God-level card system

Chapter 973 Martial arts grass!

Chapter 973 Martial arts grass!
Fan Changxiong looked up at the sky and frowned, "I don't know where he has gone, but what is certain is that he is no longer in Zhuxian Continent."

"Not in Zhuxian Continent?" Lei Li couldn't believe it.

Bai Ruoqian, who had been staring at the sky for a while, also nodded, "It's gone, it was a teleportation array just now, or a rare interface teleportation array, I don't know where brother Yi was teleported to.

Hearing this, Lei Li frowned even more, "Then what will happen to the eldest brother!"

Bai Ruoqian pondered for a while, "Probably not. This is the secret place left by the two gods. The two gods will not harm their own people. It should be that Brother Yi's talent is too strong and he was sent to other places to practice."

The others were still worried, "But the twin gods have been away for so many years, is it true that there will be no changes to what they left behind?"

"I hope Boy Yi can come back safely..."

Everyone was worried, but Yun Yi was actually having a hard time.

Looking at him swishing through the test outside is refreshing and joyful, but in fact he is in dire straits inside.

It is indeed a secret realm where the two gods select the geniuses of all immortals. The requirement is to be above the king of the world, but there are even levels of Wuzun level. It is really normal for batch after batch of students to rush to the street.

Aside from other things, just one level of the Fifth Secret Realm is scary enough, and he unexpectedly ran into a puppet of a five-star Martial Master as soon as he went in!
If it was in the outside world, Yun Yi might not be afraid of this thing, but it is different in the secret realm.

In the Halloween Secret Realm, no other powers can be used, such as spirit cards, spirit beasts, puppets, and medicines for increasing holdings, all of which cannot be used.

Without the blessing of Chengkai Jue and the Spirit Card, Yun Yi's own strength is only a three-star martial master, and he is at a complete disadvantage against the five-star martial master.

Fortunately, although this secret realm puppet has great energy, it is not as flexible as a human after all, and there are only three law attributes that can be displayed.

Yun Yi comprehended the five law attributes, plus the wind of the nine lights and the flame of the soul thunder, it was almost six or four points, and this battle was very difficult.

When he finally seized a gap and a ball of flame burned the puppet across the body, there was not much cultivation left in his body.

Seeing Bai Ruoqian and Yeyou beheading Wu Zun's opponents in seconds before, Yun Yi thought it was quite easy, and he didn't know the difficulties until he got started.

After the experience of the third-level secret realm after the Halloween, Yun Yi made up his mind that he must improve his cultivation level when he goes back. The auxiliary means are auxiliary means after all, and he still needs to be strong enough himself.

There are ten checkpoints in each floor, and the difficulty is not ordinary. Yun Yi has gone through untold hardships to break through the seventh floor, and obtained countless treasures. He stands at the key point of the seventh floor and waits for the teleportation array to send him out.

Who would have thought that a ray of light would descend from the sky and lift him straight up, and at the same time, an indistinguishable voice came from his ear, "We are about to arrive at the Myriad Realms, please be ready, the tester."

Yun Yi hadn't figured out what was going on, the whole world was spinning, and when it barely stabilized, the world had changed.

Falling down on a flat piece of land danced and danced, Yun Yi got up and patted the ashes on his body, a little suspicious of life.

"What are you doing? Didn't you say that there is a rule to break through the secret realm? Ningshi? It's nothing, and I'm thrown into this ghost place."

He had only experienced dozens of battles before, and his cultivation base was exhausted, but now he was thrown down and was directly stunned.

He just stood firm, and before he could recover, Yun Yi found a huge eye staring at him rather unkindly.


He was taken aback, what flat land he was standing on was simply the head of a snake-like spirit beast!

Taking a closer look at the light of spiritual power surrounding this spirit beast, Yun Yi felt that his life might not be long, pale golden!It turned out to be Shishen!
Yun Yi swallowed his saliva, and wanted to say that he didn't do it on purpose, if he knew in advance that the beast below was the first god spirit beast, he would have to avoid it even if he tried his best.

"Then what... this dude... I don't..."

Before he finished speaking, Yun Yi saw that the snake-like spirit beast had a fierce look in its eyes, and it was obvious that it would never give up until it swallowed him alive, who dared to pluck the hair off the tiger's head.

"Mom, let's run!"

Yun Yi didn't even think about it, after turning on the wind of nine lights, he ran away, it was the beast of the beginning god, not anything else, it would really kill people if it was chased!

As soon as Yun Yi flew out with his front legs, the snake-like spirit beast caught up with his back legs, swishing his tail and swishing for thousands of miles, faster than the cunning moon firefox, which is famous for its speed.

"The strength of spirit beasts at the Shishen level is different!"

While running the Nine Lights Wind crazily, Yun Yi checked the surrounding situation, trying to find a place to hide.

In a blink of an eye, he saw a small dark cave in the middle of a huge volcanic group in the distance, and his eyes lit up immediately.

