super giant clone

Chapter 505 How to Train the Dragon

Chapter 505 How to Train the Dragon

After dozens of slaps, Hei Ling's face had become horrible, and his eye sockets were about to explode.

"Have you said enough?" Li Yunfei asked blankly, shaking his hands.

"...You... You are clearly a human being, but you use the body of a giant, it's not fair..." Hei Ling also lost the toughness just now, and said in a low voice.

"Oh, you want to be fair, right?" Li Yunfei nodded, punched himself in the chest, and turned into a human body again.

His human body is only less than two meters tall, and he immediately looks very small in front of the three giant dragons.

"Hmph, it's too...too small..." Hei Ling raised the corner of his mouth and said with a leaky mouth.

The other two giant dragons beside them also showed contemptuous smiles at this time, as if they had regained their self-esteem again.

The silver giant's arm was made of metal, and it was so painful to hit the body. Naturally, the soft body of a human being could not be compared at all.

It's just that Li Yunfei didn't seem to hear their words at all. A hot flame lit up in his heart and then spread throughout his body. At this time, a raging flame ignited on the surface of his body, and then he jumped to the level of Hei Ling's cheek. At the same height, the right palm swung out instantly, like a bolt of lightning hitting Hei Ling's cheek.

"Hiss!" His movements were so fast that he didn't even make a slap in the face, but made a sound of tearing the air.

Hei Ling was still smiling just now, but now he felt as if his left face was hit by a meteor in an instant, and his huge body flew outwards, only to be pulled back again by the strong metal chains.

A cloud of blood splashed out, and what made up the blood rain were the flesh and broken bones on Hei Ling's face!

The power of Li Yunfei's slap far surpassed the giant's body just now!

"Aww—" Hei Ling let out a heart-piercing scream, and lay limp there, hanging from a tree branch by a metal chain.

The other two dragons were completely stunned.

It's just a slap, but there will be such a tragic result, what is this human being made of! ?
"Aw—" The severe pain had already caused Hei Ling to completely forget the dignity of the dragon clan. He was struggling desperately under the shackles of the metal chains, but he couldn't move, so he could only let out an even more miserable howl.

Li Yunfei landed lightly from the air, and said in a deep voice: "This is the fairness you want, how does it feel?" His human body bones are made of stars and iron bones, and his skin is made of metal dragon skin known as "invincible on land". Although the dragon's body is extremely tough, it is not enough to look at him.Speaking of which, the toughness of his human body far exceeds that of a giant.Coupled with the addition of Fen Tian Dou Yan, ordinary giant dragons are only stronger in defense in front of him.

After screaming a few times, Hei Ling completely lost his voice and passed out from the pain. A deep scar appeared on his face, and all the flesh and bones inside were shattered.

Li Yunfei snorted coldly, and asked the other two giant dragons, "Do you want to be fair?"

"No, we don't want to be fair, we don't want to be fair..." The two giant dragons, one yellow and one blue, shook their heads like rattles at the same time, saying repeatedly.Although it was Hei Ling who was slapped just now, they had already fully understood how cruel the human being in front of them was.

"So, you think I'm doing things unfairly?" Li Yunfei raised his eyebrows, and the Burning Heaven Dou Yan on the surface of his body jumped instantly.

"No, no, it's fair! It's fair!" "It's so fair! I... We are all convinced!" The two giant dragons nodded and said, they didn't look like giant dragons, but rather two A big pug.

Li Yunfei frowned, then shook his head and said to himself: "I heard before that dragons are the most proud creatures, and they will always live for dignity. Looking at you, you don't look like giant dragons at all... Could it be that the records I read Deviation?"

Hearing this, the two dragons looked at each other awkwardly, and said nothing embarrassingly.

Jiujiu looked at the three giant dragons, frowning slightly, with a look of disgust and a hint of anger in his eyes.

Li Yunfei then ignored them, but continued to drink and eat meat with Jiujiu.

After a while, Hei Ling woke up leisurely, tried to get up, and then woke up instantly, thinking of where he was, looked at Li Yunfei in fear, and kept silent.

He was completely scared, the human in front of him was simply a monster!

When did human beings possess such great power?And that flame ripped through his flesh and blood like a knife!He didn't dare to try the pain just now.

Moreover, what is the origin of that little girl?It was able to dissolve dragon language magic!It is said that even a gold-level human mage cannot do this!
In the blink of an eye, the three-headed giant dragon already had a deep sense of fear towards Li Yunfei.At this moment, they realized that they were tyrannical only because they had never met those formidable opponents. Moreover, meeting an opponent who was completely uneasy about playing cards was the most terrifying...

After a while, Li Yunfei and Jiujiu wiped out several huge pieces of whale meat. Jiujiu patted his slightly swollen belly, and fell asleep contentedly.

"Happy!" Li Yunfei stretched his waist and said loudly.

The three giant dragons on the side immediately shrank back collectively, startled.They were completely frightened by Li Yunfei, thinking that the other party would come up with some new tricks to punish them.

Sensing the movement of the three giant dragons, Li Yunfei raised the corners of his mouth, and with a trademark smirk, he came to them with his teeth picked, and said, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, come, eat and drink, don't be afraid." I'm hungry." He said and handed a piece of grilled huge whale meat to Hei Ling.

Hei Ling didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the horrible human gourd in front of him, so he immediately shrank back cautiously, clenched his teeth and dared not make a sound.

Li Yunfei smiled and said, "Hey, eat when you're hungry, it's okay, you see we've known each other for so long, we've gotten to know each other well, actually, I have this idea, I don't know if you agree or not... ..." He said something.

When the three giant dragons heard Li Yunfei's words, they immediately shook their heads in unison to express their rejection.

It's just that they just shook their heads, Li Yunfei immediately raised his eyebrows and raised his palm. "Um?"

The three giant dragons were so frightened that they almost peed, and they all retreated desperately, but they couldn't escape from the shackles of the chains at all.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, eat something first." Li Yunfei smiled and took a few pieces of fragrant whale meat and put them in front of them again. He added homemade spices to the whale meat, and it smelled so mouth-watering. After being beaten by Li Yunfei for such a long time, the three-headed dragon was already hungry, and the dragon's saliva in its mouth was about to drop to the ground.


Hei Ling was really starving, at this moment, under Li Yunfei's temptation, he took a bite, and saw his eyes lit up, completely out of control, grabbed a large piece of roasted whale meat and began to bite hard.

Seeing that the black spirit had already started eating, the other two dragon eyes immediately started eating too.

After eating Li Yunfei's barbecue, they only felt that the raw meat they had eaten before was like pig food.This grilled whale meat can be so delicious!
It's just that these barbecues were still too little, and they were eaten up after only a few mouthfuls. The three-headed dragon immediately looked up at Li Yunfei.

Li Yunfei pointed at the fire beside him, and said: "There are plenty of barbecues, don't worry, let me ask again, how about what I just said?" While speaking, he raised his right palm.

The three-headed dragon looked at the barbecue, at Li Yunfei, and at his palms, all struggling.

The current situation is already very clear. Obedient ones will be eaten, and disobedient ones will be slapped in the face, or even killed directly...

"How?" Li Yunfei's heart ignited a flame, and the flame was burning towards his palm little by little. It was obvious that when his palm was completely burned, that brutal slap was about to come down.

This pervert has no patience!

With tears in Hei Ling's eyes, he felt that everything that happened today was unimaginable, how could this human being be more cruel than the Dragon Clan!Abnormal!

Then he sighed and nodded cautiously...

(End of this chapter)

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