Chapter 951

He looked around anxiously, his eyes turned red suddenly, and then he raised his hand, and pulled Ringer, who was rushing to him and trying to protect him, to his side.

This actually meant that Ringer blocked the attack for him!
Linge didn't expect Luo Ying to do this at all, and was shocked, "Young Patriarch! You..."

"Shut up! My father called you here to protect me. Now that I'm in danger, it's because of your protection!"

"You are a cat demon with nine lives. Even if you resist this wave, you may not die. Hurry up and transform your body to block the energy wave! Otherwise, if the emperor suffers any damage, your entire tribe will be buried with him!"

Luo Ying cursed and retreated quickly. As long as Ringer can block him for a while and get him out of the explosion range, he will be safe!
"This man is so vicious!" Seeing that Luo Ying let her subordinates block the knife for her, Yun Yi was very disgusted, and couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic towards Linge.

If Luo Ying treats the rare Martial Master like this, what should he do to other spirit beasts of the lineage of divine beasts? If his father is the same, then it is really sad for the lineage of divine beasts to have such a person in power.

"It's a pity for this loyal and courageous Ringer."

Yun Yi sighed, he really wanted to spare Ringer, but the confrontation between the two saint-level elements was too powerful, he only controlled the nine-pointed wind, and he couldn't stop the blasting shock wave.

Being thrown out by Luo Ying to block the knife, Linge also hated him to death, but as Luo Ying said, once his young patriarch was injured in any way, the entire cat demon tribe would not be able to please him.

It is the responsibility and belief of every bloodline beast to protect the group and let the group prosper and inherit, just like a human warrior desperately defends his home country, so even if he dies, he must go!
As soon as he gritted his teeth, Ringer was about to transform his body to forcibly resist the blasting shock wave.

Who knew that at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind Yun Yi.

The man was extremely fast, and he arrived in front of Ringer in an instant. He threw Ringer aside with his left hand, flipped his right hand, and a big knife with a height of half a person's width suddenly appeared.

The man swung the broadsword horizontally, and the dark red broadsword widened and expanded rapidly, forming an extremely wide shield in a short time, blocking in front of the two of them.


The shock wave slammed into the sword shield.

Everyone thought that the sword and shield would shatter with a bang, but to their surprise, the sword and shield were as stable as Mount Tai, not shaking at all!
Not only did the sword and shield firmly block the energy, but it was also absorbing the flames like a greedy sponge, absorbing all the energy of the flames in an instant.

"It was able to block it!"

"What a powerful sword!"

"What kind of material is this knife!"

Not to mention the others, even Yun Yi was very surprised, because he obviously sensed Po Yu's caution and respect from the contract connection.

"Po Yu, is the level of this knife higher than yours?"

With a cold face, Po Yu nodded firmly, "Yes."

"Above the Supreme, that is the Holy Infant Secret Card."

In the inheritance of Yuanshen, among all the immortal card masters, the Supreme Spirit Card is the pinnacle, but according to rumors, there is actually a higher level above the Supreme, which is revered as the Holy Infant Secret Card.

Bai Ruoqian frowned slightly, "Sure enough, the Era of Myriad Realms opened, and the immortals will be in chaos. Even treasures of this level have been unearthed."

But soon, their attention shifted from the top grade treasure card to the man with the knife.

The flames scattered all over the sky, and the surge of energy gradually subsided, revealing the two people in the center of the explosion.

A young man in strong light armor was grabbing Ringo, and with a wave of his hand, the sword shield turned into a half-human tall sword and fell on his hand.

The man has neat short hair, stands like a pine tree, and has clean and firm features. He has the handsomeness of a man of aristocratic family, and the boldness and heartiness of a son or daughter of the world. He is the type that countless girls like most.

"Luo Ying, you really have no bottom line, and you actually let your loyal subordinates die!"

The man looked at Luo Ying coldly, the disgust in his eyes was very obvious.

When she saw the man blocking the flame wave, Luo Ying had already gritted her teeth, and when she was scolded, her face became even more ferocious, "Lei Li!"

"Boy Li! Really!" Lei Luo was the first to cheer up, never expecting that the strong man who came out halfway would be his own son.

"It turned out to be this kid." Yun Qingyuan nodded with a light smile.

The man turned his head to look at the happy people, his resolute face rarely showed excitement, especially when he saw Yun Yi, he was a little choked up, "Brother..."

From the moment he saw that person, Yun Yi's gaze had already been fixed on him. The other person turned his head, he was both nostalgic and delighted, "Boy Li."

It has been a thousand years since Killing the Sky Territory, and they finally meet again.

Thousands of years are enough for that immature boy to grow into an indomitable man. Seeing Lei Li who is able to stand on his own and has reached the age of marriage, Yun Yi is deeply moved.

It seemed that in the blink of an eye, the little guy who still needed to be protected was able to spread his wings and fly. He was a little disappointed, but more happy for his achievement.

Compared with Yun Yi, Lei Li has spent more time in the outside world, but even in the millennium, his respect for Yun Yi has never changed.