Have the opportunity!
This cave is not big, and with the size of the snake-like spirit beast, it must not be able to get in. Even if it takes human form, he still has a lot of time to deal with him.

Almost the moment he saw the cave, Yun Yi swooped down from the sky and headed straight for the cave.

The moment he stepped into the cave, the bloody mouth of the spirit beast had already opened behind him. He could clearly smell the stench that almost made people faint. If it was later, he might have been swallowed directly. down.

Seeing that Yun Yi couldn't be killed, the snake spirit beast refused to give up, flicked its long tail, and slapped Yun Yi hard on the back!
Even if there was only aftermath left, it would be enough for Yun Yi to suffer, and this damn cave was actually a sunken cave. After being photographed, he fell straight down uncontrollably!

Fortunately, there are no sharp protrusions or barriers in the passage, and although the falling speed is fast, there is no serious obstacle.

At the end of the dark passage is the hinterland of the volcano, which is a tall and wide stalactite cave. At the bottom of the cave, there is a pool of bubbling magma water. Next to it is a crystal clear stone mine, emitting a soft platinum-red light.

The platinum red color has been extended to the depths of the cave, I don't know how deep and far.

There was a gentle-looking young man in a white robe standing beside the platinum-red quarry, his usually calm eyes were filled with rare excitement.

"The Law Ningshi! It turned out to be the Law Ningshi Cave! It is worthy of being the highest-level experience place in the world of immortals!"

After the young man got excited, he was planning to dig those Law Condensation Stones, but he suddenly heard a gust of wind blowing above his head.


Before he could react, he saw a black figure suddenly appear in front of him, wrapped in the turbulent wind, roaring down.

The gentle man wanted to hide, but was swayed by the strong wind, and he couldn't stand still. He watched the man flying wildly, and the wide sole of his shoe was kicking him in the face!

There was only a loud bang, and the gentle man was kicked away, being rushed by the violent wind element, and fell into the magma pool with a bang.

But the black figure who accidentally kicked someone used this force to roll in the air and fell into the cave formed by the Law Ning stone next to him.

"My goodness!"

Yun Yi was knocked against the spar wall of the cave, was bounced back fiercely, and finally stopped the wind and fell to the ground.

The hardness of the crystal stones around was too strong, Yun Yi fell to the ground, all the bones in his body were screaming, and he couldn't get up after lying down for a long time.

"A famous person once said, wherever you fall, just lie there for a while."

Yun Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and simply lay down on the ground with his limbs stretched out, while observing the surrounding situation, while sorting out the previous situation.

"What the hell kind of place is this, even the gods and beasts of the beginning! It was said to be the secret place of the Halloween, and people were thrown here!"

"All those who entered the Mystic Realm are warriors within a thousand years old. How many of them are the opponents of the primordial spirit beast?"

Thinking of the life-threatening rush before, Yun Yi couldn't help complaining again and again.

As he spoke, he couldn't help shaking his feet again, "Looks like you kicked someone earlier?"

Chased and killed by the spirit beast of Shishen all the way, he only cared about escaping, and then fell into the passage. The crooked passage made his mind dizzy, and he couldn't see so much.

After listening carefully outside, he found that there was no other movement except for the sound of bubbling magma. He couldn't help but suspect that he had felt wrong before.

"It's so quiet, it probably didn't kick anyone."

After a while, Yun Yi also regained his strength. He slowly got up from the ground, intending to look around, but when he came in, he ran into a beast of the beginning spirit. No matter what, he did not dare to take it lightly.

Unexpectedly, he hadn't watched much before he was almost dazzled by the platinum red light.

"Law... Condensation... Stone?" Yun Yi wondered if he was dreaming, "So many Law Condensation Stones? This whole Law Condensation Stone Cave!"

Even in the dark cave, the radiance emitted by the Law Condensation Stone is still as soft as a mother's radiance.

Standing in this cave, Yun Yi only felt that even his soul and body were soaked by the warm water, and he was indescribably comfortable.

These chaotic law congealing stones are exactly the same as the one Lei Li took out last time, but the property of law has not been printed inside, and there is no bright red.

The law condensing stone itself is a kind of energy condensing crystal. In addition to sealing the properties of the law, it can also be used as energy, just like the energy crystals of Zhuxian Continent.

The currency of Soul Heaven and Myriad Realms is not unified, and the law condensing stone is generally used as a measure of the value of items, and some people even trade the law condensing stone directly.

Looking at the large expanse of Law Ning Stones around him, Yun Yi was gearing up, eager to try.

But just as he was about to mine the Law Ning Stone, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught sight of a low emerald green grass in the corner.

A plant that grows in this environment, even a weed, will be cultivated into a rare treasure in the world, not to mention that it is a precious grass of the holy grass level.

Yun Yi only took one look at Xiaocao before he recognized the baby.

The whole body of this grass is emerald green, with three green leaves growing vigorously, and small pink-green flowers the size of a fingernail grow on the top.

"Martial arts grass!"

(End of this chapter)

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