Chapter 314
Resign?Did I hear wrong?

All the people around had this thought in an instant, but seeing the surprised looks of the others, they immediately realized that they had heard correctly.

Sol Lee actually wants to resign from the position of vice president of the Royal Academy of Alchemy!

It's just unbelievable!You must know that it has only been half a day since he agreed to become the vice president of the Alchemy Research Institute. If he really resigns from this position, it can be said that he has the shortest serving time as the vice president in history.

Although it is only an honorary vice president, this is the Royal Academy of Alchemy!How many people squeezed their heads and wanted to enter it and become an ordinary alchemist is more difficult than reaching the sky, but this young man wants to resign from the position of vice president.

As expected of being the official dean of the Alchemy Research Institute, Bohr took the lead to calm down, took a deep breath, and asked Li Yunfei in a deep voice: "I don't know why Mr. Sol did this? Is there any place in our Alchemy Research Institute?" excuse me?"

Li Yunfei shook his head slightly and said: "Since Saul met everyone, the courtesy he has received is simply frightening and frightening."

"That's..." Bohr asked eagerly, squinting his eyes.He really wanted to keep the boy in front of him.Not to mention anything else, just the blueprint of the Wind Chariot gave him an indescribable shock. Seeing those simple and beautiful alchemy circuits, he would have thought that the other party was a alchemy saint.

Li Yunfei asked: "President Bohr, I would like to ask, why does the Alchemy Research Institute exist? Why do you want to study alchemy?"

Bohr replied without the slightest hesitation: "Of course it is to enhance the strength of human beings, resist the tyranny of giants, and allow the entire human world to exist forever. Of course, one of the reasons is to want to explore the mysteries of the world. I think, Most of my colleagues think so."

All the masters and great masters around nodded in agreement, and it was precisely because of these two concepts that they reached their current level.Of course, some people may be more enthusiastic about the mysteries of the world, and put the survival of human beings in the second place, but it's nothing.

Li Yunfei continued to ask: "In this case, why did the magic energy pillar massacre our own compatriots? When this massacre happened, what were you doing?"

Hearing this, Bohr and the others instantly understood why the boy was so angry, as if everyone here owed him money.

They had already heard about the young man in front of him rushing into the attacking range of the magic energy pillar to save the Liren tribe.Although I felt very shocked at the time, I didn't think too much about it except that this young man was brave.

Now hearing the other party's words, everyone couldn't help feeling ashamed in their hearts.

"They...they're just a bunch of untouchables...and we didn't kill them..." Someone whispered, defending himself and others.

Li Yunfei turned his head to look, smiled sternly, and said, "Untouchables? I only know that they are real people! Although you didn't kill them yourself, you did the maintenance and strengthening of the magic energy pillar. When you take When picking up the ore and tweezers, will you see the blood on your hands? All the masters think highly of themselves and feel that they are different from those ordinary people. Now it seems that they are just deceiving themselves. It’s really pitiful and pathetic!”

"But what can we do? It has been like this for thousands of years, so what can we do..." Another little old man whispered.

"Okay, don't talk about it." Bohr glared at the man, then turned his head and sighed, looked at Li Yunfei and said, "Mr. Saul, you are right...we are just a group of people who deceive themselves It's just a coward... The weapons made by our hands turned out to be tools for massacring human beings. Pure Land, now that I think about it, it’s just a bunch of guys pretending to be blind..."

As soon as these words came out, a group of great masters around them all lowered their heads in shame.

They were not fools, it was just that they had ignored this matter intentionally or unintentionally before, and when they faced it squarely, they could not escape the condemnation of their conscience immediately.

Seeing the appearance of the crowd, Li Yunfei couldn't help feeling a little unbearable, wondering if what he said was too serious.

After what happened to the Liren Tribe, he thought that the Alchemy Research Institute was no different from the Lionheart Emperor, but now it seems that he misunderstood these alchemists.

Immediately he said: "Sol is too naive, and these things are not for the masters to decide. I am very relieved to see that you still have a human heart." Liang, said: "So, Mr. Sol doesn't blame us? Then the position of honorary vice president..."

"I can still serve as the honorary vice president, but I hope that President Bohr will agree to my request." Li Yunfei changed his mind and said with a slight smile.

"Mr. Saul, please tell me, as long as we can do it, we will never refuse." Bohr said overjoyed.

