God-level card system

Chapter 944 Three Beginning Gods!

Chapter 944 The Three Beginning Gods!

Yun Yi was taken aback by the question. To be honest, he really didn't expect that the old couple had been together for so many years.

Seeing that Yun Yi didn't respond for a moment, Qi Wenling and Luo Chen's eyes widened, "You haven't thought about it, have you?"

"It's not too late to think about it now." Yun Yi waved his hand, "When Ruoqian's body comes out of hell, we will get married immediately."

"Isn't it going to be a hundred years later?"

Qi Wenling sighed pitifully.

"I didn't expect City Lord Yun to have the same troubles as me. Speaking of which, Xuehong has also been unresponsive during this period of time. We haven't been together seriously for several months."

Yun Yi twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly, no, I really don't want to have the same troubles as you.

"Okay, you guys came to me to talk about this, right?" To avoid being teased by the two of them again, Yun Yi quickly changed the subject.

As soon as this was mentioned, Qi Wenling rolled up his sleeves angrily, as if he was going to beat someone up.

"How can we be as leisurely as you are? We still have beautiful women in our arms when we are practicing. In the past six months, we have been so busy that we have been going crazy!"

This actually made Yun Yi a little embarrassed, he touched his nose, "Then what do I need to do?"

Luo Chen shook his head with a smile, "No, everything that needs to be dealt with is almost done now, please come over, the young master, mainly to let the young master know some things, and there are still a few important things that the young master needs to decide."

Speaking of which, Luo Chen handed Yun Yi a communication spirit card, and asked him to read it while she explained.

Under the intensive management of a group of high-level executives, the Shuangcheng has basically completed most of the post-war matters.

The sphere of influence of Tianlong Ridge has been completely taken over, and the territories ceded by the two temples have also been handed over. Now the two cities control almost half of the territory of the gods.

Although the land captured is huge, it is not easy to manage it well.

These newly acquired lands were originally under the control of Tianlongling and the two major temples, and they were very far away from the administrative center of Shuangcheng. Even if Luo Chen and others wanted to control them, they were beyond their reach.

Those low-level forces took advantage of this opportunity to embezzle taxes and plunder resources. In addition, there were still some people in power of the original forces who were obstructing it. The sphere of influence was handed over as if it hadn't been handed over.

"Young Master, in order to deal with these situations, we plan to allocate half of the original land of Daiyi City to Yuka City, and then include the cities taken by the Tianlongling Wufeng lineage of Tianlongling to build a new Daiyi City."

Yun Yi nodded, "Yes, after all, Dai Yi City is the place where we originated. If we blindly seek to expand our power, it is better to take care of what we have and join half of Tianlong Ridge. We should be able to handle it."

"That's what we think too, and then we plan to station the young master's army of spirit beasts in the one third of the two temples and most of the land controlled by the Tianlong lineage of Tianlongling."

Yun Yi didn't expect this, "Let them come?"

To be honest, the density of spiritual power in the Yunjing space is much higher than that of the immortals, and there is no barrier to suppress it in the short term, Yun Yi had no plan to let them come out.

"Yes." Qi Wenling nodded.

"Compared to human fighters, spirit beasts have more direct thinking and simple and rough handling of affairs. Let them build another Yunjing City in the center of that area. With their blood and strength, they may not be able to restrain those surrenders."

Yun Yi nodded, "It's a good idea. If this Yunjing City develops, it will be completely comparable to the original Tianlong Ridge."

"The last small piece of Tianlongling area is very remote and surrounded by many elemental secret places. It is inconvenient to come and go, and it is difficult to send messages, so we plan to send it out."

"Send it out?" Yun Yi was stunned again, it was the first time he heard that the territory of the power was sent out without defeat.

"Exactly, that area is too far away from our Shuangcheng. Even if the new Yunjing City is established, it will still be difficult to control, so we plan to simply give that area to the Valley of Beasts that borders it."

"What are your plans?" Yun Yi narrowed his eyes, neither of these two people will suffer a loss, if such a large area is given away, they must be exchanged for something.

"You really can't hide anything from City Lord Yun." Qi Wenling burst out laughing, "City Master Yun has been in seclusion, maybe he didn't know that two months ago, the god Jingyu finally woke up."

"It's been more than half a year, and he should wake up." Yun Yi also smiled, it seems that the punch Leng Lie gave was really serious, and Jing Yu actually lay down for nearly half a year.

"After the gods woke up, part of the scope of the two temples was drawn out, and Tianlongling was rebuilt, known as the alliance of the gods. These days, the alliance of the gods is constantly recruiting strong people under the slogan of saving the immortals and fighting against the catastrophe of the world. .”

Luo Chen followed Qi Wenling's words and said: "In order to fight against them, we also formed an alliance called Zhanlong. I believe the young master will like this name."

As soon as Yun Yi heard this name, countless memories flooded into his heart instantly. The Dragon Slaying Alliance in the Yunlan Forest, Duan Yang, Ye Jing, and Ye Qing's followers built for him the Yunlan City, the Yunlan Empire... …

After arriving in Guiyun City, Yun Yi saw almost all of his former friends, but none of those from the Dragon Slaying Squad were there.

After the powerhouses from Aurora City and Bingyu City moved to Zhuxian, the Yunlan Empire became the number one force in the Lingka Continent.

