Chapter 105

"So you know." He lowered his head in embarrassment and explained, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lie to you just now."

"It's not intentional, is it intentional?"

Jingya looked at him sadly, disappointed in his deception.

"I didn't tell you because I was afraid that you would misunderstand me. In fact, I was really drunk last night. If I had a little consciousness, I wouldn't go there. Even if I spent the night at her house, I have nothing to do with her." It didn't happen, Jingya, you believe me."

"I only believe my eyes. I stand outside the window of her house and know that you are sleeping on her bed. I only believe this. You can never believe what you say, just like you just lied to me and said Last night at Fei Shaocheng, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, shouldn't I have believed your deception?"

Ye Beicheng was very helpless, he sighed annoyedly: "Then how can I tell you to believe it? Do you want me to bring Qianxue here to confront you?"

"No need, that woman told me last night that I can keep your people, but I can't keep your heart. It's not the first time I've seen you stay out at night, so there's no need to go to war like that!"

Thinking of what Yang Qianxue said last night, Jingya's sad tears rolled in her eyes. She didn't like the feeling that others could show off in front of her. She didn't like it very much, she didn't like it very much!
"She really told you that?" Ye Beicheng was a little annoyed.

"Don't you think I'm full enough to make up lies with you? I'm not like you. I slept soundly all night, so now I have the strength to come back and lie to me. I haven't slept all night. I don't have the strength and the mood to lie and slander you. So please don't talk to me in such a suspicious tone!"

"Then you can ask Ouyang Feng and Fei Shaocheng, they both know that I was too drunk last night."

"I know this too. I didn't doubt that you couldn't help but follow her to her house. I brought you back because you were drunk and you were unconscious. If you became conscious by yourself, I wouldn't Go to the Yang’s house to insult yourself! But why did you lie to me? When I came back from the boat, I said you had Qianxue in your heart, but you didn’t admit it. You said you would take action to prove my feeling was wrong. Very well, you are Is this proof? If you are really innocent with her, you should be honest with me, I am not such an unreasonable woman, there can be misunderstandings in love, but there can be no deception!"

How can a marriage survive without heart-to-heart communication?
"I've already said that I lied to you only because I was afraid that you would misunderstand me. If you insist on misunderstanding me, then I have nothing to do."

Ye Beicheng didn't give any explanation, he turned around and left the room resolutely.

Jingya wiped away her tears, she had a way to let Ye Beicheng understand that it is not a good excuse to justify lying by explaining something with her mouth.

At the company's regular high-level weekly meeting in the morning, everyone saw that the atmosphere today was not right.

First of all, although Mr. Ye is usually serious, he is not like today——

"Manager Liu, why did the sales of health care products in your sales department drop by 10% last week?"

"Mr. Ye, last week the media revealed that there was an incident of health product poisoning in a certain city, which affected sales."

"Is it our company's health care product?"


"It's not our health care products, why would it affect our sales?"

"Although it is not ours, as long as it is a health product, it will have an impact..."

"I don't want to hear this kind of reason. The decline index is 10%, and the decline index ranks first in the industry. Do you think your explanation is convincing?"

"...Okay, I will hold an internal meeting in the afternoon and notify everyone in the sales department of this problem."

"Now it's not a matter of notification, but a solution. Could it be that the sales index has dropped so much that no one in the sales department knows?"

Manager Liu wiped off his sweat. He has been in the company for six or seven years, and this is the first time he has been forced to question him like this by the boss.

"Alright Mr. Ye, we will find out the root cause of the problem this afternoon, and then draw up an improvement plan to ensure that sales will increase next week."

"What if it doesn't improve?"

The unprecedented tension in the conference room, everyone was sweating for the sales manager, this is the first time they have seen such a strange and ruthless boss...

"No promotion, I am willing to deduct the next month's bonus."

"Bonus? Do you think your one-month bonus can make up for the company's declining profits?"

Ye Beicheng's language became sharper and sharper, and his expression was as if beaten by frost, so cold that it could turn into ice at a glance.

All the high-level executives gradually understood that today's boss must have encountered something unsatisfactory. The decline in product sales is just a floating cloud. After all, there were times when it was high and sometimes low. muzzle...

The atmosphere became more and more strange, and no one dared to speak out. Anyone who spoke at this time was tantamount to death. No one thought that they had lived enough.

"Mr. Ye, I think this meeting can be over. Your time is precious, and our time is also precious."

