Chapter 390
"Nimma, Crude, you can't fight, it's really ruthless to save money! Send it, send it, send it! My favorite thing is to open treasure chests by killing monsters! No wonder everyone talks about killing people, setting fires, golden belts, and building bridges." There are no corpses in the road, I want to snatch all these princes and nobles one by one, post it, post it! It seems that Crude is a good person at all!" Li Yunfei's eyes widened, his face was full of joy, no He kept mumbling to himself.

The misty waves on the side were not much better, looking at the golden splendor in front of him, he kept repeating a sentence: "Greedy, greedy, really greedy, this is already comparable to the treasure of a dragon's lair..."

Under the Yunmu Mountain Hall is a huge treasury. Inside this treasury, there are all kinds of gold and silver treasures. There are a total of five hundred boxes of gold coins piled up like a mountain. At least 500 million gold coins.

But these are not the places that attract Li Yunfei's attention. What excites him the most is the neatly stacked mithril ingots and various rare materials.

Inside, there are soul crystals, flame stones, iron essence, fire copper, etc., and there are many things that Li Yunfei can't name.

In Li Yunfei's mind, Lao Fen's disdainful voice came: "Che, I thought there was something good, far worse than the secret library of the Lionheart Empire's Royal Alchemy Academy last time."

Li Yunfei didn't take it seriously, Lao Fen said so, which means that there is no divine talent here, but Li Yunfei didn't come here for the divine talent.What he valued the most was the huge amount of ordinary rare materials such as mithril and fire copper.

He walked into this huge treasure house, began to roughly estimate the amount of mithril and other materials here, and quickly came up with an approximate figure.

The things here can at least make [-] war colossi and dozens of magic gold chariots again.The number of magic gold battle guns must be measured in tens of thousands.

Even if all these mithrils were put into Luo Xuecheng's secret plan, it would be enough to increase the completion of the plan by more than ten percent.

In the current Snowfall City, the magic gold industry proposed by Li Yunfei has already taken shape. As long as there are enough resources, given time, it will definitely be a blockbuster.

For Snowfall City, Mithril is the primary productive force!
After the initial joy, Li Yunfei quickly recovered and together with Yan Bo put all these rare materials into the space equipment.

Afterwards, the soldiers guarding outside were recruited and began to carry the gold coins and ordinary treasures inside.

The vast majority of them are still gold coins and ordinary treasures, which can be described as piled up like a mountain.

However, these magic gold warriors are used to seeing big scenes, so naturally they will not be surprised.

"My lord, this Lingyun King Crude has searched for a lot of treasures." Luke was also summoned, and when he saw the gold and silver treasures being moved out one after another, he immediately said with a smile.

Li Yunfei raised his mouth and said: "Brothers have worked hard during this period. First, we will allocate some gold coins for pensions and awards, and then use the money to build dozens of schools in the city to support those who are in need. This piece Things have to get done."

Although these gold coins and ordinary treasures are no longer in Li Yunfei's eyes, they still play an extremely important role in rewarding his masters and stabilizing the situation in the entire city of bones.

At this moment, an attendant hurriedly entered the hall, came to Li Yunfei and bowed and said, "My lord, Duke Hussein is asking to see you."

Sadat Hussein?Li Yunfei raised the corner of his mouth, narrowed his eyes, and said, "Tell him to meet me in the study."

He had already guessed why Hussein had come here.

In the study, just as Li Yunfei sat down, he saw Sadat Hussein enter the study with a smile on his face, and then saluted and said, "I have seen Lord Lion Tooth Duke!"

Li Yunfei also smiled and said: "Please sit down, Duke Hussein is too polite, what advice does the Duke have?"

Sadat Hussein sat down on a chair, waved his hand immediately and said, "Lord Duke of Lion Tooth is too polite to give advice, but I just want to discuss some things with you."

Li Yunfei raised the corner of his mouth and asked, "What's the matter?"

Sadat immediately turned his head to look left and right, then smiled all over his face, and said in a low voice: "That's right, it's really a blessing for my Lingyun King City to get rid of the scourge of Crude for my Lord Duke, on behalf of me. Millions of people in the city have thanked the Duke first, but..."

"Just what?" Li Yunfei rolled his eyes and asked with a smile.

"It's just that my lord is not from my Lingyun King City after all, and..." At this point, Sadat Hussein hesitated for a moment, looked at Li Yunfei's face, and found that he was still smiling, and then continued: " Although you are the Duke of Lion Tooth, my lord, you are still not a king. After a long time, I am afraid you will not be able to convince the public." At this time, his face was full of solemnity, with an expression of "I am all for your own good".

Seeing Sadat performing in front of him, Li Yunfei almost laughed out loud, and then asked: "Then, does the Duke have any good ideas? I really need the stability of Bone City now, after all, there is not enough troops."

Sadat was overjoyed immediately, what he was waiting for was what Li Yunfei said.

Then I saw him take out a parchment scroll full of words from his arms, and said: "My lord, don't worry, my Hussein family has taken root in Lingyun King City for thousands of years, and we know everything about this city very well." I know, as long as the adults don't dislike it, my Hussein family will definitely help, you see, we can do this..."

The parchment scroll was unfolded, Li Yunfei glanced at it casually, and saw that although the above plan could stabilize the current situation in the city of bones, it was basically a contract to divide the city equally.If it was true according to what was written in this parchment, then the Hussein family would be able to control at least half of the entire city, and the entire country would be divided into two.

Li Yunfei narrowed his eyes and glanced at Hussein.

Greed is the greatest sin of mankind.

When Duke Hussein was the first to surrender, Li Yunfei was quite interested and had a slight intention of reusing him.But now, after seeing this clever plan to take advantage of the fire, Li Yunfei has completely given up on the Hussein family in his heart.

He raised his mouth and said, "I already have an idea about the Bone King City, so I won't bother Duke Hussein."

Sadat didn't expect the other party to say that, and he couldn't help but said anxiously: "I don't know what good idea the duke has? Can you tell me? My lord, you have to think twice. If you don't say anything else, just talk about your duke status , Occupying a royal city by force will definitely cause dissatisfaction in other giant cities, especially those black iron generals under the command of Lingyun King City, those princes are all rebellious, without the help of our Hussein family, you..."

"Duke status can't convince the public, right?" Li Yunfei smiled harmlessly to humans and animals, and continued: "From today, I, Saul Yunfei Li, will be king, king name, bones!"

(End of this chapter)

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