super giant clone

Chapter 333 I'm Going

Chapter 333 I'm Going
" are Saul Lee? Vice-President of the Royal Academy of Alchemy...the saints appointed by the Pope...the Marquess of the Lion's Tooth proclaimed by the Emperor?" That Duke Sam sat down on the ground, originally smeared The face of the white powder became even paler.

Behind him, several attendants hurriedly stepped forward to help him up.

It's just that although Sam stood up, he couldn't help shaking when he saw Li Yunfei, and didn't know what to do for a while.

As a nobleman of Lionheart Emperor City, he naturally knew that a Lionheart warrior from Lingyun King City suddenly appeared during this time, named Saul Yunfei Lee.This person not only became a lion-heart warrior, but also reached the level of beheading thousands of people. He also became the vice president of the Royal Academy of Alchemy, a saint appointed by the Pope Lionheart, and even received a direct message from God the Father. enjoin.

Moreover, I heard that although he disobeyed the Lionheart Emperor, the old Emperor did not blame Sol Lee at all, but favored him a lot.

It can be said that this young man who appeared suddenly won the favor of the three top forces in the entire Lionheart Emperor City, and even directly became a core figure among them. of.

It's just that I have always heard that the other party is a person from Lingyun King City, how could he suddenly appear in a remote place like Roland Giant City?

Seeing the other party's appearance, Li Yunfei couldn't help being very surprised. Could it be that he looks so fierce that he frightened the envoy?
"Master Messenger, what do you mean? How about the materials supported by the Imperial City?" Li Yunfei stepped forward and asked in a deep voice.

"Ahaha, Roland Giant City, as an important frontier town in the human territory, has used bloody battles in exchange for a stable life for all human beings. The support of the Imperial City is naturally obligatory. Thor...don't worry, my lord, I will deliver all the supplies now Here it is, I promise there will be no delay." Duke Sam said with a smile on his face.

Now he only hated himself for not watching the King of the Brave contest that day, otherwise, he would have known at the first glance that the other party was the famous Saul Lee, and he would not dare to openly ask for bribes if he was killed.

You must know that the young man in front of you is a celebrity in front of His Majesty the Lion Heart Emperor and the Lion Heart Pope. If you let him go to the Emperor and say a few bad words, I will definitely not be able to bear it.

Everyone at the scene did not expect that Duke Sam, who was flaunting his power just now, would change his attitude immediately, as if he was a different person, and they couldn't help being extremely surprised.

Everyone could see that the reason for the change in the other party's attitude was mainly because they heard Saul Lee's name.

Immediately, everyone present had a new assessment of Li Yunfei.In their view, this young man who walked out of Roland's giant city has become familiar and a little strange.

Li Yunfei smiled slightly, and said to Duke Sam: "Then it will be hard work, Mr. Messenger, but I don't know if the construction of the acropolis can be extended for a few days?" Fill in, so in Li Yunfei's view, it can be delayed for a few days.

Unexpectedly, Duke Sam did not agree this time, but said with a bitter face: "Lord Marquis of Lion Tooth, I can't decide this matter. You should understand that I only have the power to convey orders, and the others... The oracle of the two majesties said that after God the Father appears again, he must immediately go to the designated location to build the acropolis, otherwise it will be a betrayal of mankind, and the city will be punished..."

God the Father manifested again?The whole city can be punished?Li Yunfei narrowed his eyes, and instantly felt the killing intent in these few words.

Before Sam finished speaking, a dazzling light yellow light suddenly came in from the outside, illuminating the meeting hall like daytime.

After feeling the light, everyone in the chamber immediately came outside and looked in the direction of the light.

I saw the high tower of the central temple in Roland's giant city, and the huge eye sculpture at the top, as if it had come to life at this moment, it was blinking constantly, and at the same time emitted a dazzling light!
"Father God manifested... It's Father God manifesting again! It's so fast..." Seeing this scene, Duke Sam couldn't help murmuring.

At this time, Ian, who was the archbishop of the central temple, had already brought a group of clergymen to worship on the ground. Among the surrounding crowd, almost everyone bowed down at the same time, bowed to the blinking giant eyes, and said: Wild cheers.

"Father God above! Father God above! Father God above..."

For a moment, the entire Roland giant city was filled with fanatical cheers.

The high-level people of Roland Giant City met each other, and they all saw deep doubts in each other's eyes.

Then, a deep voice sounded in everyone's ears, as if it came from the mind: "My children, go to fight against giants, go to defend the glory of mankind, father is with you..."

"Fight the giants, defend the human race! Fight the giants, defend the human race! Fight the giants, defend the human race..."

I don't know who yelled first, and immediately this fanatical voice resounded in the entire Roland giant city.

In Li Yunfei's sea of ​​consciousness, the father's divine sense suppressed by Lao Fen began to tremble again, and he muttered: "The wall...over the wall...over..."

"Get over your grandma!" Lao Fen yelled angrily, released the strength he had accumulated recently, and suppressed it.

The last time he sealed this divine sense, he consumed the power he had accumulated for a long time. He didn't expect to be awakened every few days these days, and the power he had saved with great difficulty was exhausted again.

Li Yunfei also heard the voice from his sea of ​​consciousness at this time, his brows frowned, and his thoughts turned.

wall?what wallObviously, this father god's divine sense is not just to check the situation of the demiplane of Azeroth, but also has other tasks, but what is the wall he mentioned?
Suddenly, Li Yunfei thought of what the silver giant Yinkuang finally told him when he was in the half-plane of Azeroth: go to the other side of the wall to see...

Could this so-called "wall" refer to the same place?
Moreover, why did God the Father appear in the giant city of Roland?In other words, all the 72 black iron general cities have miracles of God the Father appearing at this time?What does God the Father want to do...

At this moment, Duke Sam's voice came again, pulling Li Yunfei back from his thoughts.

"Lord Marquis of the Lion Tooth, these are the support materials provided by the City of the Lion Heart Emperor, all of which are contained in these vehicles and storage bags. Now that God the Father has manifested, my mission is complete, without further ado, here is Go back and report to your two majesties..." The Marquis Sam pointed to a group of carriages beside him eagerly, and after saying goodbye to Pile and others, he led his envoys to leave immediately. Don't want to stay longer.

The development of the matter has completely exceeded his original expectations. He originally wanted to take advantage of Roland's giant city to gain some benefits, but he did not expect to meet Sol Lee, whom he could not afford to offend, and God the Father appeared in advance.

All of this was somewhat beyond Li Yunfei's expectation, he didn't expect that the other party would leave as soon as he said it, without dragging his feet at all.

At this time, the sculpture of the Father God had returned to calm again, and all the high-level officials of Roland Giant City gathered together, all looking at Li Yunfei.

"Sol, what do you think we should do?" Piller frowned and asked Li Yunfei.

"The matter has come to this, let's build the city..." Li Yunfei narrowed his eyes and said, "I'll go."

(End of this chapter)

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