"I hope that Dean Bohr can dissuade them from wandering tribes attacking the city in the future and let them go to Roland Giant City to find me. As long as they go, I will accept them all." Li Yunfei said seriously.

"It's easy to say! This matter is very simple. I will ask the garrison officer to help me pay attention, and our Alchemy Research Institute will send someone to escort it." Bohr said while patting his chest. The 90-year-old man looks like a strong young man.

Li Yunfei nodded in satisfaction.In this way, not only can those wanderers in the wilderness be saved, but also more people can be brought to him, and the mentality of these upper-class people can be slowly changed. It really kills three birds with one stone.

Seeing that the matter was resolved in this way, and Mr. Sol did not mention the matter of resigning as the honorary vice president, the grandmasters who were still bowing their heads and not knowing what to say were all relieved, and immediately smiled.

Xue Li and the others couldn't wait to take out a few blueprints, and began to ask Li Yunfei about the alchemy circle of the Wind Chariot. After getting the answer, they immediately understood.

Dirac discussed the issue of wired communication with Li Yunfei. He had no idea about the laying of mithril wires, but he was immediately overjoyed when he heard the novel concept of "wire pole".

For a huge city with a population of hundreds of millions of people, communication has always been a big problem.Now, although some high-level magic and magic circle can be used for short-distance long-distance communication, the consumption is too huge, and only the Lion Heart Emperor and the Pope can enjoy this treatment in the entire Lion Heart Emperor City.Once the problem of wired communication is solved, and after the "wire pole" is erected, related communication equipment can be laid on a large scale, which can play a huge role in war.

At the same time, in order to verify the function of the communication circle, Dirac and others brought various materials on the spot, and built two amplification circles in two rooms tens of meters away, and then connected them with mithril wire. .

In the expectant eyes of everyone, two sound amplification circles were activated, and then Xue Li, who was standing in one of the sound amplification circles, muttered softly: "Is this thing easy to use?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Dirac's voice from the amplifying circle: "It's easy to use! It's easy to use! It's really easy to use! We succeeded!"

Although Dirac's voice still had a noisy "rustling" sound, it was enough to understand his words!
Seeing this scene, all the alchemists present erupted into cheers and cheered, almost hugging each other and yelling.

As the top alchemists in the human realm, they naturally understand how important this matter is!
Li Yunfei stood aside with a smile on his face, looking at the cheering crowd, he was also happy in his heart.

He must have witnessed the birth of the "telephone" in the Giant God Continent...

"Hahaha, that's great! Vice President Saul, what do you think this thing should be called?" Bohr looked at Li Yunfei expectantly and asked.

Hearing this, everyone around looked at Li Yunfei, obviously expecting what name he would give this thing.Everyone present understood that this thing is actually very simple, but no one would have thought of it without Li Yunfei's idea, so only Li Yunfei was qualified to name it.

And the significance of this kind of communication equipment is too great, anyone can think that it will spread throughout the whole continent in the future, so the naming right can be said to be the highest honor.

Li Yunfei thought for a while, and said, "I think this set of communication equipment is called 'Magic Sound'." The name of the phone is the superposition of the energy "electricity" it uses and its own function "talk".However, what is used in the Giant God Continent is the energy of magic, so it is more appropriate to call it "magic sound".

"Okay, good name!" Bohr thought for a while, and immediately clapped his hands and said, "From now on, this thing will be called 'Magic Sound'!"

"Hahaha, come and let me try this magic sound too." Grandmaster Stan and others on the side rushed forward and began to feel the wonder of the "magic sound".

There was a joyful atmosphere in the entire hall. At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps, and a tall, thin middle-aged man with a mustache and a spider robe walked in. Behind him were a few people. A flattering alchemist.

After the tall, thin, middle-aged man came to the hall, he nodded slightly to Bohr and the others, came to Li Yunfei, and said arrogantly: "You are Sol Lee who brought the blueprint of the windmill?"

Li Yunfei narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "It's me."

"It's fine if it's you," the tall and thin man raised his mouth, and continued, "In the name of Bonaparte, the vice president of the Royal Academy of Alchemy in Lionheart City, I order you to use your alchemy for the sake of mankind and the empire." Hand over the art in its entirety, without missing a single word. Otherwise, it will be a betrayal of mankind and the empire, and everyone will be punished!"

(End of this chapter)

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