Chapter 939
The corners of countless people's mouths twitched when they heard this. The reason is simple. Is this the top expert in Zhuxian Continent?

Not to mention the others, even Yun Yi stared at Leng Leng suspiciously. This big brother is so individual, he turned the bloody battlefield into a talk show.

Cold and funny is funny, the business that should be done is still to be done, the gods are defeated, and the two temple legions will be dealt with next.

The Shuangcheng Legion had already returned to the city wall, surrounded Yun Yi in groups, and on the other side of the Heavenly God camp, all the Wu Zun also gathered in front of the disabled two major legions.

But everyone didn't take any further action. After all, Leng Lie was the one who defeated the gods. Who knew what he was thinking.

Supporting Bai Ruoqian to stand firm, Yun Yi was the first to break the silence.

"Your Excellency Leng Lie, everyone in Shuangcheng is very grateful for your help. If you have nothing important to do next, please come to the city to sit down. When we finish the battle, we will hold a banquet to thank you for your support.

Turning his head to look at Yun Yi coldly, he nodded appreciatively. He has seen too many people flatter him, even some high-ranking officials are no exception.

At his level, everyone actually understands that only those with strong will and belief are truly strong.

From this point of view, Yun Yi quite suits his taste.

"I know what you think. I'll talk about what you want to ask later. Now let's deal with the matter here."

In fact, Yun Yi invited Leng Lie in, not just to thank him for his help, but to take this opportunity to inquire about his mother.

Seeing that Leng Lie understood what he meant, Yun Yi didn't bother, and nodded with a smile, "Your Excellency, please."

"To be precise, you and the two cities will suffer a bit in these matters."

Yun Yi's expression remained unchanged, "As long as your request does not violate my principles, there is nothing wrong with it."

After all, Leng Lie has helped them so much, and he should agree to a few requests, both emotionally and rationally.

"First, stop the war. The world of the immortals was created by the twin gods. Those who grow up in this land are the people of the twin gods. Now that the victory and defeat have been decided, there is no need to continue."

Yun Yi was slightly stunned when he heard that, Leng Lie was indeed a member of the Shuangshen Temple, and he acted from the perspective of Shuangshen.

Indeed, although they fought this battle happily, they also lost millions of people. This is the loss of Zhuxian Continent. Such a tragic battle situation is definitely not what the two gods want to see.

"Since it is Your Excellency's request, Na Yi promises on behalf of Shuangcheng that he will never take the initiative to provoke a war."

Yun Yi agreed without any hesitation, after all, if there was no coldness, their two cities would be the loser.

Seeing that Yun Yi agreed, the warriors of the two temples breathed a sigh of relief, and the warriors of the two temples also let go of their tightly held hearts, but their joy did not last for half a breath before they were ruthlessly broken up.

He let out a cold "Oh", "This is a reminder to the temple, the two temples dare to provoke a dispute in the mainland, and they should be punished!"

"The two temples will be punished to cede one-third of the territory in the south, and the sphere of influence of Tianlongling will be included in the two cities."



Qu Le and Mu Ze almost didn't jump up.

Of the six major powers in the God's Domain, the two temples have the largest scope. They each ceded a third, which is enough to build two more Daiyi cities!
Furthermore, no matter which faction is allowed to cede one-third of the land, it is enough to seriously hurt that faction's vitality.

Not to mention the sphere of influence of Tianlongling, if all of these were given out, most of the immortals would fall under the control of Shuangcheng.

Qu Le and Mu Ze spoke hastily, wanting to fight over, "Master! This..."

Who knew that Leng Lie turned his head and looked sharply in his eyes, "Do you have any opinions?"

Being restrained by this sharp light, the two shuddered almost at the same time, and only then did they realize that they were no longer the gods of light or darkness, they were just defeated prisoners of war.

The two prisoners of war, if they can save their lives, it is very good if they are not wiped out. There is no right to bargain.

Seeing that the two Martial Venerables did not dare to resist at all, they were forced to make a blood oath, and even the subordinates of the gods behind them did not dare to say anything, many people felt that the world is impermanent.

Who would have thought that one of the two strongest Martial Masters in the past would have a day to bow his head.

The loyal believers of the two temples saw that what they believed in was not gorgeous and noble gods, but warriors who would bow their heads in front of stronger ones. The only difference between these two was that they were stronger.

The warriors of the two cities also saw that the two great temples they feared were not so terrible, and they didn't even have the courage to defend their own land and followers.

In such a comparison, Yun Yi and others are only newly promoted two-star Martial Lords, but they can defend their homeland to the death, which is even more admirable.

But what is even more astonishing is the cold power. With just a few words, he re-divided the continental structure, which is really awe-inspiring and yearning.

Up to now, the three major coalition forces sent to Yicheng can be said to have been completely defeated. Firstly, Tianlong Ridge was completely destroyed, and secondly, the two major temples ceded forces to compensate, and lost countless powers of faith.

But now everyone in the Heavenly God camp is very fortunate. No matter what, their lives are saved. Power, dignity, and honor are all vain, and only being alive is real!

And looking at the meaning of Leng Lie, not only did he not want to haggle with the Martial Lords of the two major temples, but he even wanted to let go of the gods who were extremely displeased.

