super giant clone

Chapter 354 Shredder

Chapter 354 Shredder

Remnants of a destroyed plane?So this is the Eye of the Abyss...

Li Yunfei narrowed his eyes and thought to himself.

Then he pondered for a moment, took out a wind thruster from the space ring, turned the nozzle of the wind thruster downwards, and activated the magic circle.

He heard a buzzing sound, which was originally used to propel the magic gold chariot and slowly flew him upwards.Although this thing is not very useful, it is enough to support him in the air for a while.

"What are you doing, kid? Are you tired of work? Stop it!" Lao Fen shouted eagerly, his voice was almost crying, obviously very afraid of the "eye of the abyss" in front of him.

Li Yunfei ignored him at all, continued to rise, and soon reached a place less than half a meter in front of the Eye of the Abyss, and looked inside.

Contrary to what he imagined, after getting closer, the Eye of the Abyss feels like a window, or a hole opened in mid-air, through which one can see the scene inside.

I saw gusts of wind like knives whistling in a dark space. It was impossible to tell how big this space was, but occasionally there would be some colorful flashes of light that would disappear quickly.

Only with these brief flashes, Li Yunfei could see clearly that there were some things like giant mithril ore, magic crystal ore, broken weapons, etc. suspended in it, which looked extremely attractive!

Presumably, in a collapsed plane, although there are only the last wreckage left, what can be left is definitely the strongest part of the plane, so what is left is definitely a good thing!
Even so, Li Yunfei didn't dare to enter rashly, but took out an iron rod several meters long from the space ring, and poked it into the space eye.

This eye of space is completely a peaceful plane passage, Li Yunfei didn't feel the slightest resistance when passing through the iron rod.

It's just that after entering the inner space, there was a strong force coming from the other end of the iron rod, as if giant beasts were gnawing at the metal rod that suddenly appeared.

Li Yunfei couldn't see what was going on, but felt that a forceful force was hitting the other end of the iron rod quickly, and each blow was almost as powerful as a black iron warrior's blow!It's just that it's pitch black inside, and he can only occasionally see clearly the situation inside through the non-stop sparks.I saw those ores and other items hovering in the strong wind constantly hitting the iron rod, like a huge pulverizer.

Li Yunfei casually took out the iron rod again, and looking up, he saw that the iron rod that was originally made of fine iron was only less than one meter long, and the rest seemed to have completely disappeared. .And even the half of the iron rod in his hand was scarred and full of various dents.

An iron rod made of fine iron has turned into this appearance in just a few seconds. If a person enters it, he will be twisted into a meat sauce in an instant!
Thinking of this, Li Yunfei didn't say anything, but took out a metal rod again and poked it in.

This time he used a fire copper rod nearly ten meters long, which was much harder than iron essence. Destroy the fire copper rod.

At the same time, he could feel that the fire copper rod seemed to be bent a little bit, forming an arc.

"It turns out that the power of this gale can reach this level..." Li Yunfei raised the corner of his mouth and said to himself.

"Roar——" At this moment, in the eyes of the abyss that was already a piece of "plane ruins", there was a terrifying and cruel roar, and then Li Yunfei only felt the right hand holding the fire copper stick tighten suddenly, and then a A strong force was pulled out from his hand.

In the ruins of this collapsed plane, there are still living creatures!Li Yunfei only felt a burst of shock, and even loosened his hand a little, a huge fire copper rod disappeared in Li Yunfei's hand in an instant, and entered the abyss eye!
Immediately afterwards, there was a "crack" sound like gnawing a bone, and then it gradually faded away, and finally no longer appeared.

He frowned slightly, full of doubts in his heart.

This plane has completely collapsed, and there is not even a complete land. How can there be living creatures?And according to the power transmitted by the creature through the fire copper rod, it is at least a black iron level existence!

"Old Fen, after the plane is destroyed, can any life survive inside?" Li Yunfei asked directly.

"It depends on what kind of plane and life it is." Lao Fen coughed lightly and said immediately, "However, there were some rumors before that although a certain plane was destroyed, there was one of them. The monster survived, and finally even bit a god who wanted to refine the plane, and fled directly into the turbulent flow of space, where he went."

Hearing this, Li Yunfei nodded, already having a plan in mind.

He couldn't enter the ruins of an unknown plane in front of him for the time being.Not to mention the gale that can tear iron essence and fire copper apart, this unknown monster alone may not be able to deal with it.

Just because you can't get in now doesn't mean you can't in the future.

Anyway, this Eye of the Abyss has been sealed by some god for many years, so let's put him here first, and it won't be too late when we have enough power in the future.

Thinking of this, Li Yunfei did not hesitate at all, and walked out of the altar along the original path again, and came to the huge altar.

Although Lao Fen is greedy for money, he also understands that this place is not a matter of money or not.Even if you have a life to earn, you have to have a life to spend.So there was nothing to say.

After activating the alchemy circle, closing the exit again, and sealing it firmly, Li Yunfei began to observe the alchemy circuit of the entire altar.

While watching, he copied all these alchemy circuits.

Although the alchemy circle in ancient times was not simple enough, it had some fantastic ideas that broke the rules, which played an extremely important role for Li Yunfei.

When he goes back to study and study, maybe there will be some new discoveries.

After transcribing all these alchemy circuits and sorting them out, Li Yunfei awakened his own fire power again, ignited raging flames all over his body, and jumped into the magma around the cavity.

Enduring the scorching heat and high temperature and swimming in the magma for a while, he finally found the entrance of the fire magic crystal vein and drilled in.

At this time, the mine that was originally used for mining has been completely filled with magma. Lu Long and other soldiers are anxiously surrounding the entrance, like a group of children who have done something wrong, not knowing what to do. Well, many tears were shed.

Just now, after Mr. Dean entered that mine, magma erupted from it immediately. Obviously, Mr. Dean did not come out of it at all. Faced with such a complicated situation, no one knew what to do.Some people have even secretly thought in their hearts that the dean may have been burned to ashes!
Beside Lu Long and the others, Monto was holding a parchment letter with an anxious expression on his face.As soon as the master came to Huoyan Township, he received an urgent letter, so he immediately boarded the transport boat in the underground river and rushed over to Li Yunfei, but he didn't expect to face such a situation.

Just when everyone remembered scratching their ears and cheeks, the magma hole in front of them suddenly trembled, and then a vigorous figure jumped out, shaking the magma on his body vigorously as if he had just finished swimming.

"Cool!" Li Yunfei shook off the magma on his body and shouted with a loud laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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