Chapter 121

She put down these words resolutely, turned around and left the study, and the moment she closed the door, she was as crisp and neat as her determination to get a divorce.

It was five days later that Ouyang Feng found out about the matter between Fei Shaocheng and Ye Beicheng. On that day, he invited two friends to drink together as usual, but they were rejected at the same time.

From Ye Beicheng's mouth, he learned of Fei Shaocheng's betrayal, and after that, he sat alone in the phantom for a whole night.

That night, he thought a lot, thinking about their ten-year-old, 20-year-old appearance, and now 30-year-old appearance. He once thought that they would be friends in this life, but he couldn't resist the teasing of fate after all.

I can't tell what my mood was at the moment I knew it, because there are too many emotions, shock, anger, sadness, disappointment, sadness, depression...

The next night, he asked Fei Shaocheng alone to meet him at a strange bar.

Fei Shaocheng was already mentally prepared, but he couldn't get used to meeting him in an unfamiliar bar. Maybe he was not used to meeting his good friend like a shadow in a place other than the phantom.

"Ouyang, why make an appointment here?"

He entered the strange box and looked at his former friend quite sadly. Perhaps this was the last time they met alone. He knew Ouyang Feng's character better than anyone else.

"What do you think? No appointment here? Do you still want to go to Phantom? Are you still qualified to go to Phantom? Even if you are allowed to go, don't you feel like sitting on pins and needles?"

Fei Shaocheng understood, and went straight to the point: "If you're looking for me because of Jingya, just tell me directly."

"Oh, you're quite calm, I'm really surprised that you even called Jingya's name so easily, no wonder you always opposed me when I didn't like her so much, so you have already made up her mind! "

Ouyang Feng sneered: "Brother Bei has been guarding against thieves outside, but who knows, real thieves are the most difficult to guard against."

"I know it's useless for me to say anything now, so I don't plan to explain anything. I can also say to your face what I said to Brother Bei. My feelings for Yu Jingya are not a joke."

Bang... Ouyang Feng punched down angrily, and Fei Shaocheng fell on the sofa. This was the second time in his lifetime that he was beaten because of a woman, because of a friendship.

"Why you? Even if men all over the world have thoughts about Yu Jingya, you can't! Do you know why you can't? Because you are our friend, Yu Jingya is your friend's wife, a friend's wife can't be bullied, you What the hell are you pretending to be B?!"

Fei Shaocheng raised his head coldly, and said firmly, "Very well, I have finally paid off what I owed you."

"Yeah, very good, we are finally done with each other, Fei Shaocheng, you are amazing, you ruined the friendship we have carefully maintained for more than [-] years in one day, from now on, we The three of you are no longer friends! I will keep my eyes open to see what you can get in exchange for sacrificing morality today!"

Yin Mo heard that Jingya was not in good health, so she decided to go to Ye's house to see her. Although the two were good friends, since Jingya married into a wealthy family, she had never been to Ye's house once.

It happened that it was the weekend when she went, and Ye Beicheng was also at home. The domestic servant led her to the living room, and was about to go upstairs to announce when Ye Beicheng came out.

"Master, there is a lady who wants to see the young mistress."

Ye Beicheng glanced at the center of the living room, and walked straight towards Yin Mo. Seeing him coming, Yin Mo tried to squeeze out a smile: "Ha, Ye Beicheng, long time no see."


He nodded strangely: "Jingya is upstairs."

Seeing that he was about to go out, Yin Mo stopped him with a brainstorm: "Wait a minute."

Ye Beicheng stopped in his tracks and asked lightly, "Is there something wrong?"

"Well... I want to ask, how are you and Jingya doing?"


"Are you still misunderstanding about her and Brother Tengyu? Let me tell you, the two of them are innocent. Brother Tengyu likes Jingya, but the person Jingya likes is you. Does he like her? Jingya can't control his affairs, but it's your business that Jingya likes you, you can't ignore her, can you?"

Ye Beicheng turned his head: "Miss Yin, are you twisting your tongue?"

"No, I just want to make it clear to you that I don't want you two to have any trouble because of this misunderstanding..."

"The relationship between me and her is not as simple as you think."

He left without saying a word, and left without looking back. Yin Mo stared at his back and sighed helplessly.

"Mu Mu."

Someone called her upstairs, she turned her head and saw that it was Jingya, so she ran up quickly.

"Why are you here?" Jingya asked suspiciously.

"I'll come to see you! You can't get through on your mobile phone. I went to your company to find you. A man who claimed to be Brother Da said that you were not feeling well and rested at home."

"Oh..." Jingya took her hand: "Go, sit in the room."

"What's the matter with you? You look haggard, is it because of Tengyu?"

"No, it's hard to say."

