super giant clone

Chapter 588 Bone Dragon

Chapter 588 Bone Dragon
What blows out of the huge metal array is a scorching gust of wind, even with red sparks faintly, like a violent wind dragon blowing a big hole in the fog in front of it. Wherever it passes, the humid sea fog It was directly evaporated, and a large area was immediately cleared.

After the sea fog within hundreds of meters in front of him subsided, Li Yunfei immediately discovered that there were hidden reefs on the seabed in the sea area around the Dead Mist Island.

These reefs seem to have a special luster, and there are some blue water magic crystals faintly on them.

Li Yunfei immediately noticed that the underwater reef here formed a huge water formation!No wonder there is so much sea fog!
At the same time, there is still a lot of green smoke in the blown sea fog.These smokes came from the reefs below the sea surface.

Judging from the color, these fumes are highly toxic.

Apparently, the people who set up the sea fog magic circle also set up these poisonous fogs, just to prevent outsiders from appearing.

Li Yunfei gave a cold snort, and holding the wind gust plate in hand, he ordered the fleet to line up, followed behind his flagship, and directly broke into the thick sea fog in front of him.

Hearing this order, the bearded Eric couldn't help but tremble in his heart, he threw himself in front of Li Yunfei and said eagerly: "My lord, you can't do it, you can't do it, there is poisonous mist in these sea mist, as long as you inhale a little, it will melt immediately Turned into a puddle of blood, we are going to die!"

Li Yunfei raised the corner of his mouth and said, "It's just a little mist, just go around it."

While speaking, he slowly ordered: "Two o'clock ahead, turn left after 500 meters." The gust of wind in his hand turned the direction, blowing away the fog not far away, first leaving the hidden reefs and poisonous fog under the sea surface.

Under the command of Li Yunfei, the fleet lined up in a straight line, constantly changing directions in the sea fog, and every time they turned around, the gusts of wind swept away, and a hidden reef and poisonous fog would inevitably appear.

Eric was terrified at first, fearing that he would be corroded into a pile of bones by the poisonous mist, but the more he looked behind him, the more dumbfounded he became.

The Killing God in front of him is like a setter, knowing the location of all the poisonous fog and hidden reefs, leading the fleet to pass through this sea area safely!

If it wasn't for the occasional sight of some damaged ships hung by the reef and the bones on them, Eric would have wondered if he had gone to the wrong place.

This is simply impossible!You must know that his master is a powerful black iron mage. It is unimaginable that the formation he has set up can be seen through so easily!
He opened his mouth wide, and when he was still in shock, a cool sea breeze suddenly rushed towards his face, followed by a glare of sunlight, which made him squint his eyes.

A small island that can accommodate 10,000+ people appeared in front of us. It was on the sea in the center of a ring formed by thick fog. The island was covered with green grass and all kinds of trees. It looked like a paradise!
Looking from a distance, there are still many figures on the island. Obviously, this is the legendary Dead Mist Island!

Seeing Dead Mist Island appear in front of them, all the untouchables on the boat cheered.They originally thought that the island Li Yunfei mentioned was just a small island like Tax Island, but even so they were grateful to Dade.I didn't expect it to be such a huge and beautiful island!It was like a dream!
It's just that the face of the pirate leader Eric turned pale in an instant, and he murmured: "Come in, we actually came in..."

Li Yunfei smiled: "This Dead Mist Island is really interesting, it's a good place." As a powerful alchemist, he knew exactly where the opponent's formation nodes were set at the first sight of Dead Mist Island. Where, so this way in is almost unimpeded, as if entering the backyard of one's own house.

However, Eric did not respond positively, but turned his head suddenly, and said to Li Yunfei in an almost pleading tone: "My lord, please take me out quickly, please take me out quickly, can't stay here for long!"

Li Yunfei smiled, and instead turned the gust of wind in his hand backwards, allowing the battleship to speed up and head towards the sea.

"My lord, please, please, you have no idea what we are going to face, if this continues, even I will die!" Eric suddenly rushed up like crazy, trying to snatch the rudder.

It's just that when he rushed to the front, thick stalagmites suddenly protruded from the surrounding Class A, forming a stalagmite cage, and locked him inside.

"You just have to watch." Li Yunfei said calmly without turning his head.

At this time, the boat continued to move forward, and in a blink of an eye, it had already reached the shore.Although this dead mist island is not big, it has a natural harbor where warships can be directly driven into.

Looking down from the deck, there are hundreds of people walking around on the shore at this time, as if they are looking for something.

The battleship had just landed, and Eric shouted like crazy: "Run, run! Don't stay here!"

The people on the boat didn't know what he meant, but the figures on the island heard his voice and turned their heads at the same time!

All the half-rotten faces were full of greedy and bloodthirsty expressions. After hearing Eric's voice, they all roared ferociously and rushed towards the fleet frantically!The speed of these monsters is extremely fast, each vertical leap has a distance of four or five meters, and they will rush to the boat in a blink of an eye.

"It's a zombie!"

"Zombie! Run away!"

"What monster is this!"

"Run away!"

Seeing those terrifying faces, all the people on board shouted in panic and panicked.

Eric also yelled, but secretly looked at Li Yunfei, with a hint of revenge in his panic.

You have today too!Each of these zombies has swordsman-level combat power, and they will definitely tear you apart and eat you!

What surprised him was that there was no trace of panic on Li Yunfei's face, but a happy smile on his face!
Li Yunfei clenched his fists, leaped tens of meters, then raised his fists high above his head, and fell heavily.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the surrounding ground trembled, and a shock wave spread along the ground to the surroundings.

Those zombies who rushed over were immediately knocked to the ground under the shock bombardment.Some bodies that were already rotten fell apart and could no longer be joined.

There were still hundreds of zombies left, and after smelling Li Yunfei's breath, they all rushed towards him with greedy smiles on their faces.

Li Yunfei took a deep breath, stood up straight, put his hands behind his back, and suddenly opened his mouth to let out a crazy roar: "Roar——"

This roar was like a thunderclap on the ground, and the destructive sound waves swept across with air waves, directly smashing the hundreds of zombies rushing to the front into pieces!

Li Yunfei then took a few steps forward, and every time a zombie rushed over, it would be smashed to pieces with a punch.

He stepped forward step by step, punching, punching, punching, punching, every punch was flat and without fancy tricks, but the terrifying power directly smashed the zombie into a mass of residue!
The pirates and fishermen on board were all dumbfounded at this moment.

In the blink of an eye, Li Yunfei had walked tens of meters, and those zombies had all been smashed to pieces.

At this moment, a hoarse "Dragon Cry" came suddenly, and the next moment, there was chaos in the forest in front of him, trees fell and flowers and plants flew.

A huge white shadow poked its head out, striding towards Li Yunfei with supreme coercion.

This white shadow has two claws and two wings, but they are all made of bones, and green flames are burning in the eye sockets. It is a bone dragon!
On the back of the bone dragon, a man wearing a black mage robe sat there, with an ecstatic expression on his face, manipulating the bone dragon to walk towards Li Yunfei.

"Baby, eat him, he will be your blood food today!"

"Master...Master..." Eric's legs softened, and he fell to his knees again.

(End of this chapter)

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