless traps!" Bai Fei also nodded, with a look of disapproval.

"But if we don't go, we will follow Tianlongling's words and say that we dare not fight him head-on." Lang Xi's expression was a little condensed.

As the saying goes, those who are ruthless are afraid of being violent, those who are cruel are afraid of being desperate, and those who are desperate are afraid of being shameless. The shameless Tianlongling used three indiscriminate tricks to force them into a dilemma all at once.

After pondering for a while, Yun Yi finally made a decision, "Go! Let's go to Thunder Ridge as originally planned. As for whether to fight or not, whether to do it or not depends on the situation!"

After making a decision, the group of seven continued on their way.

At this time, the attention of most of the immortals and most of the forces was also focused on Leiming Ridge.

Tianlongling has declared war with all its face, will Daiyi City accept the challenge?

If you fight, who will be the ultimate winner.

Thunder Ridge, the famous secret place of thunder element in Tianlong Ridge, was very popular with thunder element warriors before the war started.

The thunder element inside is the most powerful god-level element-the thunder of thunder, hence the name of Leiming Ridge.

Under the shroud of domineering thunder elements, the entire Leiming Ridge is like a desert, without any plants or trees growing. Although it is a hilly terrain, the ups and downs are very gentle, and no mountain can hide 10 people on the back.

If there is a war here, there is only one possibility, and that is head-to-head!

(End of this chapter)

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