super giant clone

Chapter 507 Attacking Snowfall City

Chapter 507 Attacking Snowfall City

Meal prep plain.

30 strong and sharp fighters lined up in a square formation and stood on the plain.

Among them, 200 elite cavalry were guarding the flanks, [-] archers were on standby at the rear, a group of siege spearmen were at the front, and a battle mage army of [-] people was in the middle.

Among these fighters, there are more than 1 fighters who have reached the level of swordsmen, and there are even dozens of black iron swordsmen among them.

And the man in the front wearing a silver armor is a silver swordsman!Beside him, there were also two silver swordsmen standing on the left and right!

Such a lineup is enough to destroy a black iron general city!
It's just that the soldiers present, except for the silver swordsman at the front, didn't have the slightest relaxed expression on their faces. Instead, they looked dignified. Some soldiers looked very worried, and there was even a hint of fear in their eyes. .

Because what they have to face is the famous city on the dining plain——Snow City!

Among other things, just the magic cannon on Luoxue City's head is enough to make anyone dizzy!
This Luoxue City is obviously just a small acropolis, a fortress, but its walls are as high as an abnormal 60 meters.At the same time, the entire Snowfall City is like a giant hedgehog, with sharp barbs all over the city walls, and there are deep trenches around it for protection.The densely packed bed crossbows and magic cannons on the city wall made people feel terrified.

And behind the shooting holes in the city wall, there are hundreds of thousands of prestigious magic gold warriors holding magic gold battle guns, almost every one of them is equivalent to a magician.

In addition to these, there are hundreds of huge metal statues in Luoxue City, named War Colossi, each of which has a black iron-level combat power. People who have seen the War Colossus Corps say that these war colossi are simply It is a giant whose sensitivity, intelligence, and combat skills have been greatly upgraded and improved.

Just the battle report announced by Luo Xuecheng to the outside world has repelled dozens of attacks from the giant crowd, and many of them are at the level of [-]!Those who want to attack this fortress are definitely out of their minds.

Fortunately, their leader, that is, the silver swordsman at the front, has been besieging and not attacking for more than ten days, and has not directly attacked Luoxuecheng. It's just that today has come to Luoxuecheng's ultimatum time, and their The leader can no longer bear it, and is about to launch the final attack!

Those who knew the details of this silver swordsman understood that the fortress in front of them could withstand the attacks of hundreds of thousands of giants, but it might not be able to withstand the attacks of this silver swordsman who appeared and disappeared.

"Yanbo, Monto, you all understand that in front of me, you have no chance of winning. Surrender immediately and hand over Snowfall City. I can spare you from death." Said, as if just stating a fact.

"Ayla, don't even think about it! Luoxue City belongs to His Majesty the Bone King, and the entire Bone King's territory belongs to His Majesty only, and no one else has the right to get involved!" Montor shouted loudly, while clenching the staff in his hand , concentrate on guarding against the man in front of him.

The silver swordsman in front of him is exactly the Ella who once came to Snowfall City!Monto clearly knows that this Ella has mastered the existence of the law!
For fighters who are also at the silver level, there is a huge difference between mastering the law and not mastering the law.Mastering the law is equivalent to being invincible and possessing a talisman.

"Huh, that Sol is dead, he died in the half-plane of Steel Soul, this is a well-known thing, now the emperor has ordered me to take full control of his territory, so you are all my people !” Aila said coldly, with killing intent already in her heart.

After the news of Sol Lee's death came back, the Lionheart Emperor didn't believe it at first, but when everyone came back here one after another, and said that Sol Lee had died with the spirit, the Lionheart Emperor had no choice but to believe it.After a while of sighing and waiting for more than ten days, he finally made a decision to hand over all the territory under the jurisdiction of the Bone King City to Ayla's rule.

After all, the territory under the jurisdiction of a Silver King City is equivalent to one-twelfth of the entire human territory, so it is impossible that no one will manage it all the time.

It's just that when Ella came to take over the territory, she was crazily obstructed by Sol Lee's old department.Montor Stark, the Grand Duke of Firefang, led his troops directly to Snowfall City as the last bastion against Ayla's takeover.

Among the other giant cities, Mage Yanbo, who manages the Bone King City, and several other black iron general cities, do not believe that Sol Lee is dead, and refuse to accept Ayla's management.

For this reason, Ella made up her mind to make an example, and went directly to Saul Lee's lair, Snowfall.

He has already investigated and found out that this acropolis is the foundation of Sol Lee. As long as this place is taken down, the remaining giant cities will naturally no longer desperately resist.

At the beginning, he gave an ultimatum and started to besiege the city, but today was the deadline, and no one in Luoxue City surrendered, which made him feel that his dignity was deeply offended.

He has already decided to kill all Sol Lee's direct subordinates in this fortress, and hang their heads on the city gate as a warning to others.

Even if this fortress is solid and powerful, so what, for a strong man who has mastered the law, this is not an order of magnitude battle at all, and those bulky magic cannons can't even touch the hem of his clothes.

"My master won't die so easily, he will definitely come back! What we have to do is to keep an eye on the master's house and not let the despicable and shameless people take advantage of the danger!" Monto yelled angrily.

"Monto, don't talk nonsense with him, he has already decided to fight, let's fight with him." Yan Bo squinted his eyes and said while smoking a pipe. Beside him, the smoke slowly circled, gathering the fire element , ready to attack at any time.

"So, are you guys ready to fight to the death? However, Saul Lee doesn't own Snowfall City alone! Don't you think the hundreds of thousands of soldiers in this city are as stupid and loyal as you?" Ella squinted her eyes. Said.It would be great if the magic-gold warriors in Snowfall City surrendered and Monto became a bare-bones commander. After all, the firepower of this fortress is too strong, and he has already regarded it as his own private property, so naturally he doesn't want to lose too much .

A magic-gold warrior looked at Ella below with an angry face, and suddenly shouted loudly: "Long live the Bone King! Long live the Zhanzheng Academy! Long live the Dean!"

"Long live Zhanzheng College! Long live the Dean!"

"Defend Zhanzheng College to the death!"

For a moment, tens of thousands of people shouted at the same time, and the sound shook the sky, causing the faces of the besiegers below to change drastically.

"Very good..." Ella laughed back angrily. From his point of view, these people are completely reckless, "Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you..."

"Laws—Form binding!"

(End of this chapter)

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