super giant clone

Chapter 529 Water Drops

Chapter 529 Water Drops
At this time, Gou Sheng was walking back and forth in the underground palace excitedly. After seeing Li Yunfei and Jiujiu appearing, he immediately raised his head and shouted: "Woooo..."

Li Yunfei landed directly on Gou Sheng's head, and saw that the metal monster was gnawing on a large piece of metal ingot like a dog gnawing on a bone.

There are several rows of this kind of metal ingots on the ground, and they are really pieces of fine iron.

After Gou Sheng swallowed a few pieces of iron essence, he immediately swam to the side again, swallowed one or two pieces when he saw the metal piece he liked, and kept shaking his body at the same time, appearing extremely excited.

Li Yunfei found that the metal blocks swallowed by the metal monster were all iron essence, fire copper, etc., and occasionally some mithril, but not many.

Soon, the dog leftovers were almost eaten, and began to climb the towering altar, and in a short time, he had already climbed to the top.

The appearance of this altar is different from the altars of various gods such as the Temple of Life, the God of Law, and the God of Mechanism that Li Yunfei has seen before. It is completely composed of flat and smooth cubes, which extend all the way to the platform above. , there is a sense of space, and the structure between each brick is extremely firm.

Li Yunfei took the opportunity to look around the underground space, wanting to see what kind of place it is.

Pieces of rare metals were cast into ingots and placed neatly around the altar.At the same time, there are all kinds of magic crystals piled up there, arranged in strange shapes.Here, gold coins and silver coins can be said to be the least valuable things.What Li Yunfei is most worried about now is that his space ring is about to be full, and these things may not be taken away at all.

It can be seen that what is stored in this underground space should be the wealth savings of the entire Kongliu City.

This underground palace is hundreds of meters deep, even giants can hardly find it, and even if they find it, it is extremely difficult to break through the upper soil layer.

Apparently, this palace was used by the people of Airflow City to take refuge.

In the end, when Airflow City was breached by giants, many people must have come here to take refuge.

Thinking of this, Li Yunfei looked carefully at the ground, and saw that the ground seemed to be covered with a layer of fine yellow-white debris.Apparently, these fragments are the remains of people who had come to seek refuge.

But then he was a little surprised. The positions of these skeleton fragments were too symmetrical. They actually existed symmetrically around the central altar from the center altar.And those metal ingots and magic crystals, etc., are even more so.

Could it be that these people didn't come to take refuge, but came to hold sacrifices?
It's just that I don't know what kind of gods are being sacrificed, what does it mean that such a huge scale is required, and so many rare metals are placed?
The answer may only be found on the altar...

Li Yunfei got off Gousheng's back and came to the central sacrificial platform on the altar. On this sacrificial platform was a palm-sized metal box. The moment Li Yunfei saw the metal box, Li Yunfei's eyes lit up.

The box is covered with dense patterns, which are obviously some alchemy circuits, and there are a few small magic essences on the box to provide energy for the circuits.

The energy of the magic marrow is much stronger than that of the magic crystal, so even though thousands or hundreds of years have passed, there is still energy in the magic marrow, and the entire circuit can still operate at this time.

Looking at the direction of this circuit, it should be something that acts as a seal, but I don't know what it is sealing?
At this moment, out of the corner of Li Yunfei's eye, he saw a pile of bones on the ground beside him, and there seemed to be some lettering under the bones.

He immediately cleared the pile of bones aside and carefully looked at the inscriptions on the ground.

With just a cursory look, he already understood that these inscriptions were a sacrificial prayer!

He couldn't help thanking the existence of the lingua franca in mainland China, so that there was no language barrier in reading the text, and then he looked carefully.

According to this prayer, Kongliu City was originally one of the best royal cities with great power and legendary treasures. What they worshiped was not God the Father, the God of Fire or even the God of Life, but the God of Space !

When the giants invaded and the city was about to fall, the high priest of Kongliu City led a group of believers into the underground palace to hold a ceremony to offer sacrifices to the God of Space, hoping to impress the God of Space and let him save his pious people .

Therefore, everyone in Kongliu City formed a sacrificial formation with treasures and their own lives in the underground palace, and at the same time offered the most precious treasures in Kongliu City as the center of the sacrifice.

After doing all this, the high priest led the tens of thousands of believers present to commit suicide collectively, hoping to use his blood and soul as sacrifices to get the help of the God of Space and save the entire Kongliu City from danger.

In the latter situation, everyone including the high priest died, so they didn't know.But according to the history Li Yunfei knew, this sacrifice seemed to be of no use at all. Kongliu City was still attacked by giants and finally wiped out.

Li Yunfei couldn't help but sigh, originally he thought it was the secret storehouse of Kongliu City, but he didn't expect it to be a place for sacrifices.

In this world, only oneself is the most reliable, but unfortunately these people don't understand, and instead die in vain, it would be better to fight with giants.

However, what is the so-called "the most precious treasure in the entire Kongliu City" is really curious.

Thinking about it, Li Yunfei took the metal box full of sealed alchemy circuits and started researching.

After just a few glances, a flame ignited in his hand, quickly changing the alchemy circuit above.

Hearing a "pop", the metal box was opened, and the contents inside were revealed.

To Li Yunfei's disappointment, what appeared was not rare metals or magic crystals, but a finger-sized crystal bottle, which looked completely empty.

Li Yunfei couldn't help being disappointed, and when he was about to throw this thing aside, he heard Jiujiu suddenly say: "Jiujiu, the water in this bottle hasn't dried up yet."

Li Yunfei immediately took a closer look, and saw that there was still half a drop of transparent liquid in the crystal bottle. I don't know what it was, and it looked exactly like water.

After thousands of years, there is still water in this bottle, which is amazing!The circuit on this box must be carefully studied!

Thinking of this, he immediately took the metal box and started researching again.

At the same time, he casually threw the crystal bottle containing half a drop of water into the space ring.

What he didn't expect was that at the moment the crystal bottle entered the space ring, a ray of light as bright as the sun projected from his space ring!

Immediately afterwards, with his mental power, he could see that the space in the entire space ring was rapidly expanding, and it had reached the size of several football fields in a blink of an eye. It was even bigger than the underground palace in front of him, but it was still expanding!

(End of this chapter)

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