Chapter 570
Originally, Luther wanted to deal with Li Yunfei aggressively in order to save his life, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't care what he said at all, just like crushing an ant, he just crushed him into a pulp!

All his calculations, his long-term scheming, all turned into a joke, and the other party didn't even bother to laugh at him!
There was silence on the battlefield of the Lionheart Fight. Li Yunfei easily crushed two gold swordsmen and two peak silver fighters. The deterrent force from death prevented everyone from acting rashly.

From the gaps in the tentacles, balls of flesh and blood flowed out and dripped onto the ground, leaving only balls of pure grudge.

With a wave of the tentacle of the spirit of the Dharma God, the battle energy turned into a piece of golden light, divided into hundreds of parts, fell to Adam and others aside, and quickly merged into their bodies.

The faces of these warriors who returned from the steel soul demiplane were all shocked.They could feel that although the fighting energy entering the body became smaller after being divided into [-] percent, it was extremely pure and contained the power of law!Especially the vindictiveness from the Lionheart Pope is almost as real, and it is of great benefit to fighters like them breaking through to the next level!

It can be said that their road to battle qi cultivation in the future will at least be smooth before they become golden warriors!
Grateful expressions appeared on the faces of these soldiers, but they didn't know what to say for a while.

After doing all this, Li Yunfei didn't miss the slightest bit. The soul of the law made the huge body of the spirit rise into the sky, circled in the sky above the Lion Heart Emperor City, and quickly turned into a small black spot, as if it had directly entered the nine layers of clouds. !
After Li Yunfei left, it took a long time for everyone present to realize that they couldn't believe that the powerful Dharma Soul Messenger had left just like that.

It's just that even though Li Yunfei had already left, the people who stayed behind didn't dare to make any noise, as if they were afraid that the terrifying existence would return again, they just whispered to each other and discussed what happened just now.

The Lionheart Battlefield was in a mess, with traces of battle damage everywhere.

The puddles of meat mud on the ground are still reminding everyone that two golden swordsmen and two silver warriors who mastered the law were crushed to death just now.

It can be said that today's battle will be firmly engraved in everyone's hearts and become an unforgettable memory in their lives!
Everything that happened today will quickly spread to all the giant cities in the entire human territory.It is conceivable that there will be an uproar!
And the holy city in the sky, which has been hiding behind the scenes, will never let it go.

Thinking about what Saul Lee said today and the oath he made, many people seem to have seen that a bloody storm is brewing.

At this time Sol Lee had already left, and many people calmed down and thought about everything that happened today.

Is this Sol Lee a giant spy?The opponent possessed semi-holy power, enough to crush everyone present, but he never took the initiative to attack, and finally killed those who wanted to kill him.The lives of Lionheart Emperor and others were not threatened.

From the beginning to the end, the other party has been declaring that everything he does is for human beings, and it seems that he has never heard of His Majesty Sol's bad deeds. Instead, they are all deeds of fighting the enemy bravely...

The holy city of the sky, a place that suddenly appeared to control human beings, is it true that everything they do is correct?
Many people began to have doubts in their hearts...

Lion Heart Emperor looked up at the direction where Li Yunfei disappeared, motionless like a statue, not knowing what he was thinking.

Saul Lee...why didn't you kill me?Everything I've done, is it right...

The Lion Heart Emperor himself didn't even notice that there was already a slight shake in his heart.

After a long time, he gave the order: "Baofeng, I order you to go west and search for Sol Lee's traces. Once you find anything, report it immediately."

Storm adjusted the tattered battle armor, took a deep breath, saluted and said: "Yes!" Then he took a team of troops and left the city to the west.

The territories of Snowfall City and Bone King City are both in the west. If Sol Lee left, he would definitely go in that direction.

It's just that the opponent's combat power is too terrifying, and they are all a little worried.Fortunately, the Lionheart Emperor's order was only to search for traces instead of fighting, otherwise they could really wipe their necks now.

In today's battle, the soldiers of Lionheart Emperor City were really scared!

At this moment, Pluto Meria said: "My lord, what happened today is too important, and I urgently need to report to His Majesty the Demon King, so I will take my leave first."

With that said, holding Jiujiu in his arms, he turned around and was about to leave.

The holy horror king Dar from the holy imperial city frowned, walked up to the Hades Meria and said: "Meria, this sacred dragon has a great relationship with that giant spy Sol Lee, I hope you can keep her , waiting for the envoys from the Holy City of the Sky to come and deliver."

"There are no sacred dragons here, only my student Chiu Chiu Rukia." Meria said lightly, and a breath of death erupted from his eyes in an instant, soaring into the sky!

Her voice was so cold that no one dared to suspect that in the next moment, she would fight with all her might!

"You..." The Holy Horror King showed a hint of fear, gritted his teeth and stopped talking, but looked at the Lionheart Emperor.

The Lionheart Emperor nodded and said: "Your Majesty Pluto, please go slowly. Please send me greetings to the Demon Emperor."

"Farewell." Melia bowed slightly with a smile, and a pair of white bone wings protruded from her back. They flapped instantly and turned into a white light soaring into the sky, and she and her subordinate swordsmen headed towards the Demon Emperor City.

"Your Majesty Pluto, just let her go?" Dahl said with a dissatisfied frown.

"If His Highness Dar wants to recover, please do so." The Lion Hearted Emperor took a deep look at him, said slowly, then turned and left.

Nadal hit a soft nail, snorted coldly, and left here as well.

In the Lionheart Battlefield behind, those surviving fighters left together one after another. Soon, the Lionheart Battlefield, which was still fighting fiercely, became empty.

It's just that although their people left, today's battle is firmly engraved in their hearts, and they will never be able to leave!


In the distant sky to the east of Lionheart Emperor City, the huge Dharma Soul Envoy is flying rapidly, like a flash of lightning, passing thousands of kilometers in the blink of an eye.

Mountains and rivers pass by under him, and the earth is like a chessboard.

As it continued to advance, the phantom of the Dharma Soul Envoy was rapidly dissipating, and soon completely disappeared, revealing the giant body inside, continuing to fly under inertia.

And this giant also began to melt continuously, and finally disappeared completely, leaving only a pale-faced, eyes-closed unconscious person.

This person is Li Yunfei.

However, at this time, he looked as if he had aged decades, his face was covered with wrinkles, his body was shriveled and bent, and his black hair had turned snow-white!
(End of this chapter)

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