super giant clone

Chapter 515 Surrender

Chapter 515 Surrender
"Plop..." A soldier with an earthy face dropped the long sword in his hand and knelt down on the ground.He had also seen the battle scenes of the Magic Gold Warrior Legion before, and he knew that there was no need for magic guns, and just a volley from the Magic Gold Battle Gun could turn them all into fly ash.

With the first one at the beginning, many people immediately began to echo. All the soldiers dropped their weapons and knelt on the ground, holding their heads in their hands.

At this time, apart from Ella and Xiongshihushi, there were several generals in the army, but they all obeyed orders and followed Aila, not his direct subordinates.

Naturally, these people don't want to work for Ella, and they themselves have resistance to attacking Snow City.Seeing that Ella had been completely killed at this time, these generals simply took off their armor, dropped their weapons, and raised a big white flag.

Seeing that even these generals of his own had surrendered, how could the remaining soldiers continue to resist at this time, and a large group of soldiers knelt down like waves, lying there with their heads in their arms.And those elite cavalrymen, looking at each other in blank dismay, all got off their horses and knelt down on one knee to express their obedience.

Originally, there were still some people who were out of their minds, but when they saw that everyone around them fell down and surrendered, they immediately fell down too.

The battle mage legion standing in the center of the team also put their staffs on the ground at this time, crossed their hands on their chests, and lowered their heads to show that they would no longer resist.Just a joke, as magicians, they have a deep understanding of magic cannons, so they naturally know what it means for hundreds of magic cannons to fire at the same time.Moreover, I heard that His Majesty Sol is also a magician himself, so I believe he will not treat them badly.

In a blink of an eye, all the siege troops present surrendered, and no one resisted at all.

From Li Yunfei's order to prepare for the volley to the surrender of all, it was only ten minutes!

On the city wall, Li Yunfei was very happy to see this scene, and then he released a loudspeaker magic, and said angrily: "Everyone took off their armor, tied their hands, supervised each other, and entered the prisoner-of-war camp in Luoxue City. "

The sound of gears and chains turning could be heard, and the steel city gate of Snowfall City slowly opened.

The hundreds of thousands of prisoners of war below knew that they didn't have to die for the time being, and immediately began to bind their hands as if they had received an amnesty.Of course, tying by yourself is not so flexible after all, so most of them are tying each other in groups of two.

Seeing this scene, Li Yunfei understood that he didn't have to worry about these people's rebellion at all, and obviously they didn't have the courage and willingness at all.

He smiled slightly, turned to face the soldiers of Luoxue City and said loudly, "Masters, you have worked hard!"

Hearing this, the Luoxuecheng fighters present couldn't help but have red eyes.Their persistence these days is really worth it!My headmaster, His Majesty the Bone King, is back!
"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng..." Hundreds of thousands of people screamed in unison, almost breaking their own throats.

The man in front of him has merged with their honor and dignity, and he deserves all their efforts to protect him!And this man is also worthy of their pursuit. In the face of all dangers and tribulations, this man will bear with them.

The fanaticism conveyed in this crazy shout made the faces of the captives outside the city even paler, and at this moment their hearts were full of mixed feelings.Who would have thought that the powerful silver warrior from the Holy City, the swordsman Ella who mastered the law, would be beaten to death by the returned Bone King Saul Lee!

Sure enough, she should not provoke Snowfall City...

At this time, many young fighters not only have fear and loss in their hearts, but also have some vague expectations.They had all heard the rumors that Luo Xuecheng recruited magic gold warriors, and they had always longed to become one of them.I don't know if they have a chance to become one of them after entering Snowfall City, and serve that Bone King?
Amidst the loud shouts, the prisoners tied their hands to each other, walked into Luoxue City in a neat line without supervision at all, and began to head towards the prisoner-of-war camp in the corner of Luoxuecheng.

In front of those hundreds of thousands of muzzles and terrifying magical cannons, there is no need for anyone to supervise them, and they naturally know what to do.

Li Yunfei looked at the soldiers, checked the new buildings in the city, and nodded with satisfaction.

Obviously, during his absence, the confidantes of Snowfall City did not stop building. Not only did the city walls expand, but also several new factories, two schools, and other facilities were built in the city. Auxiliary buildings.

After saying a few words to stabilize the morale of the army, Li Yunfei immediately entered the meeting hall of Luoxue City.

Behind him, a group of high-level officials filed in and lined up on both sides.The first person sitting on the right hand side is naturally Yan Bo, after Yan Bo is the seat of Monto, followed by Luke and others.Sitting on his left was Kayo, and after Kayo, there were alchemists such as Dirac, Xue Li, Brad, and Polly.

This also explained a problem, that is, in Luoxue City, in Li Yunfei's territory, alchemists became a unique force, and they had the same status as those fighting factions.This is unimaginable in other places in the human territory.

Jiujiu obediently moved a small chair and sat beside Li Yunfei.Monto, Kayo, and other warriors who followed Li Yunfei at the scene exchanged pleasantries immediately when they saw Jiujiu, and they all praised him. They really didn't expect that little girl to grow up so big and become so beautiful now.It made the little girl shy for a while, she blushed and stared at the ground not knowing what to say, and everyone looked at her with affection.

After laughing for a while, Li Yunfei immediately told everyone about his experience during this period, especially the huge emissary in the steel soul half-plane, and the lost goblin civilization on the giant goblin island.Of course, he still has reservations about how to defeat the angels, the goblin relics, and the "Jade Record", and he didn't tell them all.After all, some of these things involve his secrets and future plans, so it's better to hide them first.

Everyone was amazed and praised again and again, especially when they heard about destroying the spirit and subduing the three giant dragons on the dragon perch, some people almost stared out their eyes, and at the same time, their eyes were full of excitement.

Many people couldn't help but think this way: The man I follow is indeed not wrong!That fanatical gaze made Li Yunfei feel a little terrified.

After he finished speaking, all the confidantes present began to report to Li Yunfei about the work during this period.

Although Luoxuecheng also got the news of Li Yunfei's death in the steel soul half-plane before, only Meng Tuo, Yanbo and others came to preside over the overall situation, Luoxuecheng only stabilized after a little disturbance.

The War College continues to recruit students and cultivate the foundational strength of Syracuse.More magic gold guns were manufactured, and the number of magic gold soldiers continued to expand.At the same time, the scale of the original Snowfall City was expanded again, and more buildings were built. This so-called Acropolis has become a large city with a population of tens of thousands.

Li Yunfei was gratified to find that these subordinates of his were already able to take care of themselves, and during his absence, Snowfall City also operated in an orderly manner.

That night, Saul Yunfei Li, the dean of Zhanzheng College, King of Bone, and Lord of Snow Luo City, ordered a feast for the whole city. Huge bonfires were lit in the whole city of Snow Luo, and food and wine were set up, creating a joyous atmosphere. , to celebrate the return of their king.One after another, the flame bombs rose into the air, exploded in the air, and turned into beautiful flames like fireworks.

The entire Snowfall City was brightly lit, and the sound of celebration could be heard over ten kilometers away, and the flames could be seen even tens of kilometers away.

Among the cities in human territory, below the Golden Emperor City, only Luoxue City dared to celebrate so blatantly without fear of attracting giant attacks from the wilderness.

Even the soldiers who had just been captured had a corresponding extra meal, and they thoroughly saw the strength and confidence of Luo Xuecheng.

However, unlike the joyful atmosphere in the city, in the workshop of a magic gold factory in Luoxue City, several hundred people are currently in the hands of hundreds of magic gold warriors and battle mages, and several people are plotting something in the completely soundproof factory building...

(End of this chapter)

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