super giant clone

Chapter 500 Emerald Jade Record

Chapter 500 Emerald Jade Record

Seeing the gear pattern on the book and touching the soft metal pages, a thought flashed across Li Yunfei's mind, and he guessed what it was.

Even though he already knew so much about alchemy, he could be called the saint of alchemy in this era, but at this time he still became short of breath and his hands trembled slightly.

After receiving the book, he carefully opened the cover, and saw a line of green text engraved on the title page: This is the power of all forces, and the gods break out!

Although these words are the lingua franca of the mainland, they are written in a somewhat different way than they are now. They are simple and vigorous, showing the great ambition of the writer.

After seeing this line of words, Li Yunfei could feel the pride in the heart of the ancient goblin scholar who wrote this book, as well as his pride in the knowledge described in this book.

The meaning of this sentence is that this book has the most powerful power, which is the source of all power. As long as you master this power, even gods will shy away!
What an ambition!

Open the title page, it is the first sentence:

"Ascend from the earth to the sky, descend from the sky to the earth, the power of the upper and lower, conceived from the wind, divide the earth from the fire, extract the essence from the rough, and do it carefully."

The moment Li Yunfei saw this sentence, he understood that it was just like what he thought, this is a work of alchemy!
The heaven and earth, wind and fire mentioned in the first sentence are exactly the cryptic words in alchemy!

This "Jade Record" is the alchemy scripture of the ancient goblin civilization!

He didn't care about other things at the moment, and couldn't wait to flip back page by page. He saw that the following pages first contained some generalizations about the basic principles of alchemy, followed by some technical explanations, and the latter were descriptions of various alchemy equipment. Analysis, complete with detailed construction drawings.Among them, there is something called the "magic gun", which can be regarded as a simple version of the magic gold battle gun, as well as various examples of alchemy equipment such as goblin airships and goblin spotlights.

And many samples of these equipment are placed in the underground hall.

At this moment, Li Yunfei only felt bursts of ecstasy. Although he could restore these goblin equipments again given him a certain amount of time, the time required must be extremely long. Now that he has this "Jade Record", he can directly manufacture those goblin equipment. Powerful alchemy equipment.And the most critical point, the description of the basic principles of alchemy here is extremely important to make up for some of his current shortcomings.At the same time, many examples in it are mutually confirmed with his previous ideas, and can also allow him to improve his theoretical system again.

At this moment, an equipment graphic suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. It looked like a headband, and an unknown gemstone was inlaid on it, engraved with fine patterns. The name of this device caught Li Yunfei's attention the most. : Basic manipulative spiritual power collar.

The reason why he paid so much attention to this device was because he had seen the same collar device in many alchemy equipment, but at the time he thought it was for decoration and didn't pay attention.

At this time, he took a closer look and immediately discovered that this thing turned out to be a kind of spiritual power amplification device!As long as you wear this collar, you will be able to increase your own mental power, and then control those alchemy equipment.

Seeing this, Li Yunfei became excited again, and his pupils contracted instantly, indicating the shock in his heart at this time.

Why didn't I think of it!The spiritual power of these goblins is not very strong, and some are not even as good as ordinary humans, but they can use alchemy equipment, obviously because of the improvement of equipment!

Thinking of this, he turned to Kidd and asked, "Brother, can you lend me your armor helmet?"

"Okay." Without further ado, Kidd took off his helmet and handed it to Li Yunfei.

Li Yunfei observed carefully, and immediately found that there was a metal hoop inlaid with gems in the helmet, which was exactly the same as the "Necklace of Basic Manipulation of Mental Power" in "Jade Records".After careful observation, the alchemy circuit above this circle is extremely complicated, and the gem is also something he has never seen before, and it seems to be artificially synthesized.

Returning the helmet to Kidd, Li Yunfei took a deep breath and calmed down, only feeling that all the frustrations of this period of time were swept away, and his eyes were bright.

Then a white light flashed, and he took out a purple ring from the space ring, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This purple ring was what he got after killing the silver swordsman Eland when he went to the Demon Emperor City, but it was a ring that could exercise and control mental power.

As long as he is given time, he can completely understand the principle of the "basic manipulative spiritual power collar" and this spiritual power ring, and combine them together to create a device that allows ordinary people to manipulate alchemy equipment!

At that time, not only magicians and magic apprentices, but all ordinary warriors will be able to use powerful alchemy equipment, which will be a revolution for the entire Giant God Continent.It is conceivable that if hundreds of millions of human beings can use the magic gold battle gun, it will be equivalent to hundreds of millions of magicians. What a powerful force this will be, it can completely change the power layout of the entire giant god continent, and even completely defeat the giants!
And as long as there are enough such devices, these goblins who have lost their own civilization will also have great power again.

Li Yunfei's eyes showed a look of leisurely fascination, as if he saw the future where human beings defeated the giants and no longer feared and built cities.I believe that if he told these things to the high-level human beings, those gold-level powerhouses would also be able to understand this, especially the three emperors and three popes who Li Yunfei dubbed the "Six Emperor Pills".

"Sol, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?" Seeing Li Yunfei in a daze, Kidd immediately asked with concern.Jiu Jiu also stared at a pair of big eyes and tugged at Li Yunfei's hand.

Li Yunfei hugged Jiujiu, kissed her tender face hard, and laughed loudly: "Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm just so happy! Hahaha, God help me too!"

Jiujiu blushed, glared at him, and broke free from his hands.

Then Li Yunfei said to Kidd on the side: "Brother, this "Jade Record" is really important to me, it is very important to both goblin civilization and human civilization, thank you for giving it to me .” His face was full of gratitude and sincerity.

Kidd showed a bit of shame, and said: "It's good that it can be useful to you. The content of the "Jade Record" has long been understood by the entire goblin race..." Then he said with a smile: "I hope one day the goblins will also be able to understand it." I can understand what’s inside again.”

"There will be!" Li Yunfei nodded emphatically.He has already figured it out, what the entire goblin civilization lacks is not a single piece of knowledge, but a complete set of systematic knowledge from the common language of the mainland to basic alchemy to advanced alchemy, and wants to impart this knowledge, A lot of manpower is required.After returning to the human territory, he will immediately send a group of alchemists under his command here to impart knowledge to the goblins.

It has been more than a month since he came to this giant goblin island, and he doesn't know if any major events have happened on the giant god continent recently, what happened to the subordinates of the Bone King City.And the goblins are eager to return to civilization again.

At that moment, Li Yunfei no longer hesitated, put away the emerald jade record treasure, and packed up some alchemy equipment made during this period of time with Jiujiu, and brought a lot of food and drink to Kidd and the royal court goblins. After saying goodbye, boarded the goblin airship.

After flipping the switch, streams of blue flames spewed out from the propeller, causing the goblin airship to soar into the air quickly.

In a blink of an eye, the goblins who were seeing off on the ground turned into small black dots, whose shapes could not be seen clearly.

Li Yunfei waved his hand to Kidd and the others on the ground, took a deep breath, and looked in the direction of the mainland.

A thick blue flame spewed out from the tail of the airship, driving the airship to fly south quickly!

(End of this chapter)

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