super giant clone

Chapter 326 Manifestation, Chapter City

Chapter 326 Manifestation, return to the city

Because he has a giant clone and has been in the giant's territory for a long time, Li Yunfei's understanding of giants is quite deep, even far surpassing some kings.

The more he understands the giant, the more he understands that although human beings are powerful, compared with the giant, it is completely the contrast between a child and an adult.No, it can even be said to be a contrast between an ordinary human and a giant.

It is not easy for human beings to huddle in the current territory and defend themselves hard without being wiped out by the giants. If they want to go to war with the giants in an all-out way, it can be described as self-destruction.

Even if the three black iron general cities were breached and tens of millions of people died out, it would still be unwise to take the initiative to start a war with the giants.

He didn't believe that the high-level human beings wouldn't understand this kind of thing that he could figure out?In this, it is not just as simple as fighting with giants...

Thinking of this, Li Yunfei raised his head and looked in the direction of Lionheart Emperor.

For everything that happened in front of him, he has no power to control it. The best choice at present is to adapt to the situation.

It's just that there is more confusion and vigilance in my heart.

At this moment, the Lion Hearted Emperor said again: "The King of the Brave Contest is over, the four Lion Heart Warriors will retain the title of Lion Heart Warrior forever, and at the same time, the person with the greatest achievements in the subsequent battles will become the real King of Braves! Warriors, hunt giants! Long live mankind!"

"Hunting giants! Long live humans! Hunting giants! Long live humans! Hunting giants! Long live humans!" The emotions of the audience were mobilized, and they began to shout loudly.

It's just that there was a look of worry in the eyes of the lion heart emperor, because the speed was extremely fast, and no one else noticed.He raised his eyes to look at the Lionheart Pope in the distance, nodded slightly, and then said: "All warriors of the lower city-states, go back to your homeland and defend it with your lives! Lion Legion, get ready to fight, and fight with me at any time!" I'm going out!"

"Swear to follow His Majesty to the death!" Ling Ren bowed beside the Lion Heart Emperor and said loudly.At this time, the amplifying array had been opened, and the voice of Lingren spread throughout the entire Lion Heart Emperor City in an instant.

"Follow Your Majesty to the death!" Immediately, millions of people shouted in unison. The entire Lion Heart Emperor City was full of murderous aura, and almost everyone could feel their blood boiling.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, I'm finally going to go to war with those damned giants! This time I must kill at least [-] giants!" In the box, Ella laughed and said with a look of arrogance.

"No...why did you suddenly start a full-scale war with the doesn't make sense...what's going on here..." Bao Feng murmured to himself in confusion.

"It doesn't make sense. Do you need any reason to fight the giant?" Another warrior on the side said.

At this moment, a faint golden light suddenly burst out in the sky, like a ray of sunshine.After being illuminated by this light, everyone felt a divine aura.

Afterwards, in the entire Lionheart Battlefield, all the sculptures of the Father God began to shake at the same time.Immediately afterwards, these huge eye sculptures began to blink slowly, as if they were alive!
A low humming resounded in everyone's hearts. This humming sounded as if someone was whispering something softly, and it was like a majestic god issuing his will.

"It's God the Father manifesting! God the Father manifesting!"

"It's really God the Father manifesting the Holy Spirit! God the Father actually issued an oracle, woohoo, God the Father! God the Father..."

"Father God let us kill all the giants and fight for the glory of mankind!"


Among the crowd, everyone began to shout loudly, and at the same time, many people even knelt down on the ground, praying to the giant eye sculpture of the Father God.This scene happened in the entire Lion Heart Emperor City.

The atmosphere in the entire city of Lionheart Emperor can no longer be described simply as frenzy, it seems to have turned into a sea of ​​madness.

And when these giant eye sculptures of the Father God blinked at the same time, a look of shock also flashed in the eyes of the Lion-Hearted Emperor, the Lion-Hearted Pope and others.Obviously, they did not expect that God the Father would manifest himself in front of so many people!

