Chapter 320
Report the number of giants hunted?
Hearing this sentence, Li Yunfei couldn't help but frown, not knowing what to do for a moment.

And Randy showed an excited smile on his face, as if he knew there would be such a project for a long time.Although Raphael and Nabel Honglin didn't have much reaction, their eyes also showed excitement.

The blood of the people in the surrounding stands and those watching the light curtain outside was instantly excited.

No matter when, killing a giant is the most inspiring and exciting thing!Because they have lived in the Golden Emperor City for a long time, the people here do not have many opportunities to contact giants. Therefore, they were all excited when they heard that these warriors from the "small remote town" wanted to tell the number of giants they hunted. .

"How much do you think it will be? Fifty? One hundred?"

"These lion-heart warriors come from the most remote cities. They have to deal with giants every day, and they often encounter giants attacking the city. I think there should be more than a hundred."

"Haha, let's see what they say, I also want to hunt giants in the wilderness..."

"But let them say it themselves, what if they report a number indiscriminately?"

All of a sudden, in the surrounding stands, various dignitaries from Lionheart Emperor City whispered, expecting the four Lionheart Warriors to count.

But then, Ling Ren said again: "Warriors, I think every warrior regards hunting giants as the most proud thing, so most of them will remember the number they hunted, and I hope everyone can tell the real number. Of course , and there may be some discrepancies due to memory, but later we will invite the 'Eye of Godfather' to make a judgment."

Eyes of God the Father!Hearing this, the surrounding people boiled again.

Li Yunfei asked Raphael in the distance with a blank face: "Raphael, what is the eye of God the Father?"

Raphael didn't expect Li Yunfei to ask him about this directly, and he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable, but thinking of the opponent's combat power, he temporarily restrained his emotions and explained: "'The Eye of the Father God' is our Lionheart Emperor A sacred artifact in the city, which can detect a human hunting a giant, and has no other function, it is usually a sacred artifact that is invited out when the emperor rewards some outstanding fighters."

And this kind of thing... Li Yunfei couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth, the holy artifact that detects everyone's hunting of giants is really boring enough.

However, the arrangement of the Lionheart Emperor City's King of the Brave contest is quite interesting. First let each Lionheart warrior count by himself, and then use the "God's Eye" to make a judgment. It's good for publicity.

"Please report the number." The affairs officer on the side said to the four Lionheart Warriors.

At this time, there were several sound-enhancing arrays around the arena where they were, and the four of them happened to be in one of them. At this time, the array was activated instantly, and the sound could be transmitted immediately.

Seeing Randy raised his head, with a smug smile, he said, "I, White Wolf King City, Randy, hunted and killed 260 or eight giants!"

Hearing this, there was an exclamation all around!
There are so many!Unexpectedly, a warrior from the little Silver King City had already hunted and killed more than 200 giants.

Out of hatred for giants, everyone subconsciously worships those warriors who hunt and kill giants. Many people's eyes on Randy immediately changed, and some even started to cheer.And Randy had a smug smile on his face, he looked around for a week with his face held high, and then he began to look at Li Yunfei and others, his gaze was full of provocation.

He got a little wind in advance, so he found a time to hunt and kill many low-level giants before coming to Lionheart Emperor City.Presumably other people would not have such preparations.

At this moment, Bell Honglin's amplifying array also lit up, and he said in a voice without the slightest emotion: "350 nine."

He just said the number simply, as if stating a trivial matter.

Immediately, cheers rang out again. Unexpectedly, Bell Honglin was even more fierce, killing more than 300 giants!And judging by his appearance, he didn't take it to heart at all.

There are so many! ?Randy, who was still complacent just now, immediately froze, staring at Bell Redwood, his smile froze on his face.

"No, did you know this in advance, so you went to hunt giants? It's just..." Randy asked Bell Redwood in a low voice, with a look of unwillingness.Originally, he wanted to rely on this incident to make a splash, but he didn't expect that the other party killed nearly a hundred more giants than him.

Bell Honglin was wearing a black mask so he couldn't see his expression, but he still stared at the front coldly without saying a word, obviously not paying attention to Randy at all.

It seems that I am going to take the lead this time. Thanks to Mr. Wright's guidance during this period, I went to the wilderness for a trial... The corners of Raphael's mouth rose, showing a smug expression. Obviously, he did not let Randy go. In the eyes, he cleared his throat and said, "I, Raphael, the Black Tower King City, started hunting the first giant when I was 15 years old, and I have hunted 530 and three giants so far!"

This time, the entire Lionheart Battle field instantly remembered the roar of cheers like a tsunami, and began to applaud Raphael.

Even hunted and killed more than 500 giants!This is simply too exaggerated!In the minds of many people, giants are still the kind of terrifying and terrifying man-eating monsters. If they can kill more than 500 of these monsters, they can be called heroes.

"Raphael! Raphael! Raphael..."

For a moment, I don't know who started it, and many people in the surrounding stands began to call Rafael's name.Many girls even started to look at Raphael with nympho.From their point of view, this Raphael is handsome, he is also a hero who has hunted and killed more than 500 giants, and he is the best candidate for the King of Braves this time.

Even the princes, dukes, marquises and other dignitaries nodded slightly at this time, obviously very satisfied with Raphael.

The circular stand of the Lionheart Fighting Battlefield, the area facing the north, is the people of the imperial palace in the middle, the people in the temple on the left, and the chassis of the alchemy research institute on the right.In the south area facing the north area, there are several boxes in the middle VIP area, all of which are covered with translucent obsidian, so that the outside cannot see the scene inside.

At this time, in a huge box, several young people were bored watching the scene next to the ring and laughing.

"Haha, I just killed more than 500 giants. Look at that Raphael, he is so proud. These guys from the countryside are really scum." Said a young man in a silver robe with red wine.

"Okay, Ella, these people have a low starting point and limited resources. It is already very impressive to be able to reach this level. We should maintain a normal mind." A young man with a giant sword on his back said slowly.

"Baofeng, you are so kind to these bumpkins. How can they compare with us? They are like ants and people!" The young man with short purple hair raised the corner of his mouth and said to another young man: "By the way, Mojik, the remaining kid, what Saul Lee, is he the one who was stabbed by Bass? Lucky for him, he didn't die. Buzz didn't come this time, otherwise he would definitely It will be miserable."

Mojik frowned and said: "Okay, Ella, even though we are from that place, we shouldn't look down on these ordinary soldiers. If he's not dead, he's not dead, as long as he doesn't go to the Demon Emperor City."

"Huh." Ella snorted, didn't say anything, but continued to look at the ring with a few other people in the room with a playful smile.

There were seven young people in the box, sitting or standing, but all of them had the aura of dominating the world, like a group of ferocious beasts.Although Mojik and the others said a few words just now, they seemed very casual.From their point of view, the four people in the arena below are no different from four ordinary people.

Beside the ring, Raphael looked around, with a smile on his face, and saluted everyone again, looking gentle and elegant, but his mood was already going to the clouds.

He glanced at Li Yunfei out of the corner of his eye, and immediately found that Li Yunfei was frowning tightly, with a troubled look on his face, as if he didn't know what to do.Rafael felt proud for a while. In his opinion, although this Saul Lee was very powerful, he couldn't surpass his 530 three heads in hunting giants. He was sure to win this time.

At this time, the amplifying circle where Li Yunfei was located also lit up, and Li Yunfei frowned and said, "The number of giants hunted... I can't remember."

(End of this chapter)

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