super giant clone

Chapter 517 3 Days

Chapter 517 Three Days
Li Yunfei raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why?"

Dirac's guess was extremely correct. What he had thought before was to bring this "Jade Record" to the Lion Hearted Emperor, and use the power of the Lion Hearted Emperor to promote alchemy.

After all, if he really wanted to initiate an alchemy revolution among the entire human race and improve the overall combat effectiveness of the human race, relying on his own power alone was not enough.

"I have known Charlie for decades. He is a warrior, but he is self-willed and extremely arrogant." Dirac looked at Li Yunfei and said slowly: "He only trusts the long sword in his hand. Even though the Royal Academy of Alchemy was established, in his mind, it was nothing more than something that could only be used to guard the home. It was just some strange skills and tricks, and he didn't pay much attention to it. Because he looked down on alchemy from the bottom of his heart, which is also The reason why he has been unmoved after the appearance of these war equipment of yours."

Li Yunfei nodded and understood what Dirac meant. Obviously, Dirac knew Charlie the Lionheart very well, so he said that.

Dirac continued: "I know, you may think that the alchemy recorded in "The Jade Record" is different from what it is now. If Charlie sees these alchemy techniques, he will change his mind about alchemy. However, I don't think he will Do this. Alchemy is still alchemy, fighting magic is still fighting magic, in his view, only the orthodox power of fighting magic is considered power. Whether it is self-styled or rigid, he is such a person."

"Moreover, the most important thing is that if alchemy is really popularized and an alchemy revolution is really set off in the human territory, the first to be threatened is not the giant, but..."

"Holy City?" Li Yunfei frowned and asked.

"That's right." Dirac nodded, with an expression of "a kid who understands", "The human territory is centered on the Holy City of the Sky, three Golden Emperor Cities, twelve Silver King Cities, and dozens of Black Iron General Cities. , this pyramid-like order is based on absolute power and power. If ordinary people can also master powerful power, they will overturn this order, causing chaos in human society, and eventually lead to being taken advantage of by giants. mass extinction..."

Speaking of this, Dirac winked his eyes and said to Li Yunfei: "Of course, this is the rhetoric of those high-ranking emperors. To put it bluntly, they are afraid that their authority will be challenged."

"So, it doesn't work for me to bring "Jade Record" to Emperor Lionheart..." Li Yunfei said to himself.

"That's right, maybe some guys with ulterior motives will be dissatisfied with you and design to frame you." Dirac's words immediately got the approval of Xue Li and others, and they all nodded vigorously.

Apparently, they didn't think it was a good idea to bring the Jade Jade Record to the Lionheart either.

Li Yunfei thought for a moment, then smiled and said: "I understand all these things, but I really can't wait any longer. On this land, human beings are killed and devoured by giants every day. They are as miserable as livestock. If I have If I don’t use the power that can make them stronger as soon as possible, then I will not forgive myself, you know, I was once a sacrifice myself, and I understand that feeling too well.”

"If Emperor Lionheart is not interested in "Jade Records", then I will take it back and implement it with my own strength. I can't give up the opportunity to promote the alchemy revolution as soon as possible because of a guess." Li Yunfei took a deep breath, Has made up his mind.

Seeing that Li Yunfei had already made a decision, Dirac and the others understood that no matter how much they tried to dissuade them, it was useless, so they stopped talking now, and started to study with Li Yunfei all night to make some new alchemy equipment.

At this time, there are not only Li Yunfei's blueprints, but also some real objects he brought back from the goblin ruins, which is simply a gluttonous feast for these alchemists.

At the same time, Li Yunfei also took out the basic spiritual power control collar and the spiritual power ring he seized outside the Demon Emperor City, and wanted to work with everyone to research a brand new spiritual power enhancement device.Of course, this technology has far surpassed the current level of alchemy and can only be handled as a long-term project.


Early the next morning, Li Yunfei walked out of the workshop and came to the meeting hall.Because of his strong mental and physical strength, although he did not rest all night, he did not feel tired at all. Dirac and other old men all fell asleep after the excitement last night, and finally did not come to discuss technical issues with him. .

Soon, two men in armor were brought up.

These two were the two commanders of the captured 30 soldiers.

Although Ella can directly control the army, these two commanders each lead 15 troops, and they can be regarded as real commanders.

"I have seen His Majesty the Bone King." The two generals saluted Li Yunfei immediately after seeing Li Yunfei.

Li Yunfei nodded without any nonsense, and asked straight to the point: "Are you from Shuangye City or Leiyun City?"

Hearing this, the two people immediately turned pale with shock. They had prepared a set of arguments, but they didn't expect Li Yunfei to go straight to the point and directly asked the most core question!
At this moment, they instantly understood that the bone king Saul Lee in front of them was not only powerful in combat, but also possessed powerful wisdom.

"Q...Qi Your Majesty, my subordinate is Dilar of Frost Leaf Principality..." said a general in black armor on the left.

"Your Majesty, forgive me, my subordinate is William of the Thunder Cloud Principality..." said another middle-aged general.Both of them had expressions of shame on their faces.

"Marquis Dilar, Marquis William." Li Yunfei nodded, "So, the Duchy of Frost Leaf and Duchy of Thunder Cloud have both betrayed me."

It is impossible for Emperor Lionheart to let Aila bring 30 people from Lionheart Emperor City to Snowfall City. If Aila wants to gather such a huge army, he can only start with these giant cities within the sphere of influence of Bone King City.Obviously, it is impossible for Waldo, Roland, and Huoya to send troops to follow him. All the three princes are Li Yunfei's confidantes.The only ones left are Thunder Cloud Principality and Shuangye Principality.Li Yunfei just tried it out, and the two of them completely collapsed.

"No, Your Majesty, we thought you were dead, so we believed Ella's words... He said it was the emperor's will... Please believe us." Dilar said quickly, while William on the side repeatedly nod.

"Well, I understand. After all, the general trend is the way it is." Li Yunfei nodded, "So I will send you back and tell your Grand Duke that you must abdicate within three days, otherwise, I will take the Magic Gold Warrior Legion to ask them to abdicate."

"Your Majesty!" The two generals did not expect Li Yunfei to be so ruthless. This was to completely control the two duchies!

"Go ahead, they only have three days." Li Yunfei waved his hand and stopped glancing at the two.

"But Your Majesty, in three days, we won't even have time to return to the principality!" Dilar said anxiously.Snowfall City is already on the edge of the human territory, and it will take at least ten days to return to Frostleaf Principality from Snowfall City.

"That's right." Li Yunfei raised the corner of his mouth and smiled grimly.

(End of this chapter)

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