Chapter 377
Everyone followed the sound, and saw a middle-aged man full of black iron fighting spirit shouting loudly as he quickly retreated from the city wall. It was Crude's younger brother, Grand Duke Ken!

"Those of you who betrayed the Luo Lin family and Lingyun King City, when Crude kills that Thor, you will all die without a place to die! Luo Lin guards, suppress these rebellious guys! Everyone must die!" Ken had retreated to a street in the city at this time, surrounded by dozens of followers of the Luo Lin family, shouting towards the city wall.

"Defend the Luo Lin family! Defend Your Majesty!" After all, the Luo Lin family is the ruler of Lingyun King City, and they also have many private soldiers and family children. When they heard Grand Duke Ken's words, the Luo Lin family's headquarters immediately burst into shouts. , I saw thousands of people drawing their weapons at the same time, preparing for a fierce battle.

These people are the core strength of the Rowling family, and many of them are dead warriors raised by the Rowling family, and they will never betray Crude.

"Warriors, come on, suppress these rebels, defend your majesty, and defend the Luo Lin family!" Grand Duke Ken shouted from under the city wall.

His words immediately aroused contempt in the hearts of many people.It is really contemptible for him to run so far by himself and make these Rowling family members desperate.

It's just that although the dead soldiers of the Luo Lin family are loyal, most of the children of the Luo Lin family don't think so.Those descendants of Crude's direct line began to consider retreating at this time, while the relatives of the collateral line began to scold Duke Ken for being shameless in their hearts, and they didn't want to be buried with their own family members.

But even though the members of the Luo Lin family have their own ghosts, they are not very afraid of the magic gold warriors in Snowfall City.

Anyway, the most powerful force in Lingyun King City is their Luo Lin family!

There are seven black iron-rank fighters of the Luo Lin family alone, plus those guest ministers attached to the Luo Lin family, there are fifteen black iron-rank fighters, and dozens of bronze-rank fighters. Adding thousands of elite fighters, no matter how powerful the people in Luo Xuecheng are, it is impossible to eat them all in one bite.Those war colossi seem to be powerful, but they must be very clumsy, and they have no advantage when facing humans.

Moreover, Lingyun King Crude and that Mr. Fargo are both silver-level fighters, and no one knows what the outcome of this battle will be.These people still have great confidence in Lingyun King Crude. After Crude wins, the crowd in Snowfall City will be leaderless, and they will easily kill them.

At this time, in the Palace of Clouds and the Beast Cage, where Li Yunfei and Yan Bo were, the smoke and dust slowly dissipated, and blurred figures appeared, it was Li Yunfei and Yan Bo.

Fargo had a smug smile on his face. After being attacked by the fang bomb, these two people would be seriously injured even if they survived!
Seeing that Li Yunfei's clothes had become tattered at this time, it was obvious that he had been severely bombarded by the explosion just now, and he didn't know what his injuries were like.And Yan Bo also showed a tired expression. Although he was not injured, he used a powerful defensive magic at the critical moment just now, which blocked the impact of the explosion and consumed a lot of energy.And because of the rush of time, he could only protect himself, but did not have time to protect Li Yunfei.

"Hahaha, Saul Lee, how are you? Are all the bones broken? Tsk tsk, there are at least a thousand wounds on your body right now?" Fargo said triumphantly.

At this moment, the shouts of Duke Ken and the Luo Lin people came from outside, and when they turned their heads, the four of them had already noticed the abnormal movement on the city wall.The Palace of Clouds and the Beast Cage domain are under the control of Crude and Fargo, and the scene inside cannot be seen from the outside, but the outside scene can be easily seen from the inside.

Crude's eyes darkened, revealing a hint of sternness, and said in a deep voice: "Then Sadat Hussein dared to harbor evil intentions. When I kill these two people, I will kill him first when I go out. The Hussein family is exterminated!"

Then he turned his head to look at Li Yunfei and said: "Sol Lee, no matter how powerful your war equipment and magic gold soldiers are, I will kill them all when I kill you! Hmph, you must be in pain now. "

"Oh? His Majesty Lingyun King is very confident." Li Yunfei's voice sounded faintly, and he looked at Lingyun King Crude expressionlessly and said, "It's a pity that the Luo Lin clan will be wiped out from now on..."

"Hmph, you utter wild words when you are about to die, I see you..." Lingyun King Crude snorted coldly, but before he finished speaking, Luke's voice without the slightest emotion came to mind outside.

"All the magic-gold soldiers and magic-gold chariots obey the order, and attack with ten times the fire. The target is above the city gate."

As soon as Luke's words fell, the magic gold warriors who had already prepared for a long time activated the magic gold guns in their hands at the same time, and at the same time a dozen thick beams of magic gun light shot towards the top of the city gate from all directions.

Above the city gate is where the dead soldiers and children of Luo Lin's family are located!

These people were full of confidence at this time, and were about to kill all directions, when they saw a huge cloud of flames appearing in front of them instantly.

Then they immediately discovered that what kind of flame cloud is this? It is obviously a terrorist attack stream formed by the gathering of countless fiery flame bombs!

And those black iron-level fighters were a little dismissive at first, but in the next moment they found that they had been targeted by the energy column of the magic cannon, and there was no way to avoid it!

"Boom! Boom! Boom..." There was a loud bang, and the magic gold soldiers received Luke's order. A column of energy blasted out.

In just a blink of an eye, the area above the city wall has turned into a hell of flames, completely surrounded by billowing smoke and hot flames everywhere, and the city wall cannot be seen at all!

After ten attacks, the Luoxuecheng reinforcements stopped attacking and began to replace the magic crystals in the magic gold battle gun, but the formation did not change at all, and they still aimed their guns at the upper part of the city wall.

A gust of wind blew away the smoke and dust on the city wall, revealing the scene there.

I saw that the dead soldiers of the Luo Lin family and those noble children who were still standing there densely had completely disappeared at this time.

The entire city wall above the gate of Lingyun King City was lowered by nearly two meters at this time, leaving a large piece of pitted and semi-melted ground. The surface is a layer of metal, but it is formed by some weapons and armor after being melted by high temperature. metal layer.

The thousands of people standing here, including a dozen black iron-level fighters, dozens of bronze-level fighters, and thousands of elite soldiers, have all turned into ashes at this time!
The elite of Luo Lin's family was wiped out like this, and the whole army was wiped out!
If you look carefully, you can still see a few stumps, but those black iron-level fighters tried to rely on fighting spirit to resist at the last moment, but they were still broken through the defense by the magic cannon and were completely torn to pieces.

This is the elite of the Luo Lin family, an army of thousands of people, disappeared just like that, like ants scalded to death by fire oil.You must know that this force is even enough to overthrow an ordinary Black Iron King City!And those huge war colossi have not been shot from the beginning to the end!
It took a few seconds for the Lingyun King City soldiers present to react. Many of them turned their heads with difficulty and looked at the Luoxue City reinforcements who were still calmly killing.

At this time, in the eyes of the people of Lingyun City, these magic gold warriors holding metal pipes and wearing red shirts have become synonymous with devils!
The Luo Lin family is almost extinct!
"No! Impossible! Impossible! This must be a cover-up! My Luo Lin family... How could my Luo Lin family be wiped out like this!" In the Palace of Clouds, Lingyun King Crude's eyes almost stared from their sockets. Come out, cried out loud, almost insane.

Then his eyes were bloodshot, he looked at Li Yunfei, and said in a crazy voice: "Sol Lee! I want your life!"

(End of this chapter)

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