Chapter 563

"Jiujiu, let's go!" Although the continuous heavy blows enveloped Rosa, Li Yunfei did not feel the slightest joy, but immediately yelled and prepared to leave here with Jiujiu.The opponent is a gold rank fighter, he doesn't think it can be defeated so easily!

At this moment, the dazzling golden douqi ray spread out from the huge smoke and dust in an instant, covering the entire Lionheart Battlefield in a blink of an eye, and giant pythons formed by condensing golden douqi came out of the void, flying in circles. Surrounded Li Yunfei and Jiujiu.

"Go? Where do you want to go?" Rosa's voice came out from the smoke and dust, without the slightest sign of fatigue or injury.

In this huge space composed entirely of golden battle qi, giant battle qi pythons opened their mouths and sucked in all the smoke, revealing Rosa's appearance.

At this time, the place where he was was turned into a big pit. A golden python completely made up of fighting spirit was coiled around his body, and he was unharmed except for a little bit of embarrassment.

This is the strength of a gold rank fighter!Li Yunfei frowned tightly, and there was a gleam of excitement in his eyes besides nervousness.Although he had encountered a gold-ranked existence before, he had never really fought against it. Now he finally felt the strength of a gold-ranked fighter positively.

Wherever the light of battle energy goes, it is the domain of the golden swordsman!Now he and Jiujiu have completely fallen into Rosa's domain.Each of those giant golden pythons has the power of the Lionheart Great Sword.

In the Lionheart Battlefield, everyone present looked at each other in blank dismay. What appeared in front of them was a completely opaque golden cube. Except for the stands, the entire Lionheart Battleground was covered in it, including those who were bound. A returning warrior from the demiplane of Steel Soul on the ground.

Everything inside has become opaque, and they have no way of knowing what's going on inside.

"In my world of pythons, I am the god who rules everything." Rosa said with a gloomy face. As he spoke, the fighting energy in the entire fighting energy field began to flow like water, and in a blink of an eye, vines spread across the entire field. Spreading, a giant vindictive python meanders between the vines.Although these vines and giant pythons can still see the appearance of fighting spirit, they are extremely dexterous like living creatures, as if they have been endowed with life.At the same time, many vindictive pythons entangled together and condensed into the appearance of vindictive soldiers, and hundreds of guillotines stood up. On each guillotine was an imprisoned steel soul half-plane returnee standing beside him. With two vindictive soldiers.The entire field is like a huge prison that is complete and crazy.

The domain of the golden swordsmen can already be called a "small world"!
"Bastard, if something comes at me, don't implicate the innocent!" Li Yunfei instantly understood what Rosa was going to do, and shouted, "Give it to me!"

He saw the Baipi Saber in his hand slashing towards the golden python beside him with a frightening whistling, and the blade was glowing with the Law of Replacement.

While fighting the storm, he had already discovered that although he could not use fighting spirit and magic, his understanding of the laws would not be bound, so he could still use the laws during the battle!

A dozen or so golden pythons around were cut off at the sound, and he took the opportunity to rush out of the encirclement with Jiujiu, and rushed towards the guillotine formed by the condensed fighting spirit.

"Oh? You can still use the law." Rosa sneered, and suddenly waved his hand, and saw a guillotine on the guillotine fall down in an instant, the sound of tearing flesh and blood sounded, the blood was soaring, and a head rolled off in an instant.

"Felite!" Several bound soldiers yelled frantically. The soldier who was killed just now was a black iron swordsman from White Wolf King City. No one thought that he would be killed so casually.

"Mashup! I'm going to kill you!" "Let go of me! You have the guts to fight to the death with me!" "You crazy lunatic!" All the soldiers roared.They really didn't expect that the other party would use them to threaten Li Yunfei!

Li Yunfei's footsteps stopped instantly, and his face was so gloomy that water dripped out: "What do you want?"

"Very good, it's this kind of expression, this kind of angry and helpless expression, hahahahaha!" Rosa laughed wildly, "What do I want? I want to make you die of pain! Kill that dragon, otherwise, all these people will die!" Die!" He pointed at Jiujiu.

"Kill Lao Tzu if you have the guts!" "Bastard in the holy city of the sky!" "Rosa, aren't you afraid of the wrath of man and god!" A group of bound warriors surged with vindictiveness and magic all over their bodies, struggling desperately to break free from the chains of vindictiveness , but couldn't break free at all.They would rather die than make things difficult for their savior.

"Hahaha, so what if I kill all of you? No one knows what happened in my python world. At that time, just say that this giant spy did it." Rosa laughed wildly, As soon as the words fell, two more fighting qi guillotines fell, and the two heads were cut off in an instant!

Li Yunfei and Jiujiu rushed towards Rosa with no expression on their faces.They are completely angry!

Beside Jiujiu, six devouring halos superimposed into one, like a cannonball blasting towards Rosa, tearing his hands in the void, a huge space crack appeared, and the next moment he appeared in front of Rosa, Baipi Dao Slashing out, with the power of the three laws of "spiral", "piercing" and "replacement", it slashed towards Rosa.

At the same time, the superimposed six devouring halos have come to Rosa like shells, and will bombard him in the next instant!
Rosa raised the corner of his mouth, showing a contemptuous smile, and suddenly raised his hand, making a fist movement.

Immediately, tens of thousands of binding threads appeared around the six devouring halos, completely enveloping them and annihilating them in a blink of an eye.More binding threads turned into thick chains, which locked Li Yunfei's body and the Baipi Knife in his hand firmly, making him unable to move at all!
Although he is also using the law, but it seems to be restrained by the opponent's law, it is useless at all!
"It's just the law of the first stage. It's too tender to want to compete with me." Rosa said coldly, and at the same time moved his hand, thousands of thick chains appeared around Jiujiu, criss-crossing Lock her up!

"Roar—" Li Yunfei roared wildly, wanting to break free from the control of the restraining chains, but he couldn't break free at all. His whole body seemed to have turned into a statue, unable to move at all!
At this time, he discovered how powerful the domain of the gold rank fighter is!For silver-level fighters, even if they have mastered the law, the disparity in power is still an insurmountable gap!
"Chirp——" Chirp Chirp let out a long cry, trying to gather the magic elements around his body, but failed completely after gathering half of them, and the magic elements dissipated again.After the struggle just now, although she is a powerful holy dragon, she doesn't have much mental power left at this time, and the opponent's binding law can also limit the use of magic.

In Rosa's golden field, everyone was firmly bound by chains and became lambs waiting to be slaughtered!
"Young holy dragon, as long as you sign a dragon blood contract with me and become my servant and mount, how about I spare his death?"

(End of this chapter)

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