Chapter 572
"Are you going to Luoxuecheng?" The silver swordsman couldn't help but his whole body was shocked, and he asked in a little surprise.

Although he didn't participate in the Battle of the Lionheart Battlefield, he witnessed the whole process from a distance. He naturally knew that the "giant agent" Sol Lee's lair was Snowfall City, and he had probably returned to Snowfall City.

"Yes..." Bohr sighed, and said, "You should have discovered the irrationality in today's battle. It is absolutely impossible for Sol Lee to be a human traitor, saying that he is the savior of mankind." It's almost the same... You and I love father and son, and I won't hide this matter from you, if you don't want to go with me, you can naturally stay here."

Hearing this, the silver swordsman Flynn was taken aback for a moment, and then said solemnly: "My lord, today's battle seems very strange to me, if Sol Lee is really a giant spy In the end, the terrifying power he used could completely kill the Great Emperor and others, and even the entire Lion Heart Emperor City, but he didn't do that, but only killed a few people who were most hostile to him. The person who was born, left here... Moreover, I also agree with the alchemy revolution he said, there must be something weird..."

"I grew up in a research institute. You are my father. Wherever you are going, I will naturally go there."

Bohr nodded in relief, looked at the silver swordsman in front of him and said lovingly: "That's good, take my experimental equipment, and we will set off in an hour."

Flynn nodded, turned around and went out to pack his bags.

Bohr got up and closed the door, walked slowly to a row of bookshelves in the room, and turned the position of a book on it.

Immediately, the bookshelf began to slowly move backwards, revealing a small hidden door.

Bohr walked into the secret door, and the bookshelf returned to its original position again, closing behind him without a trace at all.

Inside the secret door, the elevator under Bohr's feet began to descend rapidly, and in a short while, he had come to a thick metal door 50 meters underground.

If Li Yunfei was here, he would be able to recognize it, this is the heavily guarded secret vault he visited last time!

It’s just that to come here, you have to go through dozens of sentry posts and various gates, and the security is extremely strict, but you didn’t expect that there would be a secret passage leading directly to this place in the study of Dean Bohr.

When Bohr walked to the door of the secret library, he saw two light circles emitting faint light on the door, which looked very strange.

These two circles of light are the magic circle for opening the gate of the secret vault.Because there are too many treasures in the secret vault of the Lionheart Imperial City Alchemy Research Institute, to open the door of the secret vault, the dean and the chief deputy dean must open it at the same time.The dean is Bohr, and the chief vice-president is Dirac.

Bohr smiled slightly, smacked his lips, and said to himself: "Dirac, I'm sorry you old boy, I just allocated an extra key when you weren't paying attention..." He rolled up his sleeves, and now The pattern of a circular alchemy circle on his arm was his dean's key, which was placed in the first aperture.

On Dirac's left arm, there is also an alchemy circle pattern, which belongs to his vice president's key, which needs to be placed in the second light circle, but Dirac is still in Snowfall City now.

Bohr was honest and blunt, took off his left shoe and sock twice, raised his big foot and kicked it in the second aperture.

There is also an alchemy circle pattern on the soles of Bohr's feet. If Dirac were here, he would find that this pattern is exactly the same as the one on his arm...

Immediately, the two light circles emitted a soft light green light at the same time, and the alloy door of the underground secret vault slowly opened without a sound, revealing the endless treasures inside.

Bohr reached out his hand and took out a storage bag from his arms, shook it, and said to himself: "It should be enough to take these things as a meeting gift for the president. Go to the president's "Jade Record"..."


It was said that Saul Lee, the king of bones who was supposed to be awarded the Medal of the Heart of Humanity, turned out to be a giant spy, and the genius magician Chiu Chiu Lukia itself was a holy dragon!
In the Lionheart Battle field, they first transformed into giants and holy dragons, and then Saul Lee directly summoned a huge monster, which was invincible, and even sent the golden warrior Rosa and the Lionheart Pope from the Holy City of the Sky to him. Grind it into a meat paste!
King Lionheart and others didn't dare to make a move at all, and even Meria, the king of the underworld, was helpless. In the end, the giant spy Sol Lee drifted away, as if entering a land of no one!
After this battle, human vitality was greatly injured!
One by one, the news spread to various city-states in the entire human territory through fast horses, spells, and pigeons, with the Lion Heart Emperor City as the center.

Soon, the news about the Battle of the Lionheart Emperor City spread throughout the entire human territory. First, the high-level nobles knew the news, and then quickly spread to everyone in every class.

You know, this is a big deal!The betrayal of a human hero!This can be said to be one of the most shocking things in recent years.

Originally, the Bone King's reputation was considered very high in the entire human territory. After all, he founded the War Academy, built Snowfall City, and made great military exploits.It's just that now that his giant identity is exposed, it immediately caused an uproar among the entire human race.

Although some people who knew Li Yunfei raised objections, most of them gritted their teeth with hatred. After all, they hated giants deeply, and this was an irreconcilable contradiction between the two races.

In the Bone King's territory, although most of the people couldn't believe these things at all, some people were still shaken.After all, this is really too shocking!If their king is really a giant spy, then they will definitely fight back immediately, after all, this is the position of human beings.

Sky City quickly issued an order to offer a reward for the capture of the giant spy Saul Lee.Regardless of life or death, as long as he can catch this giant spy, he will be directly rewarded with millions of gold coins, crowned king, and he can inherit Li Yunfei's former territory, and he will also get a copy of fighting qi skills or magic notes that can be cultivated to the gold level.

This reward is not insignificant. Many people are a little ready to move, but they give up after thinking about it.You must know that Li Yunfei just killed two gold swordsmen, plus a large number of silver-level fighters, and even left calmly in front of the Lion Heart Emperor and others. This kind of powerful combat power is enough to directly destroy a silver king city. conquered.

Moreover, the territory of the Bone King City was in a state of preparation for war at this time. Although the Sky Holy City personally ordered that their king was a giant spy, not many people believed it at all.Especially the grand dukes of the various giant cities, as well as Li Yunfei's direct subordinates, believed that this was a frame-up by the Holy City of the Sky, and even led an army to attack the Holy City of the Sky.

At a time like this, who would dare to touch this bad luck?
Nearly a week after the Sky Holy City issued the order, no one took any action. As a last resort, the Sky Holy City had to directly order, and named several giant cities and the troops of the Silver King City to "receive" the Bone King City.

At the same time, in the past few days, a brand-new alchemy equipment began to spread secretly in the entire human territory along with the caravan. This thing is a mirror-like thing. It is said that it is called a "video recorder". .

Along with this "video recorder", there is also a tea-brown crystal column that goes with each "video recorder"...

(End of this chapter)

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