Chapter 111

"Yu Jingya." He called out to her.

Jingya turned her head quickly, stepped forward with a smile and said, "Come on, let me introduce you, this is my best friend, Yin Mo."

She pointed to the woman behind her, and Yin Mo grinned: "Oh, hello."

Oh stop?

Jingya and Tengyu were stunned at the same time, what kind of Martian language is this, why can't they understand it!

"Hey, what bird language are you talking about?" She hurriedly pulled Yin Mo aside and questioned her in a suppressed voice.

"Which one?"

"Oh, what's dad's!"

"Oh?" Yin Mo smiled triumphantly, and said loudly on purpose: "You don't even understand this? Oh, it means elder brother in Korean. Don't you see that women in those Korean dramas always call men, oh, oh Well, oh well..."

Zhai Tengyu couldn't help laughing, and laughed wildly, Jingya thought frantically, give me a hole in the ground and let me get in, it's really a shame!
"Jingya, you are so funny." Seeing that she couldn't lift her head in embarrassment, Teng Yu laughed even harder.

"Oh, it's okay!" Yin Mo actually whistled at him.

Jingya was completely speechless. She tried her best to calm down the madness, and said with a fake smile: "Okay, since both of you are here, let's go in and talk about business..."

The three of them walked to the No. [-] box. Jing Ya was just about to go in, but Yin Mo blocked her with her hand: "Hey, don't go in. Since it's a blind date, wouldn't you become a light bulb if you followed in?"

Jingya gritted her teeth and said: "I won't go in, if you dare to talk nonsense any more, I'll tear your mouth open and talk to him properly, it doesn't matter if you don't feel anything, but if you say anything about Martian culture and bird language, you have to be careful! "

"Got it, got it, more wordy than my mother!"

Yin Mo closed the door, and Jingya was blocked from the door. She sat down in a quiet place with a heartbroken heart, and analyzed whether Teng Yu's smile just now meant that he had a crush on Yin Mo. Are you interested?

Half an hour passed, the closed door was not opened, occasionally faint laughter could be heard from inside, Jingya gradually felt relieved, it seemed that they got along well!

Didi... There was a text message from the mobile phone, Jingya quickly opened it and said, "Come in, we've already talked."

It was from Yin Mo, and she said excitedly, the conversation has been made, doesn't that mean that there is no disagreement between the two?

She really didn't expect that things could go so smoothly, God knows, just now at the door Yin Mo's "Oh, let's go" was so angry that she almost had a heart attack.

Jingya pushed open the door of box No. [-], and when the door opened, she was stunned in shock...

"Then let's go together another day, shall we?" Yin Mo put his arm around Teng Yu's shoulder, smiling sweeter than honey.

"Okay, just call me whenever you have time, I'll be there anytime!" Teng Yu even pampered her on the head.

Judging from the intimate behavior of the two of them, Jingya took a deep breath, the speed of progress is too fast...

" two..." She stepped forward quickly, pointing at them, thinking it was a dream.

"Jingya, brother Tengyu is so nice, you should have introduced us earlier."

Yin Mo looked up at Jingya excitedly, but did not let go of the hand on Tengyu's shoulder.

"Do you both think each other is good?"

Jingya sat down, and gradually began to accept the fact that love, when it really came, couldn't be stopped...

"That's right, we both think each other is good, and it's too late to see each other! Right, Brother Tengyu?"

Zhai Tengyu nodded with a smile: "Yes, it's too late to meet each other."

"By the way, since Jingya is here, let her be a witness?" Yin Mo said to Tengyu sideways.

"What certificate?" Jingya looked panicked, should she be used as a witness, and the two of them will make a private decision for life now?
"We are married."


She didn't realize it for a moment: "What is sworn?"

"Of course I'm sworn brother and sister!" Yin Mo hugged Teng Yu's arm: "I've never met someone I admire so much, Brother Teng Yu, remember to bring my little sister with me when you do anything in the future!"


Jingya almost fell headfirst, she was completely confused by the two people opposite, what was this, she was clearly in love just now, why did she suddenly want to marry Jinlan as a brother and sister?

Zhai Tengyu looked at the unacceptable expression on his face, and quickly explained: "Jingya, you may have misunderstood just now. The reason I said to Xiao Mu that we met each other late was because she admired my deeds of wandering the rivers and lakes, and I admire her cute and humorous language. and mentality, so..."

"So you two can't spark love at all?"


This time, Yin Mo and Zhai Tengyu spoke in unison.

Jingya dawdled outside for a whole day before returning to Ye's house. She never felt that she was such a failure. She wanted to make a man and a woman into lovers, but the lovers didn't make it but a brother and sister. If Ye Beicheng knew about it, she would laugh her teeth out. ...

It's really embarrassing, it's useless for her to boast about Haikou, talking about Liang Shanbo, Zhu Yingtai, Romeo and Juliet, now Ye Beicheng will definitely say, look at you, let the people who were originally destined to be brothers and sisters go together Heap, what kind of eyes do you have?

