Chapter 586
"Ah—ah—don't kill me, don't kill me!" The bearded pirate knelt on the ground as his legs gave way, crying desperately, his crotch already wet.

Although he usually likes to kill those untouchables for fun, but when the killing befalls him, he only feels a kind of hell-like despair!
He actually provoked a black iron swordsman!And he can feel the eyes of the other party, he is definitely a murderer without blinking an eye, only those who have survived the mountain of corpses and seas of blood will have that kind of eyes!

It's ridiculous that he still showed off his rock fighting spirit at the beginning, but now it seems that he is completely reckless!
"Give me a reason." Li Yunfei smiled slightly, leaned over and said.

" master is Master Glenn, the terrifying lich. If you kill me, Master Glenn will definitely be angry... definitely will..." The bearded man exuded a strange smell, trembling Said.

He has already understood that the other party is killing people without blinking an eye. To this kind of person, his own existence is like an ant. He can only hope that the other party has heard of the master's name before and can forgive him.

This is his master who has been hiding in the dead mist island, almost never showing up, and he doesn't know if the other party has heard of the master's name.

To his relief, the black iron swordsman in front of him thought for a while, and then asked, "You just said that you have bought more than 3000 people from Leon?"

"Yes, yes, this is already the fifth transaction, and he has bought nearly 4000 people in total." Hearing the other party's question, it showed that he was interested, and the bearded man quickly nodded and returned.

"Besides in the hands of Leon, have you captured other slaves?" Li Yunfei continued to ask.

"I even led people to arrest some people myself, and bought slaves from some other tax island captains..." The bearded man was very obedient, and after he finished speaking, he smiled obediently at Li Yunfei.

Seeing that Li Yunfei was expressionless and unresponsive, he then added: "There are three other fleets like mine, and now we have captured a total of 3 people... My master is a powerful magician, known as ghost soldiers, you may I've heard of..." As he spoke, a slightly smug look appeared on the face of the bearded man, and he secretly observed Li Yunfei's expression from the corner of his eye.

What disappointed him was that Li Yunfei was still expressionless, neither surprised nor frightened, as if he just heard an ordinary thing.

The corners of Li Yunfei's mouth raised slightly, with a sneer on his face.What kind of ghost soldiers, he has even seen Pluto, is he still afraid of this kind of thing?

"Very good, gather people and take me to meet your master, or I will chop you up." Li Yunfei said without the slightest emotion, then swung a sword casually, and a pirate standing not far away couldn't even scream. Before it could happen, it was split into two pieces.

Hot blood splattered the bearded face, Li Yunfei's ferocious tactics made him piss his pants again in fear, he got up and didn't even dare to say anything, and rushed to the pirate ship's desperate summoner.

All the pirates present were awed by Li Yunfei, the killer, and began to act quickly.

The corpses of those tax soldiers were quickly cleaned up and thrown into the sea, the blood on the deck was quickly wiped off, and the sails began to prop up.

Li Yunfei turned his head and walked to Xiaoyu and Hassan, casually tore off the rope that bound Hassan, and asked, "How is it? Is the injury serious?"

"Grandpa——" Xiaoyu was completely shocked before, but now he finally recovered, threw himself into Li Yunfei's arms and burst into tears.

She was just an innocent little girl, how could she have experienced such a thing.Originally thought that the old man was dead, and almost passed out from grief, but he didn't expect that the old man showed great power and killed all those villains.

"Okay, darling, Xiaoyu won't cry." Li Yunfei rubbed Xiaoyu's head and said with a smile.

Hassan stared aside for a moment, took a deep breath, bowed deeply to Li Yunfei, and said, "Thank you for saving my life, old man." As a pariah, he naturally understood that if Li Yunfei hadn't shown great power to subdue all those guys, Next, facing their father and daughter must be a situation that life would be worse than death.

Then he asked cautiously: "Old man, what are you..." When he first rescued Li Yunfei, he only thought that the other party was a poor old fisherman.And as Li Yunfei recovered, he thought that the other party was a troubled nobleman. Now it seems that it is not that simple at all!Who is this old man who was rescued by him! ?
Li Yunfei smiled slightly, waved his hands and said, "I'm just a fool in trouble."

Then he turned around and looked towards Tax Island, and saw all the fishermen gathered on the beach by the sea, their faces full of horror.Just now, the soldiers guarding them were suddenly skipped by a black shadow, and then turned into headless corpses!This scene is really too shocking.

The troubadour was also in the middle, but his face was full of excitement at this time, holding a piece of paper and a quill pen in his hand, writing vigorously, obviously writing what happened today.

Li Yunfei raised his voice and asked: "Everyone, so many tax soldiers died on this tax island, it is not suitable to stay for a long time. I am going to a big island. Is there anyone willing to go with me? The land on that big island is so wide that you can Live permanently, and avoid being displaced every day."

All the untouchables looked at each other and shouted: "Okay, my lord, I am willing to go with you." "Please take me in, my lord!" "You will die if you stay, so it is better to go with your lord." Want to sell us to pirates!"

Li Yunfei nodded and said: "Very good, those who want to follow me can board these warships and pirate ships, and those who want to stay leave quickly, if the navy of Hailan King City finds out, it will be broken."

At this time, under the command of Big Beard, the pirates have adjusted three pirate ships and one warship, ready to go to sea at any time.

Hundreds of untouchables abandoned their small boats and boarded the big boat with great enthusiasm, waiting for a new life, including the troubadour.There are also a few untouchables who finally choose to drive their own boats to leave and continue to live this kind of sea life.

Li Yunfei didn't stop them, but instead gave each of them a gold coin as travel expenses.

In the end, there were only about [-] untouchables left.After the incident just now, they have completely hated Hailan Wangcheng.Those tax soldiers completely regarded human life as nothing. This time they escaped because of Li Yunfei's presence. Next time, who knows what else will happen.

The melodious horn sounded, but this time it was very different from the first time the horn sounded.

On board, the pirates raised their sails with apprehension and fear, and headed for the legendary Dead Mist Island.

The warship that belonged to the soldiers of Tax Island now became the flagship of the fleet.Li Yunfei stood at the bow of the boat, looked towards the vast sea, and asked casually, "How long will it take to reach Dead Mist Island?"

The bearded man said cautiously: "This... the wind direction is not very smooth now, and the Dead Mist Island is also surrounded by the master's formation, and the location is extremely hidden. It will take at least eight to ten days to find it..."

"Enough." Li Yunfei nodded, took out a tenth of the fountain of life and swallowed it.

(End of this chapter)

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