super giant clone

Chapter 560 Broken

Chapter 560 Broken

Luther was terrified, his whole body was filled with fighting energy, and the fighting energy wings on his back suddenly exploded in an instant, and thousands of tiny fighting energy feathers flew out, heading towards the halo of the law of devouring.

These douqi feathers were extremely fast and powerful, almost reaching the halo of the law of devouring in an instant, and then exploded at the same time.

The huge vindictive shock wave slowed down the devouring halo, and then compressed the air wave generated by the explosion into a sphere and swallowed it completely.

Luther also took advantage of this slow time to retreat quickly, and Li Yunfei's Baipi Saber came to him like a shadow.

Hearing a "shua", although Luther had retreated, he was still slashed on the shoulder by Baipi Dao, and a big gash immediately appeared.

"Boom!" There was another explosion on the ground, a hole was broken, sand and stones erupted into the sky, and Buzz's figure appeared in the sand and stones, stabbing Jiujiu's abdomen from below.

The scene of Li Yunfei and Jiujiu coming out of the ground just now reminded him, and he immediately followed suit.

The needle-like long sword pierced the air in an instant, let out a scream, appeared under Jiujiu's body, and was about to pierce it.After discovering the identity of the sacred dragon Jiujiu, Buzz hated Jiujiu even more than Li Yunfei.In his opinion, this hateful dragon clan is completely playing with his feelings and wasting his sincerity, so the first one to kill is this dragon!

The sharp long sword can even pierce the void, and it will pierce Jiujiu's body in the next instant!

At this moment, a devouring aura appeared under Jiujiu instantly, and the grin on Buzz's face hadn't dissipated, and the long sword in his hand had already pierced into the devouring aura!
He only felt a huge suction force, which almost sucked his whole body in!

At this critical moment, Bass immediately made a decisive decision, and the battle energy in his body rushed into the long sword in his hand, directly shaking the long sword and exploding it. With the help of the explosion's air wave, he stopped his forward pace, so that he didn't pierce the sword. Into the devouring halo.

Just when he was rejoicing in his heart, a crimson light flashed, and the Baipi knife swept past, directly cutting off his arm!

"Ah—" Bass screamed and fell from the sky. He had already been cut off by Li Yunfei, but now he became an armless man. It can be said that less than [-]% of his combat power is left!
The corner of Li Yunfei's mouth raised, without stopping at all, he rushed towards other enemies again.

They are imprisoned here by the energy shield, and their enemies cannot leave either!

There are several devouring halos floating around Jiujiu's body, forming a comprehensive defense. At the same time, magic is continuously released, just like a fighter jet.Coupled with Li Yunfei's physical attack, the two of them could be said to be invincible, besieging those besiegers without the slightest parry power!
The people above the stands were already completely stunned, and even the soldiers who were locked on the ground by Rosa's grudge had their mouths widened at this time.

What happened just now was so unbelievable that many people only now understand what happened.

"Jiujiu Rukia is actually a dragon!" "It is said that the white dragon is the legendary dragon royal family, the sacred dragon family! The sacred dragon family is the only dragon family that can change into human form." "No wonder her magical talent So powerful!" "Jiujiu Lukia is a dragon, and His Majesty Sol is a giant, what happened to this world..." "Hmph, I only know that they once fought with us and killed that terrifying magic soul. !" "..."

Those ordinary people only feel their blood boiling. In their opinion, being able to witness such a thrilling battle is enough for them to spend their entire lives telling about it.You know, they saw Sol Lee turning into a giant in front of them, and Jujiu Rukia turned into a holy dragon in front of them!It's all so exciting!

Some elders who were originally quite old even fainted out of excitement.

It stands to reason that they should all be terrified of this terrifying battle, but the energy shield has been opened in the venue, so although the people inside are fighting so fiercely, they, the spectators, are not in the slightest danger. This is simply the treatment enjoyed by the emperor !

At the same time, many people secretly sympathized with Li Yunfei, but seeing him and Jiujiu with such a fierce side now directly turned into admiration.

In the blink of an eye, Li Yunfei and Jiujiu had completely defeated the enemy.Bao Feng, Hui Ye and other leaders stood at a corner of the battle field and did not dare to step forward. There were originally hundreds of subordinates, but after being rushed by the opponent, there were only more than 100 people left.

And those mobs who entered the battle field and wanted to take advantage of it were completely scared out of their wits at this time.I saw an obese soldier turning around and throwing himself in front of the energy shield, thumping wildly, shouting: "Let us out quickly! They are monsters! Monsters!"

With this fat warrior as an example, dozens of people rushed to the energy shield and begged desperately.

This scene immediately caused the hearts of the soldiers present to completely collapse, and those mobs were already terrified.They originally came here for the reward, but they didn't expect that if they didn't see the reward, their lives would be on the line!
"Chirp——" let out a clear dragon cry, and flew Li Yunfei to the top of the energy shield. Their purpose was not to kill each other, but to leave here.

Li Yunfei held up the broken Baipi Dao with both hands in front of him, and at the same time the giant's arms began to twist together quickly, alienating into a strangely shaped spear, the tip of the hair was the tip of the Baipi Dao, like a dragon knight The top of the energy shield rushed away.

A scorching red light radiated between the energy shield and the blade tip, and the originally transparent energy shield immediately showed a golden energy circuit, like a gorgeous cloud in the sky.

"Hmph, it's impossible. The magic circle of the Lionheart Emperor City is famous even in the Holy City of the Sky, and it can't be broken at all." Roger, whose leg had been broken, said contemptuously above the stands.Just now, he had already drank the Rijing holy water from the Holy City of the Sky, and his original injuries had completely healed.

"These wastes can't even stop a mere silver giant..." Looking at the injured Bass and others, Roger snorted coldly, turned to Rosa and said, "Father, please allow me to take people there Blast these two monsters down, otherwise they will be too rampant."

Elder Rosa turned his head and looked at Lionheart Great Emperor with questioning eyes.

The Lionheart Emperor nodded and said, "The magic cage formed by the energy shield of the magic circle can only be broken by gold-level fighters, so there will be no serious problems."

Rosa immediately gave his son a doting look, and said in a deep voice: "Go, just bombard the other end of the energy shield to neutralize their offensive."

"Yes, my lord father!" Roger was overjoyed, he waved his hand immediately, and flew towards the energy cage with two silver swordsman personal guards.Being injured twice by Li Yunfei was a great shame to him, and now that the other party has become a shackle, he wants to take revenge!
(End of this chapter)

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