"Yu Jingya." She was struggling secretly, when Ye Beicheng suddenly walked up to her and looked at her playfully: "What are you thinking, standing outside the door and not coming in."

"They didn't make it." Jing Yanuo Nuo's answer, although he didn't ask, he couldn't escape it.

"Oh." Ye Beicheng nodded lightly.

His indifferent expression made Jingya curious, she grabbed his arm, frowned and said, "Don't you wonder why it didn't work?"

"What's so curious about this? You forgot that I said from the beginning that it would be impossible. It's just your own wishful thinking."

"Ye Beicheng, you don't know how much they go too far."

"Eh, what's the matter?" Seeing her depressed face, he was curious.

Jingya told him the story from the beginning to the end, and Ye Beicheng smiled angrily after listening, "This is the result of your nonsense."

"Tch, if I knew the result, I wouldn't have wasted my efforts."

Ye Beicheng thought for a while, then suddenly said: "Why don't you introduce Yin Mo to Shaocheng? He comes from a good family background, so it's just a waste of money, but a man's love is just because he hasn't met a woman who is worthy of his sincerity. If Shaocheng treats Yin Mo Mo is interesting, then..."

"No!" Jingya flatly refused almost without thinking, and explained with flickering eyes: "People like Fei Shaocheng are not suitable for Yin Mo."

"Why not?"

"Yin Mo... Yin Mo has a strong temper and cannot tolerate a single grain of sand in her eyes. If Shaocheng is outside with women, she is likely to commit suicide, drink medicine, hit a wall, etc..."

"Oh, that's it, forget it, don't kill people then."

Ye Beicheng's thoughts came and went quickly, Jingya said anxiously, "I'm going to take a bath first."

After escaping from Ye Beicheng, Jingya let out a long breath. In fact, what I just said about committing suicide and hitting the wall was just a floating cloud.

The real point was what Fei Shaocheng said on the boat that night. She was worried that if Fei Shaocheng heard that they were going to introduce him to someone and lost control and said something that shouldn't be said, then she would really be guilty Not to mention how sad Ye Beicheng would be, Crazy Ou could kill her by himself, and even if she had a hundred mouths to explain, she would not be able to wash away the charge of destroying their brotherhood!
Thinking of Fei Shaocheng, she banged her head against the bathroom wall in annoyance: "Why do you like me? There are so many women in the world, what kind of one is there? Why do you like me, a married woman, and the wife of your best buddy?" ! Really pissed me off!"

She muttered to herself, falling into endless distress...

On the third day of Tengyu and Yin Moyi's marriage to Jinlan, Jingya suddenly learned that Tengyu was injured, a serious gunshot wound. She didn't have time to say hello to Ye Beicheng, so she took a taxi directly to his residence.

There were a bunch of men sitting in Nuo Da's living room, and most of them were injured. She approached them sadly and asked, "Where's Zhai Tengyu?"

One of the men had gauze wrapped around his head. He pointed to the direction of the bedroom: "Boss just had an operation and is resting inside."

"What's the matter with you?" She remembered the conversation she heard that night: "Meet a strong opponent?"

"No, we were plotted against!"

Another man quickly interjected: "Fuck it, there is a traitor inside, damn Yang Xiaohu, let me catch him, I will let him die!!"

The expressions on everyone's faces were extremely angry and dignified, Jingya shifted her gaze to Zhai Tengyu's room, and walked over quickly.

She pushed open the door, and the person lying on the bed had only met each other two days ago. At that time, he was still smiling like a spring breeze, but now he was so pale that he didn't even have blood.


Jingya walked to his bedside, grabbed his hand, and burst into tears instantly.

Zhai Tengyu was woken up by her mournful cry. Although he was very weak after the operation, seeing Jingya so sad for him, he managed to squeeze out a smile: "Why are you crying? I'm not dead yet."

"Why are you so useless? Aren't you the boss? I've never seen that boss being plotted against. Do you still have any brains!"

Jingya choked up and scolded him, she couldn't stop her tears, she looked at his haggard expression, and wondered if this is how he came here in the past ten years...

"I have no brain. I can't think of anything but you in my mind."

Zhai Tengyu looked at her, stretched out an arm, and gently wiped the tears on her face.

"Where is your injury?" Jingya sniffed, and quickly got up to check his wound.

"It's okay, on the shoulder, just rest for a few days..."

He frowned, Jingya followed his gaze and looked over, the right shoulder was wrapped in a thick layer of gauze, it seemed that the injury was definitely serious.

"Does it hurt?"

The tears she had just stopped flowed again. If Ye Beicheng is the only person she cares about in this world, then Tengyu is also the only one, but the nature is different. To her, he is closer than relatives .

"It doesn't hurt, and it's not the first time I've encountered this kind of thing. Fortunately, I didn't take you away cruelly back then, otherwise you don't know how many tears you would have shed."

Jingya turned around to cover her face, tears flowed down her fingers, she remembered that night ten years ago, Tengyu stood downstairs in her house and said: "Jingya, shall I elope with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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