Chapter 393
Lion Heart Emperor City, Lion Heart Temple.

The towering temple pierces into the sky like a sharp sword. In the prayer room on the top floor, the Lionheart Pope is meditating with his eyes closed in front of a huge stone carved eye.

His mental power stretched out like a soft net, swept over every corner of the entire temple, and caressed every clergyman, but no one noticed it.

In this temple, he is truly the supreme existence, and even, if he wants, he can use his spiritual power to cover most of Lionheart Emperor City.

At the entrance of the temple, a fat middle-aged man with a fair face and a red robe was about to walk in.

Why is he here?The Lionheart Pope's eyes slowly opened, revealing a hint of doubt.

"Let Freys in." The Lionheart Pope said softly, and at the same time as he spoke, his voice appeared in the mind of the temple deacon at the bottom of the temple.

The deacon of the temple was obviously used to this situation, and immediately bowed respectfully to the void, and walked up with Freys.

The door of the prayer room opened slowly, and Freys walked in with a respectful expression.

"Father God, Freys has seen His Majesty." He saluted respectfully, bowed his head and stopped talking.

"The glory of God the Father shines on you, my child, what's the matter?" The Pope sat on the throne, holding a scepter, smiling, and he looked like a generous and kind elder, and said slowly.

Freys immediately took out the letter in his bosom, and described what happened in Lingyun King City, and Li Yunfei also explained in detail what Li Yunfei wanted to become king.His words were very objective and fair, and he didn't dare to add oil and vinegar.This Frass understands that in this kind of matter, one must not reveal one's intentions casually, otherwise, in case something happens, it is absolutely impossible to go around.

That Saul Lee is really daring, I didn't expect him to have such strength... I don't know if this has anything to do with the power of the father's divine sense... The Lionheart Pope was thinking, holding the letter in his hand, Frowning slightly, thoughts turned in his mind.

He took the letter and slowly pulled out a piece of white paper inside. After opening it, he immediately saw four large characters on it: "I want to be king."

These words are crooked and crooked. Although they are full of strength, they are definitely not good-looking.

The Lionheart Pope frowned, and was about to say something when he suddenly felt a faint breath coming out of his handwriting.

Although this breath is weak, it has a very high quality, giving people a feeling of being grand, solid and inclusive!

This feeling can only be experienced when he feels the radiance of the Father God when he is praying!
In these few words, there is actually the breath of God the Father!

At this moment, the doubts in the Lionheart Pope's heart were swept away, and he gave himself a satisfactory answer.

Needless to say, the reason why Sol Lee was able to survive the giant siege, rescued the Principality of Waldor and Lingyun King City, and finally defeated Lingyun King Crude was definitely due to the power of God Father's divine sense .You must know that there is a divine sense of the Father God in Sol Lee's body!
Although he didn't know what God the Father wanted to do with this Divine Sense, and why he did such unimaginable things, the Lionheart Pope was unwilling and afraid to speculate.

Since it is also the will of God the Father to make Saul Lee king, it will be resolutely implemented.

Thinking of this, Pope Lionheart turned his head to look in the direction of Lionheart Palace.

Charlie, I don't know what you will do... My respected Majesty the Lionheart...


In the imperial palace at this time, Emperor Lionheart was holding a densely written letter in his hand, while reading it, he showed a hint of a smile.

This letter was also written by Li Yunfei brought by Freys.

Different from the succinct letter in the hands of the Pope, Li Yunfei's letter to the Lionheart Emperor can be described as long-winded.

It describes his hardships in building Snowfall City, the tragedy of resisting the giant attack, and so on. Everything is written clearly. At the same time, he can ignore the power of the war colossus and only talk about his own tragedy.In the end, the kindness, revenge and treachery of Lingyun King Crude were extremely exaggerated, and Li Yunfei even wrote himself with snot and tears, full of grievances.

Seeing the end, Lionheart Emperor smiled lightly, and said to himself: "This slippery boy, he almost called himself a bitch..."

After the previous contact with Li Yunfei, he already understood that although this kid is full of enthusiasm, he is definitely not a reckless person.The reason why the other party wrote this is that the ultimate goal is to get the lion heart to support him to become king.

"I never expected that Luoxuecheng would be able to sustain it... The Principality of Valdo also withstood the giant's attack..." The Lionheart Emperor's expression gradually became serious, and he stood up, talking to himself while facing the eastern sky look in.

At this moment, there is a crimson sunset glow in the sky, which looks like a bright flower of blood, extraordinarily enchanting.

"The plan in that place is really worrying... What that person did is a blessing or a curse for human beings, and I can't tell..." Lionheart Emperor frowned and narrowed his eyes slightly, with a look of displeasure. Angry and arrogant, "This kid is a variable... Anyway, let this variable continue to change, maybe we can leave a way out..."

Then he looked in the direction of the temple, as if he could see the eyes of the Lionheart Pope looking at him, and said to himself: "You and I are both emperors, but in the eyes of that place and that existence, it is just a It's just a chess piece... Perhaps, we should also use our own chess pieces to create a new variable..."

Thinking of this, the Lion Hearted Emperor picked up a quill pen on the table and started to write casually.

"I remember the Duke of the Lion Tooth, Saul Yunfei Li, who fought bloody battles and saved tens of millions of people. He is indeed the light of mankind..."


"I remember Sol Yunfei Li, the Duke of Lion Tooth, fought bloody battles and saved tens of millions of people. He is indeed the light of mankind and the blessing of the people... In the name of Lionheart Emperor, canonize Sol Yunfei Li as the King, the name of the king is Bone, seal the city of Bone King!"

In the former Lingyun King City and now the Bone King City, there are streaks of golden dou qi circling in mid-air, forming golden characters, and at the same time, a majestic voice echoes in the ears of everyone in the city.

This is the canonized edict of the Lion Heart Great Emperor!

In the square in front of the main hall of Yunmu Mountain, the nobles in the entire Bone King City, as well as the high-ranking officers in Luoxue City were all present, witnessing all this.

The moment the emperor's imperial edict was read out, those golden battle qi immediately fell back on the edict again, this time it formed a small golden sword of fighting energy, which was regarded as a reward for Li Yunfei.

Li Yunfei knelt down on one knee, listened to the imperial edict silently, raised the corner of his mouth, and said in his heart: "This lion hearted emperor is still stingy, and he has never given any good things."

At the same time, Li Yunfei's old acquaintance Prince Mountbatten, the special envoy of the emperor, held a silver crown in both hands, and slowly put it on Li Yunfei's head.

"From today on, Saul Yunfei Lee is the Bone King!"

(End of this chapter)

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