Chapter 116

Jingya's hand holding the mouse trembled slightly. She stared at the photo of Ye Beicheng on the left side of the report, with mixed feelings in her heart. His calm eyes and calm expression were clarifying an incident that had nothing to do with him. for what?Was it to cover up that she was being cuckolded, or did she not want her to bear the pressure of public opinion?

"Ma'am? What's the matter with you?"

Seeing her silent for a long time, Li Da stared blankly at the computer screen, and Nuonuo asked with her head.

"After this report came out, how did everyone discuss it?"

Jingya asked blankly, without moving her gaze to Li Da.

He said in embarrassment: "I... don't know much about this."

"Don't lie to me, there's no way you don't know."

"I...I..." Li Da hesitated, seeing Jingya's serious face, he simply stopped hiding it: "Actually, there are two kinds of rumors outside, the first is that everyone thinks that Mr. Ye stepped forward to clarify this matter, in fact, it is to cover up The scandal of the family. The second thing is that everyone thinks that Mr. Ye loves you very much and is willing to wear a cuckold to protect you."

Jingya bit her lip, and asked leisurely, "Where is Ye Beicheng now?"

"Boss Ye... seems to be in that private villa, because yesterday's press conference was held there."

"I see, you go out."

She sent Li Da away, got up and walked to the French windows, and said to the vast sky outside the window, "I will definitely ask you, which of the two possibilities others mentioned is correct!"

That night she left the company and took a taxi directly to the villa by the sea. When she got to the gate, she took out the key but couldn't open the door. She walked to the terrace where he used to watch the sea with him. There was still some wine on the table that he had not finished drinking. , obviously he was here, and obviously he changed the key, but he just didn't want her to step in again.

It turned out that he hated her, not because he believed her, so he went to clarify those scandals.

Then, as others expected, he just swallowed this unbearable breath just for the sake of the family's reputation.

Jingya trotted to the door, knocked on the door vigorously, and shouted loudly: "Ye Beicheng, open the door for me, I know you are inside! Open the door, let's talk about it face to face!"

"Since you don't want to see me, why did you go to clarify for me? You just leave me alone, you have no shortage of women, you don't have to wrong yourself to wear a cuckold! Come out, come out!!"

Her hands were numb from clapping, but the cold door was never opened, but who is she, she is Yu Jingya, she will not give in to fate easily, since she is here, she must see her No matter what method you use, you must see people!

"Ye Beicheng, listen to me clearly. I don't want you to cover up for me, because I have a clear conscience. I swear to God that I have never done anything wrong to you, so I won't be grateful to you, others If you want to talk, let them talk, I don't care! I will go my own way, and I will say whatever others say!"

She stomped her feet vigorously, went to the steps in front of the door and sat down, turned her head and yelled at the closed door again: "If you don't open the door today, I will just sit here all night. I don't believe you If you don’t come out, I’ll spend my whole life with you, I’m not afraid I can’t afford it!!”

She sat stubbornly on the marble floor, the cold wind blowing bitterly in the cold winter night, she was not in good health these past few days, she couldn't hold on after just sitting for a while, but she refused to leave, her hands clenched tightly Hugging his knees, he encouraged himself over and over again: "Persevere, my father-in-law said, as long as you persevere, you will have everything."

The night was getting deeper and deeper, the wind was blowing colder and colder, but the door behind her still showed no sign of opening. Jingya felt that she could not wait like this any longer. If Ye Beicheng was determined not to see her, she would die here tonight. People will know.

She got up and walked to the left side of the villa. There was a long ladder over there. She had sat on it when she first came here. Now, she decided to give it a go. If she climbed up, she would If you can see Ye Beicheng, you can make it clear to him face to face. If you are unlucky and fall off, it means that there is no relationship between her and him after all. Even if she falls to death, she will admit it!

After making up her mind, she straightened the ladder, put her hands to her mouth and breathed out a few breaths, rubbed it vigorously, lifted her feet, and stepped up without hesitation.

She had experience climbing over walls in her natal family before, but it was the first time she had climbed such a high ladder. If she hadn't been forced to do so, she would not have wanted to do such an uncertain thing.

Ye Beicheng, just wait, I, Yu Jingya, won't be defeated so easily!

Maybe it was because of Shang Chuilian, she successfully climbed to the window on the second floor, pushed it lightly, and the window opened, she jumped into the room with all her strength, when the lights in the room came on, Ye Beicheng Looking at her in shock, his face was livid.

"How did you get in?" he asked sharply.

"I know magic tricks, I flew in!"

Jingya stared at him sadly. For seven or eight days, he avoided seeing her. He didn't know how much she missed him!