Every few hundred years, there will be space turmoil among the immortals. At that time, phantoms can descend from the immortal continent. In order to prevent some blind people from wreaking havoc on their origin, the Lingka continent must be guarded.

So everyone in the Dragon Slaying Squad asked themselves to stay in the Spirit Card Continent.

"Fortunately, they have been here for thousands of years." Yun Yi sighed softly, "But their cultivation path has been delayed..."

"Young master, don't think so. They are not very talented. Even if they reach the immortals, they will have difficulty moving an inch. Instead, it is better to stay in the spirit card to be free."

"In recent years, we have often sent cultivation resources through space gaps. Now they have all entered the sanctuary realm and have infinite lives."

Qi Wenling also nodded, "They are your followers, and they are doing what they can for you."

Hearing this, Yun Yi also laughed, "We will be able to return to the spirit card when the barrier of the twin gods is opened, and then we will have a good time with them."

"Yeah, the twin god barrier is opened, and we can go to the immortals."

Just like the ancient Chinese never forget their homeland, warriors like Luo Chen who originated from the Spirit Card Continent also have a special affection for the Spirit Card Continent. No matter how far they go, they still want to go back and have a look.

Qi Wenling smiled and interrupted the two people who were imagining the future, "Okay, the road has to be walked out step by step, the Huiling Card is too far away, the most important thing now is to make our Dragon Slaying Alliance famous all over the world!"

"Of course!" Yun Yi nodded affirmatively.

With the opening of the Era of Ten Thousand Realms, the space passages from all walks of life in the Soul Sky and Ten Thousand Realms are gradually opened. The warriors who come to the Immortal Continent with phantoms will choose to join their camps whether they are seeking benefits or resisting ancient alien races.

These warriors are far superior to the local warriors in Zhuxian Continent in terms of quantity and quality. Whichever camp can recruit more will have the strength and power.

In terms of attracting strong people, it is natural to follow the example of Jingyu pulling the tiger's skin and pulling the banner. If the faction itself has an absolute right to speak in Zhuxian, it will naturally attract more strong people.

The gods have already acted, if they don't act again, they will lose the opportunity!
Luo Chen's voice was low, "That's what I said, but the Alliance of Gods controlled by Jingyu is a veteran force after all, and Jingyu itself is also the peak of Shishen, so he obviously has an advantage in recruiting strong people."

Qi Wenling also nodded, "Peak Shishen, not to mention now, even if the barrier between the two gods is broken, he still has absolute strength, so even though many descending phantoms knew that Jingyu was defeated, they still joined his camp."

"Also, a few days ago, the invisible family in the eastern region - the Zhuxianhua clan and the beast lineage of the Western Beast Alliance, all went to participate in the founding feast of the Alliance of Gods."

"They are very powerful and bring great gifts to join the Alliance of Gods. Although many people know that this is mostly signaled by Jingyu, their names have been made after all."

"The immortals and the divine beasts are of the same lineage?" Yun Yi raised his eyebrows, "Is it Yun Qin and that white tiger?"

Not to mention the grievances between the Immortals and Hua Clan and him, the lineage of the beasts is Yeyou's homeland, and the one who forced Yeyou to flee to the Lingka Continent was Bai Hu, the current ruler of the lineage of the beasts.

These two forces, Yun Yi, have long planned to clean up, but they were busy with the war some time ago, so they didn't care about them, and they didn't expect that they would join the Alliance of Gods now.

All the Immortals and Hua clan had already joined the Jingyu, Yun Yi was not surprised, but the lineage of the beasts also stood on the side of the Jingyu.

"That's good. It's convenient for us to catch them all in one go, and save time." Yun Yi nodded, not afraid of the threat brought by the joint forces of the three parties.

"Master, don't underestimate them. Yunqin and the beast Baihu didn't participate in the banquet of the alliance of the gods. They have been in seclusion for a long time!"

"Retreat?" Hearing this, Yun Yi was startled. Generally, warriors would not choose to retreat if they did not touch the bottleneck of breakthrough.

These two people have long been the pinnacle Martial Venerable, and now they are retreating, if they go one step further, aren't they... Shishen?
Yun Yi couldn't help feeling emotional, "It seems that we are not the only ones benefiting from the weakening of the double god enchantment, the enemy is also growing."

Qi Wenling sighed softly, "Yes, once these two people succeed in advancing, the Alliance of Gods will have three Primordial Gods!"

Luo Chen looked at Yun Yi, "The only advantage we have now is victory in the decisive battle. With the help of this momentum, as long as we invite a powerful alliance and raise our arms, we don't have to worry about not being able to attract strong people."

Yun Yi was stunned, "So you guys have taken a fancy to the Valley of Beasts?"

He just said, why give away such a large territory of the Valley of Beasts for nothing.

"It's a good idea, but the Valley of the Beasts has not asked about the matters of the immortals for many years, and even the Jingyu failed to recruit it. Our Dragon Slaying Alliance has only just been established, and it may be difficult to pull it into the water."

Qi Wenling also gritted his teeth, "Fan Changxiong, that old guy, really lives up to his name, cowardly and bearish. The previous Yuka City lord failed to recruit him."

(End of this chapter)

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