super giant clone

Chapter 579 Mr. Li

Chapter 579 Mr. Li
"The plane we are in, which can also be called a 'planet', is composed of oceans and land. There is only one main land, which is the Titan Continent. There is also a giant island in the north called Goblin Desert Island. Others The land is just dotted with small islands."

"The currently known intelligent races in this world include humans, elves, dwarves, giants, dragons, and goblins. It is said that there are some races that other people don't know at all, but no one has seen them. Giants rule the entire continent. They are the well-deserved kings, they occupied the largest territory, and forced other races to the corners of the continent. In the center of the giant god continent, there is a high wall that surrounds the center of the entire continent." On the boat, Li Yunfei He casually used coral to draw a sketch of the Giant God Continent on the wooden board. Xiaoyu sat on a small bench with his hands on his cheeks, and listened carefully to Li Yunfei's lecture with his ears up.

Hassan was fiddling with a small sail on the bow, and from time to time he turned his head to look at the two people with a smile.

"Grandpa, what's in that wall?" The little girl asked innocently.

Li Yunfei was slightly taken aback, then smiled and shook his head: "I don't know what's in there, I've never been to the other side of the wall, but I'm going to take a look in the future." The other side has a strong obsession, so Li Yunfei has always wanted to know what is on the other side of the wall.

"Although each race may have some of their own dialects, the most widely used language is the common language of the Giant God Continent, which is the characters I will teach you today..." Li Yunfei wrote down a character on the wooden board forcefully, Started his own teaching.

Xiaoyu took a big shell, used red coral powder as a paint, and used a hollow stem of a water plant as a brush, and followed Li Yunfei to write stroke by stroke.

Li Yunfei looked at the serious little fish in front of him and felt the cool sea breeze. He couldn't help being in a daze for a moment, as if he was really just a teacher teaching little girls to read and write at sea.

Time passed day by day, and after a few days, Xiaoyu had learned the basic characters and could write some simple sentences.Although the little girl has very little contact with the outside world, she is very smart, and Li Yunfei can understand anything she doesn't understand.

After a few days, some other "untouchables" who were fishing nearby heard that Hassan's fishing boat had a teacher who could teach, and immediately came to ask desperately, hoping that their children could also receive education, and Fish, sea crabs, etc. were sent as thanks, and some even sent a few pearls found in the sea.

Li Yunfei has recovered a lot in the past few days, and he only uses a little bit of fighting energy and mental power on weekdays to continuously hone and grow stronger, so he will not delay anything by teaching a few more people, so he agreed.

There were more than a dozen children following Li Yunfei's literacy. The parents of these children gathered together, each family found some wood, and dragged an abandoned wooden boat, and directly built a wooden house on the sea for Li Yunfei to teach.

Li Yunfei happened to be familiar with the "General History of the Mainland" before, so he directly used this book as a textbook to start teaching the Common Language of the Mainland, and completely became Teacher Jack.

For a while, on the originally lonely sea, there were bursts of reading aloud from time to time.

For these untouchables, Li Yunfei is simply a gift from heaven.You must know that their ancestors were not allowed to go ashore for generations, and could only live on fishing boats. It is almost impossible to have the opportunity to read and write, and now this opportunity has fallen from the sky!

Although these children have lived in fishing boats in the sea since they were born, they are all extremely intelligent children. It took only a dozen days to basically master the things Li Yunfei taught, and they can read and write the common language of the mainland.And Li Yunfei also engraved some lingua franca characters and the content of "Continental General History" on the smooth surface of some huge shells, as the written teaching materials left behind.

During this period of time, Li Yunfei felt unprecedented relaxation.He couldn't remember how long he hadn't done something so pure and simple.

It's not for the cultivation of vindictiveness and magic, nor for the revival of human beings or the challenge to giants, but just to teach some innocent and kind children to read.

Perhaps it was because of his inner joy, Li Yunfei's mental strength recovered much faster than his battle qi, and he soon reached the level of an intermediate magic apprentice. As long as he reached the level of a high-level magic apprentice, he would be able to open the space ring and take out the magic ring. One of the fountains of life!
And in his sea of ​​qi, because of the continuous urging during this period of time, a faint vindictiveness finally began to appear.

This ray of grudge was so small that it was almost undetectable, completely dispensable, but Li Yunfei was extremely excited.

You must know that when he first practiced fighting qi, there was only a trace of fighting energy, and the last trace of fighting energy continued to develop and grow, and finally brought him incredible strength.

He taught the common language of the mainland every day in the wooden house on the sea, blowing the sea breeze and listening to the roar of the waves. Although the food was only sea fish, seashells and seaweed, Li Yunfei's heart was surprisingly calm and indifferent.

On this day, he finally finished roughly teaching the general history of the entire continent, and the children also learned the basic writing and reading methods of the common language of the mainland. Li Yunfei's mental power finally improved a little, crossed the final threshold, and reached high-level magic Apprentice level!
Only 20 days have passed.The reason is mainly because his vitality has been damaged the most. Although his mental strength is also exhausted, this is connected with his thinking, and it will be much faster to recover naturally.

After feeling that his mental power had broken through, Li Yunfei immediately mobilized his mental power to check the space ring, and found that he could indeed use the space ring.

With a flash of white light, a transparent crystal vial appeared in his palm.

It is a drop of the fountain of life!
"Dilute it a hundred times, then drink it little by little." Lao Fen's voice sounded.

Even after diluting it a hundred times, the fountain of life was still green, and Li Yunfei couldn't wait to drink the fountain of life immediately.

Immediately, a feeling of power came, Li Yunfei only felt as if a piece of coal had been thrown into his stomach, and this coal was also rapidly melting into his body.

He could feel that with every ounce of absorption, his body would become a little more comfortable, and the death breath from old age and weakness would dissipate a little bit.

It's just that although he can feel this change, it's still extremely slight to his body, and it's almost unnoticeable if he doesn't feel it carefully.

The speed of this absorption is really too slow...

"Old Fen, how long does it take to absorb the Fountain of Life after it has been diluted a hundred times?" Li Yunfei asked with a frown.

"A whole day." Lao Fen said, "In addition, you need at least three drops."

(End of this chapter)

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