He pointed to the person lying on the ground, and said to Yun Yi and the others: "This person cannot be killed now."

"Why?" Yun Yi frowned a little, and others didn't care, but letting the gods leave would be tantamount to going back to the mountain. When he recovers, he may make a comeback at any time.

"Because he has a piece of sapphire unicorn in his hand. I don't know where he put it in the heaven. Once he dies, I don't know how many years it will take to find that jade."

"At the Chengtian Conference a hundred years later, all my immortal warriors must open the Tomb of the Twin Gods! This world must be mastered! To open the Tomb of the Twin Gods, a piece of green jade unicorn is indispensable!"

"Sapphire Qilin Jue?" Yun Yi couldn't help but think of the piece of jade he got when he seized the inheritance of Yuanshen. It was said that the Qingyu Qilin Jue was related to the Tomb of the Two Gods, but it turned out to be true.

In the inheritance of Yuanshen, let the descendants find the lost tombs of the twin gods and fulfill the family's wish to return to their homeland. In this way, it would be really difficult to kill Jingyu.

Thinking of controlling the world in the cold words, Yun Yi suddenly frowned, "Could it be that the world of the immortals is about to change?"

"You are very sharp." Nodding coldly, "The channel between the immortals and the soul, heaven and myriad realms was blocked back then because the two gods arranged an enchantment. Now the enchantment will be broken, and the myriad realms will come!"

Yun Yi shook his head, "Soul Heaven and Myriad Realms are also part of the Immortal World after all, so what if the channel of Myriad Realms is opened?"

"The Continent of the Immortals is the main world of the world of the Immortals, with a majestic and vast territory, while our Twin Temple, the heaven in the capital, Bai Ruoqian's hell, and other small worlds are all subordinate worlds."

"Most people in the subordinate world are extremely eager for the main world, because it is easier to break through Shishen in the main world, but in the subordinate world, unless there are talents or great opportunities, it is difficult to break through Shishen."

Yun Yi raised his eyebrows, "I don't think there are many Shishen in Zhuxian Continent."

From ancient times to the present, the only gods known to Yun Yi are Jing Yu and Yun Wenhong, and Jing Yu still descended from the heavens, so they can't be counted at all.

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but coldly glanced at the fainted Jingyu, "Of course he suppressed dissidents and blocked all possible promotion channels."

Yun Yi nodded. This is the power of a person in power. As long as he is willing, he can directly decide the fate of everyone in this land. Didn't Yun Wenhong, who was just promoted to God, be forced to explode by the capital? ?

"In the past, the Immortal Continent has always been connected to the Myriad Realms, so there is no problem, but as soon as this connection is made, the powerful people who have accumulated hundreds of thousands of millions of years in the Soul, Heaven and Myriad Realms will flood into the Immortal Continent in search of opportunities. Who will control it?" Gotta live!"

Those who need to go to the immortals to find opportunities are naturally Wu Zun who has been difficult to improve in the subordinate world.

There are only a few Martial Venerables in Zhuxian Continent for hundreds of thousands of years, and there are so many Soul Heaven and Myriad Realms. Who dares to say that these strong men can be suppressed and prevent them from making trouble.

The people in the sky and the earth who heard this were shocked, "Myriad worlds are coming!"

"Wouldn't it be that there will be countless Martial Venerables descending!"

"Is there any place for our local forces in Zhuxian Continent to gain a foothold?"

Now among the many forces of the immortals, except for Shuangcheng, there is only one Martial Master sitting in the town, and the strength of Martial Master is very rare, which is too small compared to the Soul Heaven and Myriad Realms.

Like the two subordinate worlds of Hell and Heaven, each world has at least ten Martial Lords, how much is the sum of Soul, Heaven and Myriad Realms!
That number is scary when you think about it.

Seeing that everyone realized the seriousness of the matter, he nodded coldly, and then became a little angrily.

"That idiot of Jingyu, it's fine to make the Zhuxian Continent look like this, but he frequently forced the strong to self-destruct! If it weren't for the self-destruction of Shishen tens of thousands of years ago, the double god barrier would definitely last longer For thousands of years!"

After the anger was over, Leng Lie finally sighed helplessly, "But the barrier between the two gods will still be broken in the end, after all, the two gods have been away for too long."

After listening to Leng Lie's words, Yun Yi gradually connected everything together.

"So more and more strong people who have been promoted to Wu Zun recently are due to the weakening of the enchantment and the weakening of the barrier."

"Is this the reason why the inheritors of the twin gods continue to appear?"

Generally, if no one said it, no one would link these phenomena with world turmoil, but now that they have been exposed, and thinking about it carefully, these are not without traces.

After all, the immortals have been stable for hundreds of thousands of years. It is obviously abnormal that so many martial masters and twin gods suddenly appeared in the recent period.

"You're half right." Nodding coldly, "Wu Zun's frequent appearance is indeed due to the weakening of the barrier, but the successor of the twin gods is not because of the weakening of the barrier. To be precise, they came out in response to the robbery."

"Responsive robbery? What kind of robbery should it be?"

(End of this chapter)

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