super giant clone

Chapter 367 Water Element

Chapter 367 Water Element

At the same time that Crude and Fargo felt resentful, the silver mage who had just appeared also trembled and looked towards Li Yunfei's direction.

"Damn humans, they actually made dolls out of the images of sacred giants!" Seeing the one hundred war colossi appearing at the same time, a black iron giant roared angrily.

The images of these war colossi are so similar to these black iron giants, how can they not be angry!
Immediately after the appearance of a hundred war colossi, they formed a sharp front formation. The huge magic crystal saber in their hands was swung like a forest of blades, cutting the low-level giants in front of them into pieces one after another.

Wherever you go, it's like entering a realm of no one!

At the same time, behind these war giants, there are dozens of black metal vehicles with long gun barrels inserted on them, and the dazzling brilliance of magic cannons flashing from time to time. They are magic gold chariots.

But behind the magic gold chariot, there are several crimson magic gold warrior phalanxes, like a burning flame, sweeping towards the giant tide below Lingyun King City.

Lingyun King City, which was already completely at a disadvantage, suddenly discovered that the giants had started to fall in pieces!

Just the volley of those magic gold soldiers is enough to describe it as covering the sky and blocking out the sun!

Seeing this opportunity, the defenders of Lingyun King City immediately began to fight back desperately. Thick crossbow guns and huge stone bullets fell towards the giant, while the defenders began to wave their spears. The sword shot out beams of sword light, facing the giants in front of him.

In a blink of an eye, the giant who had the upper hand just now fell into a dilemma of being attacked from both sides.

"Hmph, Silver Bone, don't worry about it, eat this human first." That silver shoulder seemed to have never seen the death of the lower giant, pointing at Crude and saying to Silver Bone, while sticking out a thick metal tongue, Licking his lips, he made a harsh sound of iron scraping.

In their view, those low-ranking giants are just expendable cannon fodder, but the silver-ranked warrior in front of them is a rare delicacy!
"No..." Yin Gu didn't answer, but a puzzled expression appeared on his face, he twitched his nose suddenly, turned his head to look at Li Yunfei, and said to himself: "The taste is not right..."

"What's wrong with the smell?" Yinjian squinted his eyes and sniffed his nose, as if he was sniffing something hard. Then he suddenly became furious, turned his head to look at Li Yunfei, and shouted: "Heretic! It's heresy! It's Momo!" Saya's demon!"

"Kill this heretic! Cut the demon of Mosaya into pieces!" Silver Bone also confirmed Li Yunfei's identity at this time, and roared loudly, his feet and arms instantly turned into a handle full of barbs the sword.

Then the two silver giants didn't hesitate at all, they jumped up and rushed towards Li Yunfei, who had turned into a black iron giant and was wearing heavy metal armor.

"Devil of Mosaya, go to hell!" Still in the air, the two huge protrusions above Silver Shoulder's shoulders have been opened instantly, a ray of light is shining, and the attack is ready to be launched in a blink of an eye.

Li Yunfei had sensed the strong killing intent a long time ago, turned around instantly, blue light flickered, and a magical cannon transformed into a giant spear appeared in his hand, and then he pulled the trigger instantly.



The sound of the energy beam breaking through the air was heard almost at the same time, the energy column of the magic cannon and the energy column of the silver shoulder bombarded together in mid-air, and then most of the energy of the magic cannon was canceled out, and the remaining small part blasted on the silver shoulder. shoulder and chest, causing him to stagger and fall from mid-air.

But at the same time, Yin Gu swung his arms in mid-air, and the huge swords formed by the alienation of the two arms left his body and stabbed towards Li Yunfei.

Li Yunfei twitched his eyebrows, swiped the Baipi knife in his hand, and made two "bang bang" sparks, blocking Yin Gu's attack.It's just that the strength of this silver bone is so strong that Li Yunfei was shocked to retreat four or five steps before stopping.

In the next moment, Silver Shoulder and Silver Bone landed on the ground at the same time, fighting with Li Yunfei.

