super giant clone

Chapter 602 God's Punishment Fleet

Chapter 602 God's Punishment Fleet
"Kill me! We have Mr. Black Jack in command, and victory is only a matter of time!" Although Huo De was shocked by Li Yunfei's strength, he knew that now was not the time to be surprised, and shouted at his subordinates.

It was Black Jack!No wonder there is such a strong strength!
These people present have all heard the name of Black Jack, especially those bronze swordsmen and black iron swordsmen. For them, this is a name that only exists in legends. The legends related to this name are all death!

For a moment, the morale of Huo De's subordinates was boosted, while the Hailongwei on the other side was well-trained, but their formation had been disrupted by Li Yunfei, and they were immediately at a disadvantage.

At the same time, the silver swordsman next to Huo De blew the bagpipe again, and heard the dragon whale roar, and a huge water bomb spewed out of its mouth, blasting towards the giant beast Kraken.

Not to be outdone, Na Kraken sent out a wave of sound at the same time, and the turbulent waves rose again for a while.And the storm also seemed to become more violent. Lightning bolts struck down and landed not far from the two warships, illuminating this devil-like sea area, and at the same time, the vortex became even bigger!

"It's just a clown, how dare you be so arrogant!" Seeing that his side was at a disadvantage again, Lan Sen sneered, turned around and said respectfully to a man in black robe beside him, "Mr. Ghost Soldier, please act!"

The man in black snorted coldly, and said, "There are already enough sacrifices, it's time to act."

He slowly raised a staff in his hand. This staff was made of a pale white leg bone, with dozens of small skulls inlaid on it.He chanted a spell in his mouth, and a gray light emanated from the staff, covering the two battleships in a blink of an eye.

Immediately, those soldiers who had already died suddenly opened their eyes again, but their eyes were already red!
Then these dead people slowly got up, stood up with a slow but determined movement, and all rushed towards the soldiers on Huo De's side!

"This is necromancer! This is a necromancer!"

"Chop off the heads of these corpses!"

"Ah! They still retain the power they had when they were alive!"

I saw that although the controlled corpse puppets could not use fighting energy again, their bodies were harder than steel, and they were extremely powerful. Even if they were pierced through their bodies, they could still move freely. Only by cutting off their heads could they be released. It was calm again.

Originally, Huo De's side had already gained the upper hand, but under the attack of these corpse puppets, they immediately suffered heavy casualties.

The cannon roared, the magic flickered, and the two giant beasts fought frantically. The rotating battlefield was so fierce that it was like a killing hell.The dark cloud vortex in the sky corresponds to the huge wave vortex on the sea surface, like two huge eyes watching all this.

More than half of the fighters on both sides were dead or injured, and those who could stand were all wounded.

Hodder and Lanson had hideous faces, and they were already desperate.They all know that although the opponent is their own brother, in this kind of battle, either you die or I die!

Even if all these subordinates are dead, as long as they can kill each other, that's enough!

Finally, Huo De couldn't take it any longer, took out a badge from his pocket, and said to the two silver guards beside him, "You two, in the name of the acting head of the Jianyu family, please take action and kill Lanson! "

This badge is the family crest he stole from his grandfather, and it is enough to mobilize the two silver warriors.

The two of them naturally didn't know that it was stolen by Huo De. After looking at each other, although they were a little helpless, they still accepted the order.

The two of them pulled out the long swords around their waists at the same time, the surface of their bodies ignited with dazzling silver battle energy, and the silver battle energy rolled out, forming a huge phantom of a swordfish.Then the two jumped up, stood directly on the phantom of the swordfish, plunged into the violent waves, and rushed towards Lanson.

Beside Lanson, the three silver swordsmen saw the other party's attack, and they immediately burst into silver fighting spirit. They formed a fighting spirit shark, a silver octopus, and a phantom of a battleship respectively, and jumped into the sea.

In this violent vortex of waves, the silver domain of the silver swordsmen is not very useful, but their battle qi alienation phantom can exert the greatest combat power.

The huge silver phantoms formed by these five silver swordsmen are like five giant beasts, rolling and fighting in the waves, opening up a battlefield next to the two giant ships again!

On the deck of the Ripper battleship, there were only dozens of mercenaries recruited by Hodder and his soldiers left, and the rest were either killed or transformed into corpse puppets. At this time, most of Wei was also killed and injured, and there were only more than 100 people left.However, with the addition of hundreds of corpse puppets, Lanson clearly had the upper hand.

"Mr. Jack, please take another shot. Lanson has no guards. As long as you kill him, it will be over! The piece of land in Lanson's hand is also yours!" Said, at the same time the surface of his body was also ignited with a blue grudge.Although Huo De is young, he is already a bronze swordsman, which is extremely rare among the children of the royal family.

Li Yunfei raised his eyebrows and asked, "How many Earth Sea dragon crystals are there in total? Who controls them?"

Huo De said eagerly: "There are a total of three pieces of Earth Sea Dragon Crystal, and the father divided them equally between the three of us, but even if there is only one piece, we can pass through the barriers of the Dragon Ruins and enter the outer space. And if there are two pieces , can go deeper. Mr. Jack..."

"Om——" Huo De was about to continue to urge Li Yunfei, when a melodious sound of horns suddenly came from a distance, followed by the rumble of war drums.

The horns and war drums sounded in unison, and there was a hint of sacredness in the sound. On Lanson's battleship, the actions of those ferocious corpse puppets suddenly became much slower, apparently affected by the sound.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound at the same time, and saw several horns slowly appearing on the top of the huge vortex. These horns were carved with huge eye patterns, and at the same time exuded a soft white light, coming from the vortex. Looking at it, it seems to be coming from the sky.

A total of three huge battleships appeared, and then sailed into the vortex, heading towards the Dragon Whale giant ship and the Ripper battleship!

In the center of these three battleships is a huge pillar, and above the pillar is a sculpture of eyes the size of a round table.

Soft white light emanates from the eye sculpture, covering the entire battleship, allowing the three warships to drive smoothly, even in the stormy sea, as if driving on a calm lake.

Each of these three battleships is a circle smaller than the Dragon Whale battleship, but they are still huge in size.

Looking around, on the decks of the three battleships, there are warriors wearing black robes and temple armor. The front battleship is flying a white flag with a black eye on it. This huge eye The eyelashes look like a long sword!
"This is... the warship of the temple..." Huo De murmured, then shook his head suddenly, his eyes showed a look of shock, "No, it's not the temple, it's the holy imperial city! It's the God's Punishment Fleet!"

(End of this chapter)

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