super giant clone

Chapter 379 Ice Fire Hell

Chapter 379 Ice Fire Hell
In the battlefield of the city wall of Lingyun King City, before everyone could react to the astonishing change of Luo Lin's family being exterminated, they saw that the cloud palace and the fighting beast cage disappeared in an instant, revealing the scene inside.

"Boom boom boom..." A series of loud noises came, but it was those ice-fire bombs that directly bombarded Crude and Fargo's fighting spirit armor, and exploded, covering them again in a hot ball. Among the steam.

It's just that although the ice-fire explosive bomb brought pressure, it was the two flames blasted by Li Yunfei that really terrified Crude and Fargo.

They could feel that after the two groups of flame battle qi came into contact with their battle qi armor, they melted into the inside of the battle armor as if they were alive, and they were about to get into their bodies in a blink of an eye!
The two immediately mobilized their silver battle qi to resist the invasion of the fire battle qi, and almost exhausted their strength to block the two weird flame battle qi in the battle armor.

Then I heard Li Yunfei raised his mouth and said a word softly: "Explosive."

Immediately, the flaming battle qi stuck in the battle qi battle armor exploded with a thunderous force, and the surface of Crude's thunder cloud battle suit and Fargo's beast spirit battle suit exploded at the same time, a bowl-sized The hole made them take a few steps back, and each step sank deeply into the hard city wall surface, forming deep footprints one by one.

"Pfft..." A stream of blood overflowed from the mouths of Crude and Fargo at the same time. They were slightly injured by the explosion just now.

At this moment, they had confirmed that Sol Lee's battle qi control seemed to have only reached the bronze level, not even the black iron level, but the quality of his battle qi was extremely astonishing, like a condensed bomb!
After making this judgment, both of them felt a little unbelievable!If this Sol Lee can reach the silver level, how powerful will his combat power be?This is simply unimaginable!
It's just that at this time they felt guilty, wondering if they could kill this Saul Lee.Especially Lingyun King Crude, he can feel that this Sol Lee is stronger than when he defeated him last time!

"It's the dean! Long live! It's the dean!" The moment he saw Li Yunfei, Luke immediately cheered loudly, like a child.If it hadn't been for Luke's order to kill the members of the Rowling family just now, no one present would be able to connect him with the ruthless scene just now.

"Long live the dean!"

"Haha, Mr. Dean, kill these two jumping clowns!"

The Luoxue City reinforcements immediately cheered. Although Li Yunfei looked a bit embarrassed, his shirt was gone, and his chest was scorched black, it was obvious that King Lingyun was at a disadvantage just now.

Crude turned his head and looked around, and saw that the place where the Rowling family was originally located had turned into a piece of scorched earth, and those who were most loyal to him had all died under the collective attack of the magic gold soldiers.But most of the other nobles in Lingyun King City lowered their eyes and did not dare to look at him.There were even occasional sneers on the faces of a few minor nobles who regarded him as an enemy.

"My citizens of Lingyun King City, now my Lingyun King City has reached the moment of life and death. I, Lingyun King Crude, order you to fight the invaders immediately and defend your homeland! Otherwise, you will be killed immediately!" Crude will With a wave of the long sword in his hand, he said sharply.

He still has a chance to win!There are nearly a million fighters in the entire Lingyun King City, and another silver-ranked fighter in Lingyun King City went to the Lion Heart Emperor City to ask for help. As long as they gather this force to hold back the magic gold soldiers, when another silver-ranked fighter returns, they will They can work together to kill Sol and Smoke Bo.

After Crude finished speaking, he immediately turned his attention to Li Yunfei again, but what he didn't expect was that the expected response like a mountain roar and tsunami did not appear, and the entire battlefield was silent, not even a single Speaker!
He suddenly turned his head to look at the soldiers of Lingyun King City again, and saw that all the soldiers were speechless, and some even had teasing expressions on their faces.

For a moment, there was pity, joking, regret, unwillingness, and even a trace of reverence in the eyes that looked at Crude.It's just that at this time, Lingyun King Crude's dead men and the Luo Lin family are basically dead, so no one will fight to the death for him.

Originally, the Luo Lin family ruled the Lingyun King City mainly relying on severe punishments and years of power. At this time, Lingyun King Crude has become a bare-handed commander, and anyone can see that he is finished!
"You traitors! Traitors! I'm going to kill you all! Kill them all!" Crude didn't expect to be so blatantly betrayed, and immediately flew into a rage. Blast towards a group of Lingyun King City soldiers closest to him.

He only felt that his dignity was like a piece of rag, which was thrown to the ground naked in front of millions of people, and then allowed to be trampled upon!This is simply a great shame!
A few black figures flickered and shot dozens of black iron grudge slashes at the same time, blocking his attack.

Then several figures fell on the city wall not far away, it was Nasadat Hussein and the elders of the Hussein family.

"Crude, you are brutal, and the Luo Lin family is the vampire of the entire Lingyun King City. Now that the situation is gone, do you still want to show off your majesty as Lingyun King?" Sadat Hussein said with a sneer, and then turned towards Li Yunfei saluted from a distance and said: "Sadat Hussein has met Lord Lion Tooth, thank you Lord for getting rid of this cancer for the people of Lingyun City!"

"'s you...I should have exterminated the Hussein family a long time ago, but I didn't expect to benefit you, a villain who knows the wind and the wind..." Crude felt his teeth itch with hatred, viciously said.

Li Yunfei smiled lightly, and said in a loud voice: "Patriarch Sadat, you don't have to be polite. In the future, the construction of Lingyun King City will rely more on the Hussein family." The meaning of the speech is that Lingyun King City has been regarded as something in the bag.

"Your Majesty, the current situation is really complicated. We should retreat temporarily and gather our strength to fight." Fargo said softly to Crude.

Originally, he also wanted to kill that Sol Lee as soon as possible, but he didn't expect that the other party would be so difficult to deal with, and in the blink of an eye, the core of the Rowling family was completely wiped out, and Crude had already betrayed his relatives!

If they stay any longer, they won't be able to get anything good, and maybe they will put themselves in it.

After all, this Lingyun King City does not belong to him in Fargo, so there is no need to work so hard.

After all, Crude is the lord of a country. After the initial emotional fluctuations, he took a deep breath, glanced at his former subjects again, and stared at Li Yunfei fiercely, saying: "Sol Lee, today I will repay you double for everything!"

"Let's go!" As soon as the words fell, a pair of fighting spirit wings appeared behind the silver battle armor of the two of them at the same time, and they jumped up at the same time, preparing to leave here.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy!" At this moment, Yan Bo swung the pipe in his hand vigorously and knocked it hard on the ground.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and a ball of flame ripples burst out from the pipe, rippling away to the surroundings in an instant, forming a hemispherical flame cover in mid-air, covering the entire range of [-] meters around.

At the same time, sharp icicles with blue flames burst out from the ground, forming a cage of ice and fire for a while.

"Ice and Fire Hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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