Chapter 119

"Pay it off?" Ye Beicheng sneered, pointed at him and said, "Fei Shaocheng, you will never pay it off in this lifetime!"

He cast a cold look in his eyes and turned to leave. No one would know how much his heart hurts at the moment. When his feelings were so messed up, the brother he had been with for more than [-] years actually stepped in. Isn't that Sprinkle a handful of salt on his festering heart, but stuff a piece of ice into his heart, completely chilling his heart...

Jingya chased after him with all her strength, she grabbed him desperately, and cried, "Beicheng, don't be sad, if you don't have friends, you will be gone. You still have me, and I will always only love you in my heart!!"

Ye Beicheng glanced at him coldly, and asked indifferently, "You knew that he had feelings for you, didn't you?"

"Yes, I know, but I have already made it clear to him, and he also promised not to mention it again. I didn't dare to tell you before, because I was afraid of affecting the relationship between you. I don't want you to leave because of me." Up to this point..."

"Then if you don't say it, haven't you come this far? Are you happy to see me look like a fool in the dark, Yu Jingya, what kind of woman are you? You have completely disrupted my world , you woman, really make me lose my appetite!"

Seeing Ye Beicheng's disappearing figure, Jingya crouched helplessly on the ground and cried. She has always been full of confidence in her marriage, but now, she gradually no longer has confidence, because the world is changing. Too fast, there are too many things that she cannot control...

"Jingya, don't cry." Someone patted her on the back, and that voice made her feel scared and terrified.

She raised her teary eyes, got up and looked at the man behind her bitterly, and said through gritted teeth: "Fei Shaocheng, you heard me clearly, I despise you, I only know now that you are not as good as Ouyang Feng, he will No problem, my friend's wife won't bully, what he did may be excessive, but he didn't have any malice, he just wanted Beicheng to be happy from the beginning to the end, and you are the one who really destroys other people's happiness!"

Fei Shaocheng caught up with her running steps: "Jingya, don't get excited, listen to me."

"I don't listen, you get out, get out as far as you can! I hate you, I don't want to see you again!"

"Okay, I'll go, but you can hear me clearly, I can stop destroying your marriage, but if you can't live on one day, I will never let you go."

"Even if we can't go on, it's not your turn!"

Jingya pushed him away violently, hailed a taxi, and fled this place that made her angry and sad.

When Ouyang Feng sent Yin Mo to the door of the house, he didn't intend to go in, but patted her on the cheek and whispered: "Hey, wake up, you're home, I'll go first."

He left her outside the door, then rang the doorbell a few times, quickly got into the car, and left quickly...

Seeing a middle-aged woman dragging her home from the rearview mirror, she smiled angrily. Fortunately, she ran fast, otherwise the mother would have slapped him indiscriminately and cried She clamored that he took advantage of her daughter.

These days, if you can't be a good person, don't be a good person, and you can't be ashamed if you are a good person.

Jingya stood in front of the villa by the sea, surrounded by darkness and deserted. Ye Beicheng hadn't come back yet, but she knew that he would come here. Because of her, the Ye family's mansion was no longer a place he wanted to go.

She stood in a secluded place for a long time, her legs were numb, the world was almost black in her eyes, without a ray of light, until she heard the sound of the car, she seemed to see the last light from the dark world, so she She was waiting for him to get off the car full of excitement, and she had already made up her mind that she was willing to let go of all her self-esteem and pride tonight and take the initiative to ask him for peace.

But what she never expected was that he was not the one who got out of the car at the same time, but a woman, Yang Qianxue.

The last ray of dawn was shattered, and the world became dark again. She stood there numbly, watching him and her approaching her.

Yang Qianxue wanted to go up to talk to her, but was stopped by Ye Beicheng. When the two of them walked past her, Jingya suddenly took a step forward and held Ye Beicheng's hand tightly——

He stopped and said to Qianxue, "You go in first."

Yang Qianxue cast a meaningful glance at Jingya, then turned and entered the living room of the villa.

"What did you bring her here for?"

She choked up and asked him, holding his hand trembling slightly.

"What do you think? Isn't this what you want? It's not that you asked me to take her to bed, and then..."

"I take back what I said!" Jing Ya cut him off.

"Beicheng, can you go home with me? It's my fault. I shouldn't have said that I asked you to take Qianxue to bed. I know you're sad. I shouldn't have misunderstood you, and Shaocheng shouldn't have betrayed you, either. We are all sorry for you, but don't use this way to paralyze yourself, okay?"