Ye Beicheng walked quickly to the window, took a look, turned around and asked angrily: "You want to die if you climb this ladder, don't you?"

"What? Do you care about me? You won't open the door for me anyway. Instead of freezing to death outside, I might as well fight for a glimmer of hope. Am I not dead now? My strong will proves that I won!"

"Get out, I don't want to see you."

Ye Beicheng turned his back, and the cold air radiated from his body, forcing Jingya to dare not step forward.

"I can go out, but I have to check with you a question, why did you hold a press conference yesterday afternoon, saying that the man who kissed me was you?"

"What? You also admitted that you kissed other men?"

"I didn't. At that time, someone wanted to kill Zhai Tengyu. I had no choice but to cover his head with clothes, pretending that it was just a pair of ordinary lovers making out!"

"Then do you dare to say that you didn't kiss?"

Jingya was stunned, because in fact, Zhai Tengyu did kiss her, but she didn't want to. In that case, she had no choice at all.

"What? Don't dare to answer? Or are you embarrassed to admit it?"

Ye Beicheng turned around and approached her, the anger in his eyes wanted to burn her to ashes.

"Okay, I admit that Tengyu kissed me, but I didn't kiss him. He kissed me just because of his wishful thinking. I didn't push him away for his safety. We didn't do anything other than this transgressive behavior." Anything that I'm sorry to you, whether you believe it or not, I have a clear conscience!"

Oh, with a clear conscience?He snorted coldly: "With a clear conscience, why do you still come here to explain to me? You can just go on with a clear conscience. Haven't you heard that an explanation is a cover-up, and a cover-up is the truth?"

"Ye Beicheng! Don't go too far. Let me tell you. You don't care about me. You don't care about the company. Let me stand there alone. I'll explain to you and you still say I'm covering up. Could it be that you and Yang Qianxue have a relationship? Is the time pure and clear?"

"It's really good of you to remind me. Our previous agreement was that if you didn't get along with Zhai Tengyu, I would not associate with Yang Qianxue. Now that you have violated the original agreement, then I don't need to fulfill my promise to you. How dare you have a relationship with Zhai Tengyu?" Kissing in the street, I dare to lie in bed with Yang Qianxue, although I haven't touched any woman since I got you, but now, I don't think I need to guard myself for you anymore!"

Jingya was trembling with anger at his angry words, tears that had accumulated for a long time fell down, she cried and stepped forward to push him, saying: "Okay, then you go to sleep with her, I don't care! I don't care for whom you guard yourself like a jade!"

Ye Beicheng squeezed her wrist: "Yes, of course you don't care about it, because you have Zhai Tengyu now, and you wish I could sleep with Qianxue, so that you can stay by his side in an open and honest manner."

"You bastard!" Jingya couldn't bear it anymore, she tried her best to break free from his hand, stomped on his foot, turned around and ran to the window.

"What are you doing?" Ye Beicheng roared behind her.

"Aren't you going to let me go? I'll disappear right now, out of sight and out of sight!"

"The door is there, you don't have eyes!"

"How did I get here, so I will go. It would be even better if unfortunately you fall to your death, then you can be completely free, and live happily ever after with your little sister Qianxue!"

She jumped onto the window sill as if death was at home, and stretched out one leg to step on the ladder. Ye Beicheng closed his eyes reluctantly, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, stepped forward and grabbed her: "Come down, don't live in front of me if you don't want to live!" die!"

"I will die right in front of you, I will make you have nightmares every night, and I will make you unable to get out of my shadow for the rest of your life!"

Jingya struggled desperately and jumped down desperately. Ye Beicheng held her hand tightly, with a terrifyingly gloomy expression.

She was determined to escape from his restraint, but when she saw that he would not let go, she opened her mouth and bit his hand hard. Leaning to the right, she almost rolled down with the ladder, but she didn't expect that at the critical moment, the hand that let go of her grabbed her again.

Ye Beicheng lifted her up with both hands, and dragged her up. Because of the impact, the two fell to the ground together. Jingya pressed on Ye Beicheng. The shock just now and the physical discomfort before, a series of The reason made her eyes go dark, and she lost consciousness instantly.

When she woke up again, she was still in Ye Beicheng's villa, but there was no sign of him in the room except herself.

She put on her coat and got out of bed, and walked downstairs along the handrail. There was no one in the living room. She walked outside the door and saw Ye Beicheng sitting by the balcony admiring the sea.

She slowly approached him, Ye Beicheng turned his head when he heard the sound of footsteps, with a complicated expression on his face, he turned his head and took a sip of his wine, without saying a word to her.

Jingya walked up to him, choked up and said, "What on earth do you want? Do you really plan to never forgive me for the rest of your life?"

(End of this chapter)

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