super giant clone

Chapter 594 Jack

Chapter 594 Jack
The image on the video recorder disappeared, and Li Yunfei beside him showed an excited expression.

Dean Bohr is worthy of being the great master of alchemy in the Titan Continent, who created the magic pillar.

The structure of this video recorder can be described as ingenious. In fact, it is to solidify a photo magic on the array plate through the form of a magic circle, and then release it as energy through the magic crystal.

Li Yunfei had simply mentioned this idea a few times before, but he didn't expect it to be made by Bohr!
Thinking of this, his research addiction broke out again, his hands itched uncomfortably, he took the video camera apart three times, and began to study on the spot.

"Well, the alchemy circuit in this place can be optimized, so that the energy can be transmitted better. Why is this method so similar to Kayo's work? This is the method I taught him." Li Yunfei said to himself while dismantling the research. language.

The video recorder in front of him is obviously a mass-produced thing, and he is familiar with many parts of the alchemy circuit inside, and is inextricably linked with the people in Luoxue City.And only someone who is so familiar with Luoxue City's alchemy can see the clues.

By dismantling the video recorder, he has come to the conclusion that Bohr has arrived in Snowfall City, and the idea of ​​spreading the video recorder around is probably the idea of ​​Kao and his group.

This method of dividing products into luxury editions and civilian editions can only be imagined by those who often work under his hands.

Soon, Li Yunfei has completely figured out the principle of the video recorder, even if he is asked to make one casually now, there is no problem.

What excited him the most was the thought of another idea.That is, now that the video recorder has been made, can there be some "movie" or what should be called "phantom"?
He is well aware of how much impact the appearance of movies has had on the human world on earth. In the culturally barren place of the human territory of the Giant God Continent, if "Magic Shadow" can really be released, it will definitely be very popular, and it will have a great impact on the entire world. profound impact on the human world.

This human world originally controlled by religion and power may be able to be shaken by the "ghost"!

The most important thing is that this technology is only in his own hands, and he has the final say on the "products" he wants to produce.Even, if the technology is mature enough, a video recorder similar to a TV can be launched in the future to broadcast programs in real time every day.

This thing will be a kind of right to speak in the future. Whoever controls the right to speak will also control the people, and if he controls the people, he will also control the world!

Thinking of this, Li Yunfei couldn't help being fascinated.

Then he smiled slightly, shook his head, and temporarily sealed the thought.

The most urgent task now is to obtain the secret treasure of life, Sea Dragon Crystal, to restore its strength. For other things, we have to wait until the restoration of strength returns to Luoxue City.

Casually put the video recorder into the space ring, and took a few more pieces of information about the senior management of Hailan Wangcheng. Li Yunfei called the business manager who was waiting outside to give him a few words, and gave him a letter. The head of the business must be sent to the head office of Chijin Mall.Afterwards, he left here under the respectful farewell of the manager.

A few days later, a tavern near the port of Hailan Wangcheng.

This tavern is hidden in an alley in the west of the city. There is only a signboard for a wine bottle hanging outside the door, and the bartender inside is just a dry little old man. Usually, few people come here.

At this time, two of the five tables inside have been occupied by people, one of which is occupied by four men in fine clothes, all of them have long swords hanging from their waists, but the youngest boy is faintly the leader. respect.The boy looked to be only eighteen or nineteen years old, with a handsome face, and a pair of blue eyes that looked as clear as sea water.

At this time, several people were slowly drinking the shochu in their cups, as if they were savoring something.

On the other table was a man in a black robe with a hood and a black scarf covering his face. He couldn't see what he looked like. He was also slowly drinking the wine in his glass. There is also a pinball, which is constantly being tossed and played.

For a moment, there was only the sound of sipping the wine and the sound of the old bartender wiping the glasses in the entire tavern. It was very quiet.

At this moment, the door of the tavern was knocked open with a "bang", and seven or eight men in worn leather armor walked in.

Seeing these people coming in, the old bartender's face immediately flashed a trace of panic.

"Borat, what do you want to do?" the old bartender asked tremblingly.

"What are you doing? Old Bill, I think you are pretending to be stupid? Yesterday we gave you an ultimatum. Your tavern must be closed immediately and sold to us, Marquis Tilly. How dare you open it today?" the leader As Borat said, he drew out the long sword at his waist and slashed at the counter, cutting deeply.

"This is Hailan King City, even if, even Marquis Tilly can't buy and sell by force, I, I want to sue the royal court!" The old bartender Bill said loudly, his face turned red with excitement.

It's just that he just finished saying a word, his neck tightened, and he was already tightly strangled. It was that Borat.

The old bartender was panting desperately, but he couldn't catch his breath at all. The other party really wanted to kill him!
"Old man, even if you die, it's just a mouse!" Borat said viciously, and the surrounding men burst into laughter.

Some of the four people on the table next to them were about to stand up, but the lone guest in the cloak stood up first and said in a hoarse voice, "Let him go."

"Hey, you want to be the first bird, right? Do you know where this place is? How dare you provoke me, our Marquis Tilly?" Borat smiled, and the strength in his hands tightened again. The old bartender His limbs twitched, struggling desperately, and would die at any moment.

And several of his men drew out their long swords at the same time and aimed at the cloaked man.

At the other table, the boy's three subordinates were also about to draw their swords, but the boy stopped them.Then he smiled and looked at the cloaked man, looking like he was watching a show.

It's just that no one expected that the man in the cloak didn't speak at all, but casually threw the pinball in his hand.

Hearing a "whoosh", the pinball pierced through Borat's body like a cannonball, and then, guided by a black grudge thread, drew an arc and passed the bodies of several other hooligans, and returned to the body again. Cloaked man's hand.

"Plop, plop!" The sound of falling to the ground came one after another, and blood holes the size of teacups appeared on the bodies of those hooligans, and they fell to the ground and died before they even had time to scream. !
At this time, the bartender was terrified, leaning against the back of the bar and trembling, while the boy and his subordinates were surprised, and the boy had a playful expression on his face.

This cloaked man turned out to be a black iron swordsman!

As if nothing happened, the man in the cloak walked up to the bartender and threw a few silver coins, and said in a hoarse voice, "Shochu, a glass."

"Hahaha, I didn't expect to meet masters in this kind of tavern." At this moment, the young man in Chinese clothes who had been sitting upright behind him stood up and said, "I don't know if Mr. What do you call it?"

"Jack." The cloaked man said hoarsely without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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