super giant clone

Chapter 270 Outbreak

Chapter 270 Outbreak
The fiery energy column was the fastest, and it came to Pratt in an instant.

Pratt turned pale with fright, seeing that there was no way to avoid it, the black iron battle qi surged on the surface of his body, and in a blink of an eye a huge battle ax with one person's height was formed, and he slammed the battle ax sideways, blocking him from the side.

As soon as the combat ax appeared, the four energy pillars bombarded it fiercely, making a violent roar! .

Pratt's battle ax battle ax instantly shattered into a ball of black iron battle axe, and the four energy beams directly scattered into beams of light and bombarded him, instantly creating a cloud of blood mist.

Fortunately, after being weakened, the power of the energy column has been reduced a lot. It is only a flesh wound, not the root.

It's just that he didn't have time to be happy at all, the overwhelming flame bombs blocked all his escape routes and drowned him in it!Originally, Pratt wanted to take the opportunity to dodge, but found that although the flame bombs looked chaotic, the direction of each flame bomb was actually carefully designed, sealing all the places, so that he could not escape at all. The possibility can only be completely submerged.

Others saw only a sea of ​​flames completely engulfing the place where Pratt was, and could not see where he was at all.

This is not over yet, the four fire magics have all reached the level of bronze-level magic, two huge flame whirlwinds, and dozens of thick flame cables rushed towards Pratt, and the dozens of thick flames Suo directly pierced through the layers of flames, and threw himself on Pratt as if he had eyes.

Two thick flame whirlwinds with fiery blades blocked Pratt's retreat from the left to the right.

How could that armored magic apprentice have such a powerful combat power!
Just when everyone was stunned, there was a soft "噗", and a sword popped out from the leg of the armor.

Luke stretched out his hand, and the handle of the knife suddenly became longer. A three-meter-long long-handled knife with a huge blade appeared in his hand.

The whole body of this long-handled broadsword is made of fine iron, with a faint black luster, and the blade is inlaid with hard and sharp slices of magic crystals, and it is inserted deeply into it just by the tip of the knife.

Seeing this strange looking sword, everyone couldn't help being extremely confused.

What kind of knife is this?Why is the handle so long and the blade so big?Never seen it at all.

Seeing everyone's confused appearance, Li Yunfei couldn't help but twitched his lips.

This style of broadsword was well-known in the previous life on the earth, especially almost everyone in Huaguo didn't know it.

Long-handled Daguan knife!

Seeing Luke jumping up, his body was heavy, but his movements were extremely light. The lights under his feet and his back flickered, and the three wind magic circles were activated instantly, making his movements more than ten times more agile in a blink of an eye. A lithe cat headed towards the sea of ​​flames in front of it.

When he came to the front, he swung the long sword suddenly, and slashed into the sea of ​​flames from top to bottom!
At this moment, only hearing a loud "bang", Pratt suddenly jumped up from the burning flames.

At this time, his whole body's clothes had been burnt to pieces, one leg was still tied with the last flame rope, and there were four big pits in his chest and abdomen, bleeding profusely, and he looked as embarrassed as he could be.

I'm going to kill you... I'm going to kill you!The resentment in Pratt's heart was like a volcano that had just erupted, and he wished he could immediately smash the little magic apprentice in front of him into thousands of pieces.

What he didn't expect was that just as he jumped out of the sea of ​​flames, a huge saber fell on his head! .

This saber even sliced ​​through the flames flatly, and it was so powerful that it could be seen at a glance!

"Bastard!" Pratt yelled, fighting spirit surged on the surface of his body, and he gathered a body shield outside him.

"Pfft..." With a soft sound, his fighting spirit was like paper in front of the Daguan knife. It was instantly split open, and the heavy and sharp blade slammed into his shoulder, deeply deeply embedded in the shoulder blade.

Pratt screamed and fell into the flames again.

"Go to hell, go to hell!" Pratt is a black iron swordsman after all, and the moment he fell, he shook off the blade with force, and a long-handled battle ax emerged around his body. cut off.

Luke's armor once again lit up with wind magic circles, and the wind also appeared on his arms, chest and abdomen, making him extremely flexible. He waved the huge Guan knife with his hands again and again, and there was a sound of weapons. He actually blocked all of Latte's battle axes, and it was very easy!

At this moment, Luke's eyes were like a lake of water. He calmed down completely, and kept opening alchemy circles one by one, using the power of the armor to fight.

Seeing that the battle was at a stalemate, Luke didn't hesitate at all. The armor on his chest opened suddenly, and the two small magic cannons reappeared and blasted directly at Pratt.

At this time, the two were fighting close to each other, and the distance between them was no more than one meter. Platt didn't even have time to hide.

Hearing a loud "boom", the vindictive defense in Pratt's chest was completely broken, and he himself flew out of the air like a broken sack under this heavy blow!
Pratt was still in the air, and Luke had already raised the Guandao in his hand to slash at him again. Judging by his posture, it would be impossible to finish him without dismembering him!

The Pratts were in mid-air, and suddenly threw out two huge battle axes. This time, the battle axes had reached a height of four or five meters.It's just that instead of slashing at Luke, he swung it in mid-air, and the two battle axes burst into pieces immediately.

Taking advantage of the violent airflow generated by the explosion of the battle axe, Pratt fell towards the ground, but his goal was not the arena, but outside the arena.

"Boom!" With a muffled sound, Pratt fell hard to the ground, and immediately spurted out another mouthful of blood.

Luke stood on the edge of the ring, looking at him coldly, and was considering whether to make up for it, when Pratt immediately raised his hand and said in a weak voice: "I...I admit defeat..."

After receiving those two cannonballs hard again, his chest had completely collapsed in, and it was shattered into a ball inside!
At this time, Luke's Daguan knife is not used. Just pressing the huge armor will kill him completely.

So Pratt deliberately let himself out of the ring, and then hurriedly conceded.He was afraid that if he took one breath at night, he might be chopped into a pulp by Luke.

"What did you say?" Luke raised the knife and pointed at Pratt.

"I give up! I give up!" Pratt yelled immediately, as his life was at stake.

Immediately, the referee on the sidelines waved his hand and shouted loudly: "Platt, the Principality of Valdo, surrenders, and Luke, the Principality of Roland, wins!"

After the announcement, the entire arena was still silent.

Luke's stormy outburst just now was like a dream, and many people haven't reacted yet.

At this moment, Pratt asked weakly: "You... who are you? You are not a magic apprentice... what is this armor..."

Luke took off his helmet, showed his serious face, looked at Pratt and said slowly: "I have already said, I am a magic apprentice and a magic gold soldier. This thing is called a magic gold battle armor!"

(End of this chapter)

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