super giant clone

Chapter 582 The Troubled Bard

Chapter 582 The Troubled Bard
"Hey, where did the old man go? Did he fall into the sea? Dad, why didn't you save him?"

"Grandpa just left, he will come back, be good, don't cry anymore."

Li Yunfei sneaked under the fishing boat in the sea, and heard the cry of the little fish from above, mixed with Hassan's comforting voice.His mental power had spread at this time, and he could see Hassan's face was full of guilt and pain, obviously blaming himself for not being able to rescue Li Yunfei.

He immediately got out of the sea, grabbed the side of the boat with one hand, jumped lightly, and landed on the boat.

Hearing the sound of splashing water, Xiaoyu, Hassan and his daughter raised their heads immediately, and immediately showed surprise expressions when they saw Li Yunfei.

"Grandpa!" Xiaoyu shouted joyfully, threw himself in front of Li Yunfei and hugged him forcefully, bursting into tears for a moment, "Where did you go?"

Hassan was shocked when he saw Li Yunfei, and murmured: "Old man, what are you..." Originally, he thought that Li Yunfei wanted to die by himself and had no chance of surviving, but he didn't expect the other party to swim from the devil sea When he came back, he just stood in front of him so nicely!

"I went to do something, and it's over now." Li Yunfei smiled and nodded.

"Grandpa, have you become younger?" Xiao Yu suddenly looked up at Li Yunfei's face and asked with big eyes flashing.

Originally, Li Yunfei looked like an old man in his 90s or 60s who would die of old age at any time, but now he looks like an old man in his [-]s and [-]s. The wrinkles on his face are much less, and his hair has turned gray. This change is still obvious.

The originally weak appearance has now become somewhat majestic.

Hassan also noticed this change, looked at Li Yunfei and didn't know what to say.

Li Yunfei laughed and said, "I've gotten better these days, so I look better, thanks to Xiaoyu's blood coral porridge."

"It's good that you're fine, old man." Hassan nodded vigorously as if a big stone had fallen in his heart, and said, take a rest, and I'll catch a moray eel to replenish your body later. "

Although Li Yunfei did not die and came back alive, this simple man still felt guilty for not being able to rescue him just now, and after thinking for a while, he said: "The day to pay the fish tax has just come, let's go to the tax island to pay the tax, by the way, Let's buy some medicine."

"Tax Island?" Li Yunfei looked blank, he had never heard of such a place.

"You'll know it when you get there." Hassan had a somewhat embarrassed expression on his face, "That's where us lowly households pay the fish tax."

Hearing that she was going to Tax Island, Xiaoyu immediately clapped her hands happily and said with a smile: "Great! We can go to listen to the troubadour singing!" Then she suddenly lowered her head and said with a little disappointment: "I hope we don't meet To those rascals."

Hassan rowed the oars and began to tell Li Yunfei the origin of Tax Island along the way.

There are tens of thousands of fishermen who can only live in fishing boats all their lives. Although they are not allowed to go ashore, they still have to accept the jurisdiction of Hailan King City.Every month, a certain amount of catch must be handed in, otherwise, he would not even be qualified to fish in this area, would be expelled to wander, and could only die miserably in the end.

And because they can't go ashore, Hailan City set up tax payment points on some small islands to let these fishermen hand in their catches, and these islands are also called tax islands.

It was a small island that ruled the area where he fished that Hassan was going.

Although it is in this sea area, the distance from the tax island is a bit far away. Hassan propped up the sails, turned the rudder, and headed towards the tax island.

Li Yunfei sat cross-legged on the narrow deck, blowing the sea breeze, and began to feel the changes in his body.

At this moment, the Fentian Douyan in his body had already started to function perfectly, and it was still growing stronger.Although there are still many damaged places in the sea of ​​​​qi, as long as there is enough life force, it can naturally be repaired.

At the same time, the power of the giant in his body seemed to have awakened a little bit. Although he still couldn't summon the giant clone, it made him very happy.Everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as there is a beginning, it will be much faster later.

With his current physical condition, as long as he continuously absorbs the fountain of life, he can fully recover within ten days!

Thinking of this, he immediately looked into the space of the space ring, as long as he absorbed two more drops of the fountain of life, he would naturally be able to fully recover, and it wouldn't take long at all.

But when he saw the small puddle in the center of the interspatial ring, Li Yunfei was taken aback for a moment, and then yelled inwardly.

In the small puddle composed of the Sands of Time and the Fountain of Life, the green liquid of the Fountain of Life is now less than a drop left!

Suddenly, as if a flash of lightning flashed across his mind, he suddenly thought that he had obtained three drops of the fountain of life from the Temple of Life before, but he had already used a lot before, and there was not much left.

Thinking of this, Li Yunfei couldn't help but roll his eyes at himself.Originally, he had planned for a long time, as long as he absorbed all the remaining three drops of the fountain of life, he would be able to recover to his peak state, but he did not expect that there would not be so many fountains of life.

It seems that we have to find another way.I just don't know if there is anything that can have the same effect as the fountain of life?Li Yunfei called out Lao Fen for a long time, but he didn't come up with any good ideas. In the end, he had to decide to absorb the rest of the fountain of life first.

Then he took out the last drop of the fountain of life again, diluted it into ten parts, drank one part, closed his eyes and began to feel the recovery of his body.

Several hours later, a small island in the distance appeared in sight.This small island is only the size of two or three football fields, but it is covered with many buildings, and all kinds of fishing boats and armed ships are parked around the small island, making it very lively.

On an extremely tall pier, dozens of soldiers in blue armor were guarding there, checking everyone who entered or exited Tax Island.Next to the pier, there is a warship moored.The tens of meters long hull of this battleship is simply a huge monster compared to the small fishing boats around it.

Looking up, there are still many people who are shopping in the open space in front of the tax island. Although the tax island is a place where the untouchables come to pay the fish tax, there will be a spontaneous gathering every day. city.

Only on the day when the fish tax is handed in, can the untouchables set foot on land and stay on this small island for a while, which is simply a festival for them.

Soon, Hassan's boat docked at the pier, and after some inspections, Hassan said to Li Yunfei: "Old man, please take the little fish to the island to play for a while, and I will come to you after handing in the catch. "

Li Yunfei nodded and said, "Go ahead, just rest assured."

Hassan saluted immediately, supported the fishing boat and headed towards the battleship. A few soldiers got off the battleship early and began to inspect the catch in the dark cabin of the fishing boat.

"Grandpa, hurry up, hurry up, the troubadours are about to start reciting poems!" After landing on the shore, Xiao Yu jumped up and down, holding Li Yunfei's hand and slipping into the crowd.

I saw a place not far from the pier, surrounded by fishermen and soldiers for three floors and three floors outside. In the middle of the open space was a stone platform with a height of one person. An old troubadour with disheveled hair laid it out. My own iron plate is beginning to sing a poem: "The king who came from the land of bones, defeated the lions on the grassland, and drifted away without a trace..."

(End of this chapter)

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