Ye Beicheng looked at her expressionlessly: "You know I'm sad? Do you really know? You won't know. You'll never know how much my heart hurts."

He tore off her hand and walked straight in. Jingya stepped forward to stop him again: "I know, Beicheng, I really know! I beg you, don't keep Qianxue here overnight, you can do whatever you want, just don't... Can you keep her here? I really can't bear it..."

"That's not what you said last night. You said that I took her to bed, and we owe nothing to each other. For your words, I have to work hard in this direction to live a good life in the future!"

After Ye Beicheng finished speaking, he entered the villa without looking back. Jingya heard the sound of closing the door, and there was a loud bang, which instantly shattered the marriage she had always wanted to maintain meticulously.

She slumped on the ground, her mind was blank, she had obviously put down her self-esteem and begged him, but it turned out to be in vain.

The matter has come to this point, she can't make Ye Beicheng turn back if she stays here, but she refuses to leave, she holds on to her last hope, hoping that the people inside can change their minds.

Time passed by, the cold door behind her remained silent, and the person she was waiting for never showed up, her heart sank gradually, if she didn't want to leave before, she just had hope , Then in the end, the reason why she didn't want to leave was not that she still had hope, but that she had no strength to leave.

All her strength was slowly worn away while waiting.

Ye Beicheng was sitting on the sofa in the bedroom, and he had already smoked several cigarettes. The huge bedroom was filled with a strong smell of tobacco. Yang Qianxue came out of the bathroom, wearing only a thin bathrobe. Go in front of him, squat beside his knees, and say softly, "Beicheng, stop smoking."

He ignored her and continued to breathe thick smoke rings. Yang Qianxue put her arms around his waist and pressed her head tightly against his chest.

"Beicheng, stay with me. I won't make you suffer so much. Our past is very happy, isn't it?"

She begged him pitifully, and kissed the back of his hand. Seeing that he was still silent, she simply sat on his lap, hugged his neck, and wanted to take the initiative to kiss his lips.

Ye Beicheng stretched out a hand to block her enthusiasm, and said coldly, "Qianxue, do you know that I brought you here tonight just to use you?"

"I know."

"You know why it's still like this?"

"Because I am willing to be used by you!"

Yang Qianxue stared into his eyes and bit her lower lip tightly. Such a slight movement reminded him of Jingya, who also liked to bite her lip like this when she was stubborn or sad.

There was a moment of trance, he seemed to see that the woman in front of him was Jing Ya, her face was slowly approaching him, he became more and more confused, at the critical moment when his lips were about to cling, he pushed her away violently , suddenly awakened.

"Beicheng, why don't you kiss me?"

"Sorry, I thought it was Jingya just now."

This sentence was really hurtful, Yang Qianxue burst into tears, she choked up and said, "Do you have to say it so directly? It doesn't matter if you lie to me, but don't say it so frankly, my heart will hurt."

Seeing her standing on the side crying silently, Ye Beicheng's heart softened, maybe he really shouldn't have said it so directly just now, after all, he can now understand the feeling of heartache better than anyone else.


He threw the unfinished half of the cigarette into the ashtray, got up and walked in front of Qianxue, and patted her on the shoulder guiltily.

Yang Qianxue threw herself into his arms, hugged him tightly, raised her chin and begged, "Beicheng, can you kiss me? You haven't kissed me for a long time..."

Ye Beicheng froze for a while, thinking about the anger that could not be vented in his heart, he lowered his head numbly, and moved towards the slightly parted lips, but as the distance got closer and closer, it was not the one that he really wanted to kiss. His face became more and more clear, and when he reached her nose, he stared at the familiar and unfamiliar face in front of him, and moved away decadently again.

"Ye Beicheng!" Yang Qianxue seemed to have been humiliated and humiliated by a man who didn't even have the desire to kiss her. She was not only sad but also frustrated...

"Qianxue, I'm really sorry, I can't do that to you."

"What? Can't you? Can't, or don't want to, or don't dare?!"

"do not love."

He left two words indifferently, got up and went to the next room.

Yang Qianxue hugged him tightly from behind, and said sadly: "Beicheng, don't treat me like this, I am so quiet and elegant, you used to be so obsessed with my body, why did you not even look at me after having her?" So unwilling..."

Ye Beicheng didn't speak, but stood silently.

"Tell me, why? How is that woman better than me? She is not younger than me, nor is she much prettier than me. What attracts you? Bewitches you?"

"There is no reason to like someone. I can't say what is good about her, but there is no one to replace her."

(End of this chapter)

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