The human beings who were present were already very fanatical. At this time, under the instigation of the Father God, they almost wished they could rush into the giant's territory immediately and fight the giant desperately.Even Randy, Rafael and the others had red eyes at this time, and they only wanted to hunt the giant.

But Li Yunfei's feelings are more direct.He could feel that when most of the people in Lionheart Emperor City knelt down to pray and worship God the Father, there seemed to be an invisible "aura".These "Qi" emanated from everyone's body, and then gathered in one place. Although most of them disappeared completely, and I don't know where they went, but there was a trace of "Qi" pouring into Li Yunfei's body, drilling into the body of Li Yunfei. Into the suppressed divine father!
Just after these thread-like "qi" entered the divine mind of the Father God, the huge eyeballs immediately began to tremble, as if they wanted to wake up.

"This is wish power! It's wish power! I didn't expect that this divine sense could also absorb wish power!" Lao Fen shouted, and the surface of the shrunken version of the Burning World Flame Miter Sword glowed with golden light, once again shaking the trembling Father God's divine mind. It was suppressed.

It turns out that this is the so-called power of will!Li Yunfei could clearly feel that as the sound of everyone's pious prayers continued to grow, he could even "see" a kind of mist-like thing appearing in the surrounding air, but these things immediately floated towards the sky after appearing, and then It disappeared quickly, and I don't know where it went.Only very, very little, less than one ten-thousandth of the wish power directly entered his body.

This is the ultimate power that the gods rely on?The shock in my heart couldn't be added.I believe that if it wasn't for the divine sense of the father god that happened to be sealed in his body, he wouldn't be able to see such a thing at all.Not only him, but even the Lion Hearted Emperor and the Lion Hearted Pope looked indifferent at this time, obviously they couldn't see the existence of this so-called wish power!
"I didn't expect that just a single 'manifestation' would generate so much power...but God the Father wants to break through the space barrier and 'manifest' will also consume the power of the will, which is about the same..." Lao Fen continued muttering.

Hearing this, Li Yunfei frowned, not understanding Father God's intention even more.

Doesn't Father God know that the current strength of human beings has no advantage at all compared with giants?Otherwise, why didn't he show his sanctity to stop the decision to start a full-scale war, but instead encouraged it to fuel the flames?
"Children, shine in the glory of God the Father, go to fight! Let those giants pay their due price! God the Father, long live mankind!" At this moment, the Lionheart Pope looked solemn, waving the power stick said.

"Father God, long live mankind! Father God, long live mankind..."

In the entire Lion Heart Emperor City, the frenzied atmosphere almost made people think that the air was about to burn!


In the early morning, the gloomy sky heralds the coming of a heavy rain.

In the wilderness, more than a dozen horsemen came galloping, and the hooves of the horses knocked on the ground like thunder.

These dozen or so people were all dressed in black, with masks on their faces, looking quite mysterious.

Running up a small hill, the first person stopped, and the dozen or so people behind him stopped immediately.

At this moment, a rock giant appeared from the nearby bushes, and immediately rushed over after seeing these people.

"Roar—" the rock giant roared, and his hands were like two huge stone hammers, smashing towards the leading man in black.

It's just that his huge fists had just landed, and the man in black raised a hand slightly, blocking the rock giant's fists like this!
A trace of confusion flashed across the low IQ of the rock giant, and just as he was about to continue his attack, he saw the black-clothed masked man in the lead leap forward and punched him heavily in the chest.

"Pfft..." With a soft sound, the rock giant's heart of rock was directly shaken out from behind, like a stone ball falling to the ground and shattered.

The rock giant fell to the ground, reduced to a heap of rubble.

At this time, the masked talent took off his mask, revealing a handsome young face.

"Master, the giant city of Roland is ahead, and the current situation seems a little dangerous..." The followers on the side also took off their masks, and the most beautiful girl in the front was Yueya.

Li Yunfei nodded, and looked towards Roland's giant city not far away.

Seeing that the giant city of Roland in the wilderness is like a piece of honey cake, the surface is covered with some fly-like things.In the wilderness, some black shadows kept coming like a tide, rushing towards Roland's giant city.

Those black shadows are exactly thousands of giants!

(End of this chapter)

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