He will always remember that in the small Greenstone Town, it was this majestic and steady man who firmly told him that he was very talented, he was very strong, and he could also be famous all over the world.

For thousands of years, he has been looking forward to seeing him again, and today, he finally sees him!
Hearing the long-lost address from a familiar person, Lei Li threw Linge away without thinking, and rushed towards Yun Yi.

"You boy, everyone praised you before, but in a blink of an eye, you became a child again." Seeing Lei Li rushing towards him like a tired bird, Yun Yi couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder with a smile .

Unlike Lei Luo's tall body, Lei Li's body is a little thinner, and he looks more handsome and handsome.

"No matter how many years have passed, I am still your younger brother in front of my elder brother. I was before, I am now, and I will be the same in the future!"

As he spoke, Lei Li's eyes turned red.

"Your boy..." Yun Yi also had tears in his eyes from Lei Li, and he responded seriously, "I will always be your big brother, no matter how time and space pass, I will always be!"

The most rare thing in the world is when you put your heart and soul on a person, and that person returns the same sincere feelings. Lei Li stared blankly at Yun Yi, feeling that his chest was full of words, but he didn't know how to speak.

"Don't patronize me, look, father and the others are here too." As he spoke, Yun Yi turned to one side, revealing Yun Qingyuan Lei Luo and his party behind him.

"Father, Uncle." Lei Li nodded respectfully to the two, compared to seeing Yun Yi's excitement, this side is much more dull.

It's not that he is not close to these two people, but that he came to Zhuxian with them, lived for a long time, and has always been in contact, so naturally there is no surprise of seeing them suddenly.

"Hmph! Brat, do you still remember me as a father? The only one who is full of eyes is your elder brother!"

Although it was a cold snort, the joy on Lei Luo's face was unstoppable.

"Oh, since Lei Luo has such a big opinion on your son, why don't you give it up to me. Boy Li is about to get married and have a child. In the future, I, Yun Qingyuan, will also have a grandson and granddaughter."

"Don't even think about it! This is my son, if you want it, let Boy Yi give birth to him!"

It took only three sentences to meet each other, and the two old fathers were already looking forward to their little white grandson.

Yun Yi can be regarded as understanding the origin of his misery of being urged to marry these two days.

Let the two of them discuss their grandson and granddaughter enthusiastically, Lei Li turned his head and fixed his eyes on Bai Ruoqian, "This is sister-in-law, right?"

He has also been with those relatives and friends in Lingka Continent for a while, so he naturally knows the relationship between Bai Ruoqian and Yun Yi, so he respects Bai Ruoqian very much.

And even if there is no experience in the Spirit Card Continent, no one can afford to provoke a woman who can dominate the entire hell. Didn't she see that she was flirty and silent, and restrained the Ringer he threw out casually? ?
Bai Ruo smiled lightly and nodded, "Well, Yi often talks about you, knowing that you are going to get married, so I can't wait to come here."

Under Lei Li's agreement, he turned his gaze again, saw Po Yu standing obediently beside him, and said with a smile, "Little Po Yu is here too."

Po Yu shrugged his nose unceremoniously, and made a face, "I'm much better than you, what little Po Yu!"

"No matter how strong you are, aren't you also my niece?"

As the supreme spirit card, the strength is several steps higher than that of Lei Li, but he suffered a disadvantage in terms of seniority, let alone Po Yu felt aggrieved, she tilted her head with a snort, "Don't talk to me!"

"Little Po Yu is being naughty again."

The more Po Yu didn't like it, Lei Li wanted to say that when they met for the first time, because of their superior strength, their seniority was reversed.

Here they were joking and joking, while Luo Ying was about to explode with rage.

Whether it's personal strength or team, even the prestige of moving out of the lineage of beasts is useless, and even the guardian warriors have been captured. Luo Ying only feels that she has lost all her face.

Princess Yueqi got married, and countless people came and went under Xuanwu Peak. If he doesn't get back on the scene today, where will he show his face!
The Ten Thousand Beasts Alliance values ​​face the most, especially for a young patriarch like Luo Ying, who can bear this.

He immediately yelled, "Lei Li! You indulge your relatives and friends to commit crimes under Xuanwu Peak, and you don't even have the Wuzun of the Valley of Beasts in your eyes, and you want to marry Princess Yueqi, it's a joke!"

Hearing this, everyone watching the battle from beginning to end frowned at Luo Ying.

Obviously he was the one who provoked the incident first, and he uttered wild words before, not paying attention to the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts at all.

When he was happy, Yun Yi also looked at Luo Ying coldly. Originally, he had other plans for this young patriarch and didn't intend to kill him. He didn't expect this guy to jump out to find his presence again.

He was about to teach Luo Ying what it means to respect the strong, when suddenly, a shout came from the direction of the main city of the Valley of Beasts, "Who dares to despise the father!"

"How dare you run wild under Xuanwu Peak, where is the city guard beast!"

As soon as the two voices fell, an earth-shattering beast roar sounded from that direction.

(End of this chapter)

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