Jingya's face darkened, and Yin Mo said in great confusion: "What's wrong with you? I met Ye Beicheng downstairs just now, and he also had a cold face. Seeing you now, it's like a mold carved out of you. .”

"He and I are going to divorce."

"What!!!" Yin Mo jumped up from the sofa in shock: "Yu Jingya, aren't you? What kind of conflict is serious enough to divorce? Don't you love him anymore? Or he doesn't love you anymore?"

"I'm tired, he's tired too, we both want to be quiet."

"Who suggested it?"

Jingya lowered her head: "It's me."

"You are stupid, you have to let him mention it, so that you can share the property!"

"Mumu..." Jingya gave him a displeased look: "I'm married to Ye Beicheng, and I've never peeped into his property. Don't tarnish our relationship."

"Do you still have feelings between you?" Yin Mo rolled his eyes angrily: "If you have feelings, how did you get to the point of divorce?"

"Divorce is not because of lack of love, you have never been married, you don't understand."

"Tch, I hope I never understand. Seeing you like this, I don't even have the desire to get married."

Jingya turned her head sadly and stopped talking. Seeing that she was silent, Yin Mo took the initiative to ask, "Did he agree?"

"Not yet, but he said he would consider it."

"Consider?" Yin Mo frowned and thought: "It's strange, usually when a woman proposes a divorce, the man either agrees or disagrees. I haven't seen anyone consider it yet. What is he thinking about?"

She thought for a moment, then patted her thigh: "I see!"

"Know what?" Jingya asked.

"I know why he considered it. There are only two possibilities. The first one is that he loves you and is reluctant to give up. The second one is that he will find a way to make you lose the property."

"Why are you the same as my parents now? The smell of copper is all in your mind."

Jingya couldn't take it anymore and gave her a white look: "Ye Beicheng, that's not that kind of person."

"Tsk tsk, just deceive yourself, you also hope that he is the first possibility, right?"

"I tell you with certainty, even if it's not the first type, it's definitely not the second type, because I know better than anyone that he is definitely not the kind of heartless person you said!"

Yin Mo sighed meaningfully: "Yu Jingya, since your Ye Beicheng is so good, then don't divorce him. For a man like him, if you divorce, countless bees will immediately pounce on him." gone."

"What three men?"

"Wealth, looks, height..."

"Go ahead, if you really get divorced, he has the right to find happiness again."

Jingya didn't seem to care, but she felt as uncomfortable as a cat scratching her heart. When she thought of Ye Beicheng being with other women one day in the future, she felt as if something was blocking her heart.

"Look at your expression, how generous you are, you say you want him to be happy, but in your heart you wish he could blow it off with anyone!"


Yin Mo sat at Ye's house all afternoon, and before he left, he finally said something human: "Jingya, think about it clearly, you and Ye Beicheng have hope if you don't get divorced, once you get divorced, there will be real love between you." It's over."

Jingya nodded. In fact, these days, she hasn't thought about it. Even though she is very reluctant and unwilling, what can she do?Since we can't go back to the original love, no one will be happy if we are forced to be together, especially now that Fei Shaocheng's incident happened, the hurdle in Ye Beicheng's heart is even more difficult to overcome, maybe she is an unknown person, She staying by his side will always bring him more pain than happiness.

On Monday, Jingya waited and waited, but Ye Beicheng still didn't give her an answer. She stood at the door of the study, and when she heard a cough coming from inside, she felt her heart throbbing, turned around and ran downstairs.

When she appeared in front of him with rock candied pear water, she saw a hint of surprise in his eyes, but it was only fleeting and was soon replaced by indifference.

"It's cold at night, don't sleep in the study."

Ye Beicheng stared at the computer screen expressionlessly, waiting for her to say something.

"I'm going to sleep in the eldest sister's room, you can go back to the bedroom to sleep tonight."

His eyes dimmed, and he raised his head: "No need, it's up to me where I sleep."

Jingya already clearly felt that he didn't want her to stay here, but she didn't take a step to leave. Seeing that she had no intention of leaving, he asked abruptly, "Is there anything else?"

In fact, he knew in his heart that she wanted to talk about the divorce, but subconsciously, he just didn't want to give her a chance to say this.

"It's okay, you remember to drink this while it's hot."

Jingya put down the rock sugar pear water in her hand, turned and left the study.

She didn't know why she came out like this. She just wanted to tell him that she was going to sue the court for divorce, but seeing his haggard face, she couldn't open her mouth anyway.

Ye Beicheng leaned tiredly on the back of the chair, staring at the steaming bowl of rock candied pear water, a gleam of warmth crept into his cold heart, just now God knows how afraid he was that she would say the word divorce , although he understands that it won't be long, but as long as she doesn't mention it, he feels that at least she is willing to stay by his side.

Even for a day, it's okay.

(End of this chapter)

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