At the same time, the silver giant named Silver Tongue not far away had also got rid of his opponent and came towards Li Yunfei.

Obviously, these three silver giants wanted to put the "Demon of Mosaya" to death!
Seeing that the two silver giants gave up on themselves and turned to find the troubles of Sol Lee, Crude couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

These two silver giants are really extremely powerful, and their own talents and skills are very special, which have a strong restraint effect on his Lingyun Dou Qi, and he can't please him at all.

Hmph, Saul Lee, just wait to be swallowed by these damned giants... Crude snorted coldly, thinking inwardly, and then the vindictiveness flickered under his feet, and a cloud of vindictiveness appeared, quickly turning and blowing him away. Take it to the top of a building on the side.

At this time, he was not in a hurry to leave, sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, why not do it.

What made him a little regretful and strange was that the mysterious silver mage who suddenly appeared just now swung his staff, and a pair of wings made of ice and snow flashed behind him, leading him to rush towards the three silver giants.

This silver mage actually wants to challenge the three silver giants head-on, to rescue that Sol Lee!
At this time, after Li Yunfei transformed into a giant form, he was wearing heavy steel armor, a hundred swords in one hand and a magic cannon in one hand. He felt as if he had entered the land of no one in the crowd of giants. At this moment, a roar came suddenly, and he had no time at all. Turning around, he slashed the Baipi Saber backwards.

Hearing a loud "boom", his arms were a little numb, and Baipi Dao blocked a strong beam of light.

In the next moment, just as he turned his head away, he saw a huge black shadow approaching him, with two huge swords crossed and slashing towards him.

Li Yunfei snorted coldly, and slashed out with all his might with the Baipi Saber. A loud "Dang" sound blocked the silver giant named Silver Bone, and he stepped back more than ten steps before standing still.

At this time, although his giant's body was covered with a "membrane" of a silver heart, its strength still belonged to the black iron giant. Facing the blow of the silver giant with all its strength, he could not completely block it at this time. .

"Hahaha, devil of Mosaya, even if you pretend to be a noble giant, I won't let you succeed, today is your death day!" Silver Shoulder roared, and his arms instantly alienated into two spears, He stabbed Li Yunfei in the chest.

What Mosaya demon again... Li Yunfei narrowed his eyes, and secretly decided in his heart that he must figure out this title in the future.

With the Baipi Dao in his hand blocking Yin Jian's attack, Li Yunfei pushed the Magic Cannon forward and was about to fire.

"Bah!" The silver bone appeared beside him like a ghost, swung the huge sword in his hand, knocked the magic cannon in Li Yunfei's hand into the air, and then spun instantly, like a huge drill bit towards Li Yunfei!

Li Yunfei frowned. Although his giant body is much stronger than ordinary black iron giants at this time, when facing multiple silver giants, he has no advantage in terms of strength and speed. On the contrary, he is not as good as his human body. use.

The speed of the silver bone was extremely fast. Seeing that it was about to pierce through his giant body in the next instant, there was a loud "boom", the ground shook suddenly, and the silver bone staggered forward and swerved, brushing away from Li Yunfei's side. Pass.

Giant water elements with a height of more than ten meters at both ends quickly grew out of the ground, blocking the two silver giants.

Li Yunfei turned his head suddenly, and immediately saw a silver mage wearing a silver robe and a pointed hat hovering in the air, waving his staff repeatedly in his hand, pieces of icicles like javelins emerged in midair, towards the two The silver giant shot away.

The Baiyin mage couldn't see his appearance clearly, but his fighting power was obviously extremely strong. Li Yunfei secretly admired the fluctuation of magic power alone.

With a helper, Li Yunfei immediately boosted his morale, a blue light flashed in his hand, and suddenly another magic cannon appeared in his hand. With a loud shout, the two magic cannons pointed at the silver bone, and two thick The silver energy column shot out loudly, towards the silver bone!

Just as Yin Gu was about to dodge, the water element in front of him suddenly jumped up and hugged him tightly, nailing him firmly in place!
(End of this chapter)

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