super giant clone

Chapter 553 Mosaya's Transfiguration

Chapter 553 Mosaya's Transfiguration

The huge fist slammed down towards Roger with a thunderous momentum, and it reached the top of his head in a blink of an eye, and he was completely sluggish, unable to avoid it.

"Stop!" On the stands, Rosa finally came to his senses, but only had time to shout.

As long as this punch falls, Roger will definitely be smashed to pieces!

At this moment, a golden light burst out from the surface of Luo Jie's body, and a shield composed of golden grudge appeared around his body, blocking Li Yunfei's fist.

Li Yunfei couldn't help being slightly taken aback, then exerted his strength again, and heard a loud "bang", the golden protective cover had been smashed, and a wave of air was instantly generated, blowing Roger out.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise and the ground shook continuously, Li Yunfei punched a deep hole in the ground!
Roger fell to the ground like a dead fish with a "slap", one of his legs was broken, and he rolled and screamed like a slaughtered pig: "Ah—my leg, my leg—"

If his father, the golden swordsman Rosa, hadn't given him an amulet condensed with vindictive energy, he would have turned into meat paste just now with that blow.

In the surrounding stands, all the people were stunned and couldn't believe their eyes.

"Giant... giant!" "This is... am I dreaming!?" "His Majesty Sol... is he really a giant spy?" "He is really a giant!" "..."

On the awarding platform, those warriors who returned from the half-plane of Steel Soul were also deeply shocked at this time. No one thought that Li Yunfei could really transform into a giant!It's just that these people are not stupid. Thinking of the more than 3 giants that Li Yunfei hunted and killed, their thoughts turned and they began to think about Li Yunfei's real identity.

Li Yunfei raised his fist, stood up, turned around and glanced around the Lionheart Battlefield, and finally turned his gaze to Lionheart Emperor and others, and said: "I can transform into a giant, but I am completely human, and so is my heart." Human heart... If you want to force it, it should be regarded as a unique magic. No matter how you want to treat me, I will only defend this time." As a warrior who fought hard from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​​​blood, he deeply Knowing that the most convincing truth in this world is only power.Now the Sky Holy City family is dominant, no matter how he defends, as long as the other party says he is a giant spy, then he is a giant spy!And if he wants to wash away this suspicion, he has to become stronger, so strong that the Holy City of the Sky can't control him!

"This is... Mosaya's transfiguration technique!" The Lionheart Emperor suddenly opened his eyes wide, looking at Li Yunfei and murmured.

Li Yunfei raised his eyebrows, a little surprised in his heart, the Lion Heart Emperor actually knew the name Mosaya!And judging from his words, that Mosaya seems to be good at transfiguration, that is to say, the reason why he can transform into a giant is actually because of the release of transfiguration magic!

But then the Lion Heart Emperor's expression became indifferent again, as if he was extremely afraid of Li Yunfei.

"Shua..." A silver guard jumped up and carried Roger to the stands.

"Ah—father! Father! Help me kill him!" Roger wailed in pain while hugging his broken leg.

A trace of anger flashed in Rosa's eyes. Although Roger's injury could definitely be cured with the power of the holy city, the physical pain was extremely painful.

"The identity of the giant Sol Lee's spy has been confirmed, kill him!" Rosa roared.Although angry, but in front of him is just a silver giant, it is not worth his shot, he wants to see what kind of abilities this giant spy has!
As soon as Rosa's words fell, the fighters from the holy city in the sky who were originally beaten by Li Yunfei immediately roared and rushed towards Li Yunfei again.

"Damn giant, die!" "Be sure to kill him!" "How dare you run wild on the human territory..." Amid wild howls, dozens of black iron and silver-level fighters around rushed at the same time. Going up, the whole body's fighting spirit swelled, and silver and black alienated fighting spirits appeared in midair, rushing towards Li Yunfei.

Although Rosa said that he would be captured alive, they all knew that this kid was doomed!Those who dare to hurt Roger will never end well!

"This silver giant is very bulky, as long as you speed up, you can shake them off, 'Death Cross Light Spear'!" A silver swordsman shouted loudly in mid-air, and blasted a huge vindictive spear in his hand at Li Yunfei.

At the same time, the surrounding black iron warriors and silver warriors attacked at the same time, and streaks of alienated grudges roared in mid-air like colorful fireworks.

A secretive smile suddenly appeared on Li Yunfei's face, and in the next instant, waves of alienated grudges bombarded him, and the soldiers who came to hunt him couldn't help cheering.

Just at this moment, they discovered that those alienated grudges had penetrated directly from Li Yunfei's giant body and bombarded each other!
Only Li Yunfei's shadow remained in place!

Where did the silver giant go! ?Many people's hearts instantly became panic.

At this moment, someone noticed a huge shadow on the ground. Just as he was about to shout loudly, Li Yunfei's giant body had already crashed to the ground. Wherever the Baipi Knife went, it directly stopped several black iron warriors and a silver warrior. cut off!Wherever he passed, flesh and blood flew everywhere!
Li Yunfei's heavy and huge body fell to the ground with a "boom", and directly stepped on the two fighters, and there was a "poof", blood spattered everywhere, and the two black iron-level fighters were directly trampled into a pulp !
"Field!" Several silver warriors roared at the same time, opened their own fields, and enveloped Li Yunfei.

The four silver fighters present can all use their own domains, as long as they cover Li Yunfei, they are confident that they will completely trap each other to death!

"Fire." Li Yunfei snorted, and a blazing flame ignited from his heart, enveloping his whole body in an instant, and Baipi Dao also instantly brought a fiery blade.

"Chop!" Then he swung his huge saber and slashed in the air. Flame ripples appeared instantly, and there was a soft "Zheng" sound, and a newly formed field in front of him was split into two sections by him. It was split into two pieces!
Rosa's seal prevents him from using fighting spirit and magic, but the strength of this giant's body is real power, even surpassing his human body in many ways!

"You monster! Go to hell!" A silver warrior roared, and a huge frost giant wolf domain condensed around his body, which was the same size as Li Yunfei's giant body, and rushed towards him.The fighting spirit field is also a way for humans to narrow the size gap and fight giants.

Seeing Li Yunfei shake the Baipi Dao in his hand expressionlessly, the lines of the two flame pythons on the blade instantly came to life, turning into two thick fire snakes, directly piercing through the opponent's domain, and the two with sharp The huge mouth of the flaming teeth suddenly closed, biting the silver warrior in the domain tightly, and directly pulling it out!
(End of this chapter)

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