Except for Yu Jingya who said this, there is no one before or since.

The people at the bottom started to get excited. The couple actually formed a confrontation during the meeting. How rare this is. After all, this company belongs to the Ye family, and Mrs. Ye is the vice president in name, so it should be the same front as the husband and wife. , Now she actually helps outsiders to fight against her husband, this is more exciting than China's successful bid for the Olympic Games...

"Didn't Vice President Yu see that I'm still in the meeting? The problem hasn't been resolved, why do you think it can be over?" Ye Beicheng stared closely at Jingya on his lower left.

"First of all, I think Mr. Ye, you shouldn't pursue it further. The decline in sales is not a serious matter. Besides, it is weekly sales, not monthly sales. There is room for improvement in annual sales. The sales manager has already said that Discuss a solution, then you should trust him, although his one-month bonus cannot be compared with the company's profit, but a one-month bonus is also not a small amount for a family."

The invisible flames of war are burning, and the flames are getting stronger and stronger...

"Vice President Yu, do you think I should trust him because you think he deserves praise for admitting the mistakes of the sales department, or because he can recognize the seriousness of the problem and deserve forgiveness?"

Jingya knew in her heart what Ye Beicheng meant by saying these words. From the very beginning, she knew that Ye Beicheng's pick on the sales manager was aimed at her. It was because she didn't forgive him in the morning and couldn't accept his lying that she was so aggressive.

She was quite surprised. Ye Beicheng has always been a very self-controlled person, and he would not bring his personal emotions into the company. In this way, under the watchful eyes of the public, he was so angry with his subordinates, it can be seen that he was really angry. What position does he have to get angry?

"Of course it's because he realizes the seriousness of the problem and deserves to be forgiven. Manager Liu didn't blindly find excuses. I don't think we should continue to delve into this matter!"

The two talked to each other and refused to give in to each other, so that the people below finally understood why the boss was so abnormal today, even a fool could see that it was obviously aimed at his own wife...

"Ahem..." Li Da cleared his throat, and felt that as a senior special assistant, he could no longer let the situation develop, so Nuonuo reminded: "Mr. Ye, we have to meet with the American partner at ten o'clock. , it's already 55:[-]." He raised the watch on his wrist.

Ye Beicheng gave Jingya a meaningful look, got up and said, "The meeting is over!"

The stiff atmosphere was finally relieved, and the high-level executives let out a long sigh of relief. They prayed that there would never be a second meeting for such a nervous meeting.

The sales manager caught up with Jingya with the document, and said sincerely, "Thank you, Vice President Yu, for speaking for me today."

Jingya smiled wryly: "No, it should."

After she finished speaking, she sighed lightly, left the stunned Manager Liu, and walked straight to the vice president's office.

After arriving at the office, she took out her mobile phone and called Tengyu, "Hello, are you free tonight?"

"Yes, you want to ask me out?" Zhai Tengyu asked viciously.

"Let's have dinner together."

"Okay, very good, very good."

"Then come pick me up at five o'clock."

"No problem, see you at five!"

Jingya hung up her phone, turned her eyes to the computer screen, stared at an object so intently, but her heart was still in a mess.

At noon, Li Da came to her office in a hurry, and said softly, "Madam, mistress is here!"

"What little three?" She raised her head in doubt.

"That crazy woman's daughter came last time!"

Madwoman's daughter?Jingya thought for a few seconds, and immediately guessed that it was Yang Qianxue, and she asked in a deep voice, "Where is he?"

"In President Ye's office."

"Did she say anything?"

"I don't know about that, but..."

Li Da hesitated to speak, Jingya stared: "But what? Tell the truth!"

"It's just that Mr. Ye called and asked her to come over."

"Really?" She raised her voice, feeling so annoyed that this Ye Beicheng kept saying that she had nothing to do with her, but after only being separated for half a day, she called and hurriedly called her over. She really regarded her as an invisible person!

"Really, as soon as that girl came up, I asked her if she had an appointment, and she said that Mr. Ye called her..."

Jingya waved her hand: "I see, you can go out."

Li Da did not leave immediately, but said earnestly: "Madam, I also saw at the meeting today that there must be some conflict between you and Mr. Ye. Mr. Ye is my direct superior. Loyalty is unquestionable, but I came here to tell you about this, not as a small report, but because I don't want anyone to destroy the relationship between you and him, and I also hope that you can be stronger and take it out against me bravely deal with that clumsy mistress!!”

(End of this chapter)

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