Chapter 337

"Earth Wall Technique!"

An earth magician held a scroll and instantly released a large-scale earth wall technique.Then, at the edge of the dining plateau, a huge earth wall five meters wide, one hundred meters long, and 50 meters high rose from the ground, carrying billowing smoke and dust, growing like trees.

"Rock wall technique!"

Another magician shook off the scroll in his hand, and a rock wall rose up inside the earth wall, clinging to the earth wall and growing to a height of 50 meters.


The light of magic flickered, and this newly emerged wall of earth and rock was squeezed together by an invisible force, fused with each other, and became stronger.

"Ground dungeon technique!" At this moment, a figure appeared floatingly, and instantly released a dungeon technique, and the stone pillars and soil on the city wall were entangled with each other, quickly forming a blockhouse.

Seeing this figure appear, several magicians who were casting spells immediately saluted solemnly: "I have seen Mr. Dean!"

Li Yunfei looked at the city wall in front of him and nodded in satisfaction, and said, "There is still a wall missing over there, let's fill it up."

"Yes!" Several magicians went immediately, while Li Yunfei stood on the city wall and commanded loudly again: "Open the scroll and release that large-scale curing technique."

"These alchemy circles can also be used..."

Similar scenes keep appearing.On the dining plateau that had been cleaned up, there was the sound of shouts of casting spells one after another.Earth and stone walls rose up one after another, forming a solid city wall.

After each city wall was completely built, a magic cannon was immediately hoisted up and installed. At the same time, a large number of magic gold warriors stepped forward to be on duty, ready to welcome the giant's appearance at any time.

While building, defending at the same time, these walls were all built according to the standard of the Black Iron General City, and in a blink of an eye, most of the entire dining highland was wrapped in it.

The place surrounded by these city walls was the embryonic form of Snowfall City.

Although Luoxue City is only an acropolis that can only accommodate a few hundred thousand people, it is still huge after all.Originally, even if there were many magicians, if they wanted to build such a city, it would be impossible in a short time.

However, among the materials supported by Lionheart Emperor City, there are not only a large number of magic scrolls for earth wall and rock wall techniques, but also a lot of alchemy equipment, all of which are related to the construction of city walls and buildings.The appearance of these materials is enough to increase the construction speed of the entire Snowfall City several times.

On the way to Dining Heights, Li Yunfei had already drawn the blueprint of Snowfall City. After arriving here, he only needed to build according to the blueprint.

Only in the evening, the city walls of Luoxue City had been completely built, and what appeared on the dining plateau was a fortified city in the shape of a hexagram.

That night, except for the 1 people left to watch the night, all the soldiers of the expeditionary army set up camp inside the newly built city wall, and soon fell asleep.

When they first set foot on the high ground of eating, everyone became a little uneasy after the anger in their hearts passed.After all, under their feet are thousands of white bones like snow, and at this time they have completely arrived in the giant's territory, and no one knows when those terrifying giants will attack.That kind of anxiety about the unknown makes many people extremely nervous.

It was only during the day that the city walls and buildings in the city were built, and the towering city walls and the magic cannon that quickly entered the fighting state gradually stabilized their hearts.

At this time, Luoxue City was completely an empty shell with only a circle of city walls, but everyone believed that soon they would have an exquisite city and at the same time a strong fortress.

The cold moonlight sprinkled the earth, Li Yunfei stood on the newly built city wall, looking towards the wilderness in the distance.

At this time, the wilderness was shrouded in moonlight, and it looked gray, and it was hard to see what was there.It's just that although it is not clear, it can still be found that there are no traces of giant activities.

Although he had already noticed that the giants did not appear on a large scale, Li Yunfei was still sweating after stepping on the dining plateau.

If a large group of giants suddenly appeared halfway through the construction of the city, it would have to be a field battle first.

It's just that although he brought all the elite this time, including magic-gold soldiers and magic-gold chariots, as well as a lot of magic cannons, he was still extremely passive in field battles against giants, and it was likely to suffer heavy casualties.

Fortunately, the giant did not appear in the end, it was just a false alarm.

"Master, do we have a little less magicians? Do we want to thicken the city wall?" Mengto asked softly as he stood behind Li Yunfei.

Li Yunfei shook his head and said: "No need, dozens of magicians are not too few, how many magicians are there in the entire Roland city? After the real battle starts, it is not magicians..."

Thinking of this, he turned his head and said to Monto, "Monto, are you afraid?"

Monto was taken aback, he didn't expect Li Yunfei to ask him this question, and said, "Master... I'm not afraid! Killing all giants and defending human beings is exactly what I want!" At the end, his voice could not help but tremble slightly. There was also a flush of excitement.

After going through this series of twists and turns, Monto has long since lost the frivolous aloofness at the beginning, but has matured a lot.It's just that in the face of this kind of race-level battle, it's still inevitable to get excited.

"Ask me if I'm afraid..." Li Yunfei stared at the wilderness in the distance, and said slowly.

Monto was taken aback again, and then asked cautiously: "Master, are you afraid?"

Li Yunfei turned his head with a wry smile, and said: "I'm afraid, I'm so scared, no one knows if we will face tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of giants in the next second. In the frenzy, this little Snowfall City will be crushed in an instant, we are not ready yet... No, it should be said that human beings are not ready yet..."

"But master..." Monto didn't expect Li Yunfei to say that, and he was completely stunned this time. Originally, in his mind, the young man in front of him was always full of wisdom, always confident, and could do it almost every time. Turning danger into safety gave him the idea that the opponent would never fail.

I didn't expect him to be afraid...

But then Li Yunfei raised the corner of his mouth, looked at Luoxue City behind him, and showed a smile mixed with the cunning of a fox and the bravery of a lion, and said, "But even if I'm scared to pee my pants, I'll come, the biggest danger , is also the biggest opportunity, if you can make good use of this opportunity, you will be able to take the first step of your dream... Besides, I am good at killing giants."

Monto settled down a bit, and just as he was about to say something, he saw a silver shadow shot from the distant wilderness in an instant, and came to the city wall, in front of Li Yunfei.

In an instant, the silver shadow showed the appearance of a young man, and it was Ella who followed and supervised them all the way!
"I didn't expect you to be so fast..." Aila looked at Li Yunfei and said with a raised mouth, "Originally, according to the emperor's order, it was enough to finish building the city within ten days, but you actually finished it in one day... But don't think that this is the end .”

Speaking of which, Ayla took out a letter from her pocket and handed it to Li Yunfei. The corner of her mouth raised and she said, "Sol Lee, I hope you can survive. I'm still waiting to see Bass teach you a lesson."

The silver vindictiveness flashed, and a giant vindictive sword appeared under Ayla's feet again, leading him into the sky in an instant, heading towards the Lion Heart City like a shooting star.

He actually left just like that!
(End of this chapter)

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